Things I Do for Idiots

Things I Do For Idiots

"Slap the Zacky!" I yelled laughing, I turned around and gulped as I seen Matt staring at me with his arms crossed.

"Where did you go?" he asked, I shrugged and stood up.

"You know, around?" I said making Jimmy chuckle.

"Payge," Matt said in a stern tone.

"Subdivision," I mumbled

"And who killed my car?" he asked raising one eyebrow, his left one.

"That would be I," I said pointing to myself.

"What happened?" he asked sighing as he uncrossed his arms and sat down in the recliner.

"They were teaching me to drive Matt, I'm real good now," I said nodding frantically.

"Ah man Payge, I was going to teach you!" Brian said as he hit the pillow beside him like a child.

"I was bored, and the guys offered, you can drive me to school," I said smiling

"Now wai-"

"It's settled, Payge's new ride is Brian, she goes to school tomorrow morning at seven thirty, she needs to be up by six guys, so help me," Matt said as he stood up.

"What?" Brian and I yelled at the same time.

"You heard me, both of you," Matt said smiling as he walked to the stairs.

---------- ------------ -----------

"Payge get up," Zacky said walking in my room; I looked up from under my bed sheets to see him trip and fall to the floor.

"Why?" I whined slowly getting out of bed, he grabbed onto my leg and pulled himself up.

"You, have school," he mumbled with his eyes closed, I slapped his face and his eyes went wide.

"Ow!" he yelled, he's wide awake now.

"You're awake," I mumbled yawning as I walked out of the bedroom to the hallway, I walked down the hallway to Brian's door and knocked on it before turning around and walking to the bathroom.

"He's still not out?" I asked dressed and ready to go, Zacky nodded as he lay in bed, I was at his doorway, waiting for Brian to come on, I wasn't even sure if he was awake.

"Haven't heard him walk by yet," Zacky mumbled with his eyes closed.

"I'll go knock again," I said after looking at my wrist watch again, I walked to his door and knocked hard on the door.

"I'm coming, stop fuckin' knocking!" he yelled, I stepped back with wide eyes and ran for Zacky's room.

"You pissed him off didn't you?' he mumbled under his comforter, I jumped on the bed and hid underneath the comforter.

"Yea, he sounds pissed," I mumbled

"Get out from under my covers and go to school!" Zacky shouted pushing me off the bed.

I mumbled incoherent words at Zacky as I walked to the door and waited for Brian, five minutes later I heard footsteps so I peeked my head out the door-frame to see Brian wearing his black Syn shirt, red fedora hat, black bandanna, black jacket and blue jeans with his sunglasses.

"Why are you so dressed up?" I asked walking behind him.

"You get me up at six in the morning to go back to my high school, I'm either checking out chicks that are cheerleaders or I'm going to the mall," he said placing large black sunglasses on his eyes.

"One, I don't want anyone knowing I live with Avenged Sevenfold, so I would appreciate you not flirting with anyone at the school, but I'll walk to the mall since it's close if you'll be there, so you won't have to pick me up," I suggested

"Fine, I'll most likely be in guitar world or the food court," he said walking down the steps.

"Thank you Brian, I appreciate all this," I said smiling as I walked after him, he threw his hand up as he opened the door signaling you're welcome I guess.

"Who's car?" I asked, he held up a pair of keys and turned to me with a smile.

"Jimmy's," he said smiling, I looked over to see Jimmy's convertible from Bat Country video; I researched Avenged Sevenfold last night that song is rather catchy I must say.

"Wicked," I said walking after him to Jimmy's sweet ride.
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If you check my pictures, there is a banner showing what Paige looks like in there.

Comment please :)
