Status: Should be finished anyday now. -_-'

Just Business

History Lesson

♦”My Queen,” began a Club. “What is it?” Winston, her second-in-command asked. “Winston please, I’ll handle this.” the Queen responded glancing at him before returning her attention to the Club. “What is it?” she echoed. Winston glanced away rolling his eyes. “It appears the…white rabbit that we decapitated earlier this day may have been telling the truth about Hatter.” The Club said. “Oh?” the Queen replied sounding moody. “This was taken from a damaged scarab my Queen.” The Club said stepping forward and presenting her with an extremely thin, almost fluid screen which activated the moment she touched it. “Why the hell are you being so difficult?” Hatter asked the female stepping closer to her. “Why the hell did you bring me here?” she replied. Hatter looked right at the scarab. “Damn NO.” he shouted pulling the female behind him with one hand and holding up an object with the other. The Queen paused the feedback. “What is that?” she asked Winston pointing to the thing in Hatter’s hand. Winston peeked over her shoulder. “A snowglobe my Liege.” The Club spoke up. “Was I talking to you?” the Queen replied. The Club swallowed uncomfortably. “It is a snowglobe. People from the oyster world collect them for fun.” Winston answered. “Fun?” The Queen repeated studying the object. “How strange…” she murmured playing the video. The branding beam reflected off the snowglobe, blinding the girl who raised her hands automatically. “~~~~~!” Hatter complained. ~~~~~ gawked at her left hand. “She’s been branded. She’s an oyster?!” The Queen noted. “C’mon!” Hatter said grabbing her arm. ~~~~ stared at the scarab running backwards then came to her senses and turned around. “W-What is this?” she demanded. “It’s the Suits way of branding their catch.” Hatter answered. “Suits? Catch?!” ~~~~ repeated. “Forget it, RUN.” Hatter replied. “Catch them.” The Queen breathed. “I AMHHHH!” ~~~~~ cried as she was lifted off her feet by a metallic claw. “Yes!” the Queen said eagerly. Hatter gripped the snowglobe by its based and crashed it and his fist into the arm of the claw. ~~~~~ fell into his arms. “No!” the Queen complained. Hatter pulled a gun out of the back of his pants and began shooting at the scarab. The feedback stopped abruptly and the Queen chucked the screen at the Club irritably. “This is an outrage! How could Hatter deny us an oyster?” she demanded rising to her feet. “If you ask me, it looked like he cared for her.” Winston replied. “Don’t be ridiculous.” The Queen sneered barely glancing at him. “Tell the Suits to scout out his teashop. I want them both standing in front of me before the end of the day!” she announced. ♦

Hatter silently led you along a wall of teal doors. Just when you were about to say something, he paused in front of a door and rapped on it. A sliding peephole opened revealing a set of wrinkled eyes and gray hair. “I’m returning a library book,” Hatter announced, causing you to glance at him in surprise. “It’s the works of Edwin and Maulca.”

“Seriously?” you spoke up. Hatter just glanced at you.

“How does the little croc improve his shiny tail?” the old man asked.

“He pours water of the Nile on every golden scale.” Hatter answered.

You frowned as the peephole slid shut and the old man pushed the door open. He was wearing a cadet cap, a red and brown scarf and a black jacket. The space he was standing in looked suspiciously like the interior of a schoolbus. “Hey who’s she?” he asked.

“Relax, Dodo’s expecting her.” Hatter replied brushing by him.

“She’s an oyster.” The old man said unmoving.

“Excuse me?” you asked.

Hatter rolled his eyes from behind the old timer. “Come inside ~~~~~.” He urged. The old man stepped away hesitantly and you entered the schoolbus. The door sprang shut behind you startling you. “Hold on, bit of a bumpy ride.” Hatter announced as he hit a blue button on the dashboard. The schoolbus lurched and started traveling downward. This makeshift elevator was bumpy as it flew by various floors. You clenched the pole unsteadily. Apparently the old man and Hatter were used to this since they were unaffected.

“You know it’s dangerous bringing oysters here Hatter.” The old man said perching on a seat.

“Oh please. I’ve spent my life smuggling more dangerous things in here than this.” Hatter replied.

“Hey I am not a ‘this’ and I’m not an oyster!” you responded. Hatter just studied you a moment.

The old man rose with an annoyed moan. “You’re not paying attention!” he told Hatter, pushing past him. You watched as he gripped a lever but your eyes darted to Hatter as he held onto your waist. Before you could say anything the bus lurched to a violent stop causing you to nearly fall onto Hatter, your hands gripping his arms for support. You blinked once or twice as he looked at you silently. “Ahem.” The old man added.

Releasing each other at the same time, Hatter held a hand out. “Ladies first.” He said. Glancing over your shoulder you watched as the door swung open revealing a shaky old woman with a shotgun pointed at you. You faced her raising your hands. She was wearing her curly brown hair in a silkly bow that made her look as if she had deer ears. A multi-colored shawl was tied around the shoulders of her brown and white polka-dot dress and her horn-rimmed glasses made her look more intimating than she probably was. “Doris you’re not being very friendly.” Hatter warned as you took an automatic step backward. (is that her name? idk if she had one..)

“Hatter?” Doris responded with a strong Irish drawl. Directly behind Doris was a chandelier amid a pot-marked ceiling.

“Doris. Lower the gun, you’re scaring her.” Hatter said.

Doris did as she was told. “Sorry Hatter. Is this her?” she asked stepping away so you and Hatter could get out of the bus.

“It is.” Hatter agreed looking at her not you.

Doris circled you a little. “Why does she have a shotgun?” you whispered to Hatter.

“Same reason anyone else has a shotgun, for protection.” Hatter said.

“She’s pretty.” Doris decided. “You two would make a lovely couple.”

“Right.” Hatter chuckled studying the red carpet as Doris walked along a tan railing into a hallway.

“You don’t have to sound so snobby about it Hatter.” You said as he followed her and you followed her.

He looked surprised as he glanced at you. “Snobby? I may be a lot of things ~~~~~ but snobby isn’t one of them…is it Doris?” he responded, returning his focus to her.

“Aye no way. Just last week he brought us a box of meats and cheese. So good that it’s gone already!” Doris said.

“I’ll see what I can do about bringing you more.” Hatter replied. The walls of the hallway were water-worn but you suspected they were once white with gold trimming. Glancing over the railing you saw clusters of people far below among piles upon piles of books.

“Wait,” you said grabbing Hatter’s wrist. “Who are those people?” you asked still looking down.

“Refugees - anyone who doesn’t want to be part of the Queen’s Instant Gratification.” Hatter answered leaning a hand on the railing.

You blinked about to speak when you realized your hand was still clamped around his wrist. Blushing you let go of him. “What do you mean the Queen’s…Instant Gratification?” you asked looking down at the people again.

“She controls the residents of Wonderland with a quick fix of emotion. Any emotion you want, any time you want it.” Hatter said.


“Dodo’s better at explaining stuff than me. C’mon.”

You grabbed his wrist again. “I think she likes you.” Doris spoke up. Hatter glanced back at her and blushing again your hand slipped free, but his fingers caught yours as he returned his attention to you.

“What ~~~~~?” he asked softly.

“Why cant you explain it to me?” you murmured.

“Cause. It’s disturbing stuff, and Dodo is plenty disturbing himself.” Hatter said turning to follow Doris. You sighed as he tugged you along, your fingers still knotted together.

Doris walked to the door at the very end of the hallway and urged the two of you inside. The first thing you saw in Dodo’s room were two curved trees, their overlapping branches covered the ceiling. The wall to your left was a mosaic of a castle and the rest of the rather bland space was devoted to piles of books, lights, a desk and Dodo himself standing behind it. He had grayish black hair with a goatee and wide brown eyes. “So this is your oyster.” He mused with a deep English drawl. “I must say, you have better taste than I gave you credit for Hatter.”

“Actually,” Hatter paused to shake free his fingers from yours. “Ratty was the one who picked her out. I just told him to bring the prettiest girl he saw.” He replied. You stared at him but he was studying Dodo.

“Well bravo.” Dodo said.

“I agree.” Hatter replied glancing at you briefly. His eyes then darted to the floor. “Now. My cut?” he continued.

“Course. It’s already been forwarded to your teashop.” Dodo said.

“What? No! She nearly got snatched by a scarab, it saw my face, I’m sure my shop is getting ransacked as we speak!” Hatter responded, clearly upset.

“Oops.” Dodo said returning his focus to you.

“Wait, cut? Hey, did you just sell me?!” you asked Hatter who refused to look at you.

“In a way.” Dodo answered.

You glanced from him back to Hatter who was now looking at you. “Just business ~~~~~.” He said lowly. Feeling a pang of confused betrayal you slapped him, then gasped as Doris raised her shotgun. Hatter held a hand out towards her, eyes on you. “No I deserved that…I’m sorry.” He said softly.

“Never heard you say that before Hatter.” Dodo spoke up as you turned away from Hatter.

“~~~~~.” He murmured.

“Leave me alone Hatter.” You murmured back, crossing your arms. “What do you want from me?” you asked Dodo.

“She needs a history lesson first.” Hatter said and you realized he must have been speaking from the door since his voice was slightly faint. You glanced back at him but the door was already swinging closed.

“He does seem sweet on you…most unlike him.” Dodo mused.

♦Hatter exhaled as he leaned against the railing. “You like her, even after she slapped you?” Doris asked. Hatter laughed slightly. “Drop that would you?” he murmured, his gaze darting down. “It’s okay to like someone Hatter. It’s rare here. Even rarer where she’s from.” Doris responded. Hatter slowly shook his head as he focused on a couple huddled close together, the male rubbing the female’s back reassuringly as he kissed her cheek. Hatter tilted his head. “Trust me Doris, after a bit of tea I’ll forget all about whatsername.” He said tonelessly. “I don’t believe you.” Doris said as she walked away. Hatter glanced at her retreating back then down at the couple again. “…Yeah, me neither.” He murmured. ♦
“Why am I an oyster?” you asked.

“People from your world have powerful emotions. The emotional state of Wonderland, has always been diluted. When the Queen of Hearts took power, she wanted to change that and she did. Her white rabbits kidnap people from your world and bring them here, where they are drained of those emotions.” Dodo answered.

“Drained?” you repeated.

“For what it’s worth, they’re not aware of it. They’re put in a hypnotic state where they’re only allowed to display a certain emotion, such as joy.”

“That’s awful.”

“Hence the Resistance ~~~~~.” Dodo responded. “And we need your help..”

“…Hatter said something about persuading the Prince of Hearts…” you murmured.

“Precisely. Although he was agreed to help us, it seems he questions our loyalties. Most likely he’s afraid one of us would take the ring…” Dodo began.

“Ring?” you interrupted.

He nodded. “It contains the Stone of Wonderland, which powers the mirror that goes between our worlds.” He explained. “Before he was murdered by the Queen of Hearts, the Red Knight reined over Wonderland using the ring and mirror to retrieve any cures from your world to use for the illnesses that befell us here.”

“There’s knights here?” you mumbled.

“There were, many knights, who ruled different realms in perfect harmony. Now they’re all dead, wiped out years ago by the Queen. She’s not much to look at now, but in her day, she was quite the murderer….She still is an executor. Doubtlessly Hatter will be her next victim.”

“Does that bother you?” Dodo asked, hands clasped behind his back. “I thought you felt he had betrayed you.” You opened your mouth but words failed you. “You shouldn’t take it personally. Hatter’s been a conman his entire life. The fact that he feels even the remotest bit of guilt is saying something.”

“..Back to the…Prince of Hearts..” you murmured.

“His name is Jack Heart. You must convince him that our intentions with the ring are good. That we will see to it, that all oysters will be returned to their world and the balance of Wonderland restored.” Dodo explained.

“How am I supposed to convince him?”

“Dunno. Seduction might be a good start.”

Your jaw dropped. “No! No if that’s what it’s gonna take then I don’t want to help. I just want to go home.” You said.

“Don’t be a prude. Besides, you cant go home without the ring.” Dudo responded.

“…I don’t like you!” you blurted pointing at him.

“I hardly care. Now I’m going to contact our informant, tell him that you’ll meet him in the forest.”

“The Prince?”

“No March.”

You blinked. “March?” you repeated. Dodo nodded with no signs of wanting to explain. “How am I supposed to find the forest?” you asked.

“You can get there by ocean.” Hatter answered. You turned towards him. He was resting his back against the door. “I’ll take you there. C’mon.” he added nodding his head toward the hall.

You glanced back at Dodo. “Unless you think you’re capable of finding the river and reaching the forest, I suggest you go with him.” He said.

You walked up to Hatter, noticing that his cheek was still slightly red from when you had slapped him. “Sorry.” You mumbled brushing past him into the hall. When you heard him close the door you spun around to lecture him. “I mean I’m not that sorry. It’s still your fault I’m in this mess. But..” you trailed off as he offered you a decorative pair of gloves in your favorite color. “What are those for?” you asked.

“Did you forget the symbol branded into your hand?” Hatter responded glancing down.

Frowning you studied it realizing it greatly resembled an ink blot. “Actually yeah…” you mumbled.

“Silly girl.” He murmured. You glanced up at him sharpely but he merely held the gloves out to you again. “Here. Put ‘em on. That way no will know you’re an oyster.” Hatter said.

You slipped the gloves on with admiration. “How’d you know _____ was my favorite color?” you asked softly.

“..I didn’t.” Hatter answered.

♦”Well? What did the Suits find at Hatter’s teashop?” the Queen asked a Club. “I’m afraid..only a new box of hats.” The Club answered. “What?” she asked with underlining hostility. “Hatter wasn’t there, neither was the girl.” The Club said. “Unacceptable. Off his head!” the Queen announced. “My sweet don’t you think that’s a tad unethical?” Winston responded as two Suits secured the Club. “He’s just the messenger.” He added when she looked at him. “Fine. Leave his head! But tell Carpenter I want a word with the Mesmerizing March.” The Queen decided.

*** The Mesmerizing March was a creation of Carpenter and his follow scientists. Although drinkable emotion was perfectly effective, receiving emotion through a nip of an animal would not only work faster by a couple seconds, but would also last faster, intensifying the emotion. Every animal easily accessible through the looking glass had been brought into the lab for experimentation, but hares were the ideal subject. Before the Casino could go out handing moodring bunnies however, they had to get the residents of Wonderland used to this new concept. Change never comes easy. For that, the Mesmerizing March was created mixing a rabbit’s DNA with an ‘oyster’. The result was the six foot, black furred hybrid, half human, half hare. Although his body was completely human, his face had attributes of a hare. He had whiskers and buckteeth both only visible from certain angles. His eyebrows upward consisted of fur and what appeared as his hair was actually his ears which raised when he became alert of a danger (the back of his head/under his ears is also fur). “In the forest then..” March murmured into his special coin. He pocketed it just as a Club appeared. “The Queen wants a word with you.” He announced. March rose off his bed and followed the Club. His room was inside a bank vault, as if despite the reason he had been created, he was a disease that needed to be locked away. It was meant for his own protection but nevertheless, March had joined the Resistance the moment he could. His breeding had equipped him with a nose for emotion, meaning he easily smelt out those feelings of hatred and remorse that the Queen had bestowed on members of the Resistance. It was March who had told Prince Jack of the Resistance but Jack was a proud man who wasn’t going to take the word of something born in a lab that the Resistance’s intentions were good. ****

“Mesmerizing March, may I have a nip of content?” the Queen greeted holding her wrist out. March licked his teeth with distaste, he’d much prefer to bite her to death. Instead he stepped forward, cupped her wrist in hand and gingerly bit the base of her palm. “Awe there’s a good hare.” She cooed running her other hand through his ears. His whiskers twitched with annoyance as he straightened up. “I want you to track down these two wrongdoers,” the Queen said waving at a Suit who offered March the screen the Queen had watched earlier. March watched as you and Hatter argued then nodded in acknowledgement. “Bring them here alive and as unaffected as possible. I want them to be in quite miserable when I chop off their heads. That’s all. Toodle-loo!” the Queen dismissed with a wave. March nodded and exited the throne room. The moment the door shut behind him he spit on the floor and retrieved a carrot from his pocket.”Nasty pig.” He said to himself starting for the exit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Zachary Quinto as the Mesermerizing March