Status: Should be finished anyday now. -_-'

Just Business

Forest Frenzy

After passing the same white, ivy-covered building bottoms for 15 minutes straight with pure silence between you and Hatter, you turned your attention to the gloves he had given you. Peeking underneath at your left hand, you squinted at your 'brand' of being an 'oyster', trying to make sense of the black blob that didnt seem to resemble anything. A pair of hands slapped your own and you glanced up at Hatter who had a stern frown on his lips. "Dont do that." he told you.
Looking past him you saw the ocean and a speedboat tied to a small wooden dock. It was your turn to frown as you gazed across the water and upward to see a base of buildings identical to the ones behind you. When you had first got to Wonderland you had noticed the buildings were separated by a giantic gap that seemed bottomless, now it appeared that bottom and the cause for the gap was the ocean. "Hey Hatter? How do people over there," you pointed across the ocean. "Come over here?" you asked looking upward.
"By boat of course." he answered.
You glanced down at him. "So if you're on one of the higher levels, have you to walk all the way down here and then hop into a boat to get to the other side?" Hatter nodded. "Why dont you just build a bridge?"
"That's what happens when you dont take careful note of oyster architecture." Hatter said with a small shrug, turning to the boat.
"....Where is the Hearts Casino?" you asked.
"About 80 miles that way." Hatter answered as he untied the rope with one hand and pointed backwards with the other.
You followed his finger. "But that's the opposite direction of the forest." you said which you were barely able to see on the horizon.
"So why are we meeting this 'informant' in there?! Arent we wasting time?"
"Well the forest loops back around to the Casino, but there's somethin' you need to understand ~~~~~~." Hatter said, stepping towards you.
"That your Wonderland makes no sense?" you asked hands on your hips.
Hatter smirked lightly. "That times doesnt mean anything here." he responded.
You sighed dropping your hands. "I feel like I've been here forever." you murmured as you carefully climbed on the boat.
"I could think of worse things than an eternity with you." Hatter said as he climbed aboard too. You couldnt help staring at him as he hotwired the engine.
"..Then why did you sell me to Dodo?" you replied.
Hatter gave you a look as the engine rattled to life. "I told you. It was just business." he said firmly. You rolled your eyes glancing away from him. "Hey our deal was already made before you got here. Before I...." he trailed off forcing you to look at him again. His head was turned away from you as he eased behind the wheel. "You might want to hold onto somethin'." he warned, still avoiding your gaze. You rested an arm against the side of the boat, the other on the (dash)board. He finally looked at you with a faint smile. "We're fugitives least you've forgotten." Right, you were an illegal oyster. Pfft. "Be on the lookout for Royal Flushes." he said gripping the wheel.
"What's a Royal Flush?"
"Looks like a scarrab but different. They're used to capture smugglers."
You blinked. "Smug--LERS?" your half-screamed as the boat lurched to life, rocking you backwards against your chair. The boat was speeding so fast, you felt as if your breath had been left behind at the dock. "..What do people smuggle?" you managed to ask.
"It's not so much 'smuggling' as trading objects from your world. You mighta got a nice mirror for that snowglobe of yours.." Hatter mused.
Scanning the sky, you rested a hand against your stomach. "..What did you trade for my gloves?" you asked.
Hatter's eyes darted to you briefly. "...My mother's ring." he answered softly.
"What?" you blurted. "Hatter..."
A laughlike hiss escaped his sudden smile. "I'm only joking." he interrupted.
You stared at him a moment, but became distracted by an disapproving grumble from your stomach. "Can you slow down please? I dont see any flushes." you said.
"Better safe than beheaded, just lay a matter of fact..." Hatter paused, removing a hand from the wheel to jiggle the lever of your chair which made it flatten so quick that you felt vile fill up your throat. The next moment he placed his hat over your face. "Let's not make it easy for 'em eh?" he said as you lowered his hat to your chest. You began to giggle causing him to glance down at you; when he realized you were laughing at his hat hair, his cheeks flared and reaching towards you he raised the hat back up to your face and rested his hand against it.
"Hatter!" you protested, your voice muffled.
"Nope. I'm not Hatter at the moment. For now I'm just Ha." he replied as both of your hands blindly clasped around his wrist. If your face wasnt covered you might have noticed how his eyes had softened at this contact.
You managed to pull the hat down enough for your angry eyes to meet his. "Ha, I cant breathe." you told him. With that he took the hat and plopped it back on his head as if that had been his plan all along. "Did you just do that to annoy me?" you asked propping up on your elbows as he returned his gaze to the ocean.
A smile flickered on his lips. "Partly." he admitted. "The main reason being that you're no longer seasick are ya?" he added with a quick glance.
Now that he mentioned it...."..Thanks." you murmured, fiddling with the lever of your chair. When you finally managed to raise it back to normal, you saw the shore of the forest approaching quickly. You bit your lip as you glanced at Hatter. "You're going to come with me right?" you asked.
He sighed as the boat started to slow. "I dont think Dodo would appreciate me compromising his mission." he replied.
"His mission? He's not even doing anything!"
"He set up the meeting with March,"
"Oh big deal." you said crossing your arms.
"He's the leader of the Resistance. We may just be pawns of his in a game of chess but this is important...~~~~ look at me." Hatter responded and supressing a sigh you did. "We need the Stone of Wonderland. It's the only way to put everything right...and get you home."
"..I'll get your stupid stone.." you murmured, gazing at the forest as the boat coasted beside it.
"That's the spirit." Hatter said as he killed the engine.
You studied your gloves a moment, before looking at him. "So this is goodbye?" you asked.
Hatter avoided your gaze for a couple seconds. "I suppose so." he answered finally meeting your gaze.
"..Thanks for dragging me into this mess." you said.
"My pleasure." he replied. You couldnt help smiling as you pulled yourself up. Turning to the side of the boat, you hesistated. You had an awful feeling you were gonna fall facefirst into the mud. "Here let me," Hatter breathed in your ear. With more strength than you thought he was capable of, he lifted you up by your waist and set you down on the forest floor. Slightly flustered, you turned to face him; his smile was rather weak. "Goodbye ~~~~~~." he said.
"Bye Hatter." you murmured, turning. You had only walked two feet when you saw a striped tabby.
"~~~~~ dont move!" Hatter called.
You glanced from the cat to his direction. "Why?" you asked.
"That's a Cheshire Cat," Hatter said from behind you who had apparently hopped off the boat. "They were supposedly wiped out with the knights," you glanced at him briefly. "The Queen didnt like their tricks." he explained. "What's one doing out here?" he wondered. You frowned slightly, thinking it didnt look like a Cheshire Cat to you...just as a human smile spread on its tiny cat lips. Your eyes widened as the CC ran off. "C'mon, quickly!" Hatter said running after it.
"Wha-are you sure this is a good idea?" you asked dodging through trees as you followed him. "What if we get lost? Or if the March cant..."
"For all we know the cat's leading us to March, now hurry up." Hatter interrupted. You glared at the back of his hat, and moved faster. Stumbling through some bushes the CC led you and Hatter into a clearing where the trees were further apart and the ground was exposed. "Huh? What is this?" Hatter murmured, eyes on a half-wooden, half-stone shack to the right.
The cat snickered to the left and you saw with utter disbelief, that it was laying ontop of a hanging cage where a furry human with buckteeth was passed out inside. "Is that March?" you asked softly.
"I'm going to assume so." Hatter answered coming to your side. "But who put him in there?"
"That would be me." an unrecognizable accent drawled. Turning, you saw the source leaning against the door of the shack, head slightly tilted, hands clasped in front of him. His black jeans were slightly torn but his grey jacket and green shirt were in perfect condition. The same couldnt be said for his face. Starting at his left-temple was a deep scar that crossed over the middle of his nose and just missed the right corner of his lip. It made him appear intimaiting even when he smiled such as now. "Well done Cheery." he said, and following his gaze you realized he was speaking to the cat.
"Who are you?" Hatter asked, taking a protective stance in front of you.
"I might ask you the same thing. You are in my forest are you not?" he asked, with a small wave of his hands, the smile still intact.
"The forest doesnt belong to anyone..."
"Ah but I live here, so that makes it belong to me, yes?"
"Why do you live in the forest?" you asked.
When his grey eyes turned to you, his smile flickered briefly. "You are not from here are you?" he said. You exchanged looks with Hatter. "No I thought not. Why else would someone wear gloves such as those, particularly when there's no such thing as winter here."
"Winter?" Hatter noted. "You've been to the oyster world?"
The stranger's smile grew fonder as he gazed away from you and Hatter. "I used to go there quite often. It is a most fascinating world, with seasons and food unlike any we've ever had here. Life is simple for them." His eyes returned to yours, looking cloudier than before. "You are a lucky girl. But what are you doing in Wonderland if not to be drained of emotions?"
"How is it you know what's going on in the city when you live way out here?" Hatter asked.
"My Cheery sees many things." he answered.
"People would notice a Cheshire running around." Hatter said.
"Would they?" he challenged.
"Why did you lock up March? We need him." you spoke up.
There was a flash of surprise on his face. "The hybrid? You're with him?" he asked pointing at the cage.
"We came here to meet 'im." Hatter said.
The stranger finally shrugged off his post to stand straight. "You two are with the Mesmermizing March," he mused. "I have to admit I was not expecting that." he laughed.
"How do you know about the Mesermizing March?" Hatter asked.
"How do you? Thus far he is only reserved for the Queen is he not?" the stranger responded moving forward. "You two, must be part of the Resistance, as is he. Why else would the three of you be meeting in the forest?" he continued. "Was the plan for him to sneak you into the casino and claim the ring? It was wasnt it? And what then? Hand it over to that insuffarable fool Dodo?"
"We have to get out of here, he knows too much, this must be a trap." Hatter whispered.
"We cant without March right?" you replied softly.
"The rodent isnt going anywhere, and this is no trap. I believe," he stopped, eyes turning skyward and he spoke next his tone was much calmer. "This is destiny."
"...RUN!" Hatter blurted grabbing your wrist. The two of you hadnt gotten far when a gunshot pierced the sky, as well as Hatter's shoulder causing him to stagger into a tree.
"Hatter! Wha-?" you trailed off holding your hands in the air as the stranger pointed the gun at you as he walked.
"You should never underestimate a person by their age - I've always had nimble fingers." he announced. (he pickpocketed Hatter's gun when he started to run)
"Ugh do what you want to me but leave ~~~~~ out of this. She's innocent." Hatter panted.
Pursing his lips the stranger tilted his head. "Such bravado. We both know you're wearing a bulletproof vest dont we?" he replied. He fired the gun into Hatter's other shoulder, twice into his chest, his right hip and above his left knee. "Whoops." he hummed as Hatter buckled with blood running down his leg. "Got trigger-happy." he admitted. You moved towards Hatter but he held the gun closer to you. "I am not working for the Queen. But you will take back from her what rightfully belongs to me - the Stone of Wonderland."
"Y-You want the ring? B-But we cant get it without March." you stammered.
Smiling, he fired the gun causing a bullet to whizz past your neck. "I'm sure you'll come up with something." he said as your heart threatned to thump right past your ribs. He lowered the gun and turned his attention to it. "Run along." he hummed. Taking a deep breath you helped Hatter to his feet, wrapping one of his arms around his neck. "Oh and should you meet the Queen." the stranger contuined, causing the two of you to pause. His eyes stared into the distance a moment before meeting yours with a smile plastered on his face. "Tell her Arthur sends his regards." he finished.

"He's madder than a box of frogs." Hatter breathed as the two of you wobbled back to the shoreline.
"Are we really gonna give him the ring?" you asked.
"No reason to."
"Other than he shot you?"
"Been shot before." Hatter winced as the boat came into view. "Hold on, lay me down so I can get this bullet out."
"Isnt there a hositpal we can go to?" you asked even as you eased him onto the ground.
Hatter laughed. "No one gets hurt around here." he answered stretching to roll up his pant leg, then grimacing in pain from doing so.
"Here let me." you murmured mindlessly doing it for him. When you were mid-calf you paused. "Wait wouldnt it be easier for you to take your pants off?"
Hatter looked up at you sharpely. "No." he said.
"What are you bashful?"
"~~~~~ forget it."
"I cant forget it, you got shot right above your knee and guess where the folds of this roll are going to end?" you responded.
Hatter pratically glared at you then glanced away with a heavy sigh. "Fine. Help me get out of 'em, t-then go away." he said.
"Did you just stammer?"
"Hatter your eye is twitching." you said.
"Damnit ~~~~~ just - ahhhh." he winced pulling his pants down enough for you to glimpse his boxers before flinching in pain. You pulled them down to his ankles. "Okay. Turn away." he breathed avoiding eye contact. When you stood biting back a smile he glared up at you. "Want to watch me dig a bullet out of meself? Fine." he added, his fingers hovering over his wound. You turned your back on him, allowing your smile to show as you stared at the boat. "Argghhhhhh....alright. I'm done. I need somethin' to stop the bleeding."
"I'll check the boat." you said, climbing aboard. You opened the small compartment in the back and pulled out a ruby red beaker. Frowning slightly you took the plug out and sniffed. The liquid was orderless. You looked for anything else that didnt relate to maintaining a boat but not finding anything, you sighed and stood. "Could this be medi...Hatter!" you cried realizing he had passed out with a pool of blood forming beneath his knee. "Oh my god." you said, cursing him for sounding like the bleeding wasnt bad as you rushed off the ship with the beaker in hand. Kneeling beside him you hesistated, but taking a deep breath you poured it over his bullethole. The blood seemed to clot instantly and Hatter raised his head. "" you stammered angrily as he pushed himself up on his elbows. You had just formed a viable sentence when he cupped a hand around your neck and brought your lips down to his in a passionate kiss. You were stunned as the kiss turned deeper, his free hand running along your back. You returned the kiss, feeling your tenison ebb away as he pulled you against his chest. Your hands cuppd around his neck, your fingers interlocking beneath the brim of his hat. He rolled ontop of you, slightly sideways to avoid his injured leg but still you could feel the passion coursing through him. He broke the kiss to turn his attention to the base of your neck, nuzzling with delicate licks that made you shudder. When he kissed you again, he paused slowly parting his lips from yours to stare in your eyes.
"Did you pour a dark red liquid into my wound?" he asked.
"Uh yeah.." you murmured.
He grimaced, rolling off you much to your disappointment, your hands beckoning for him to stay of their own free will as he laid on his back. "That was passion." he said, looking at the sky.
You blinked. "Passion? So that was....oh..." you whispered, looking at the beaker. Flinching he managed to pull up his pants, button them and get to his feet. "..You didnt have to stop.." you murmured as he picked up the passion.
"Of course I did." he said studying the red liquid. Taking a deep breath he chucked it out into the ocean. You sighed and were about to stand up when Hatter laid down beside you again. You watched him curiously as he extended an arm and pulled you into a cuddle. He closed his eyes without meeting yours and simply said. "It's gonna be dark soon."
♠ ♠ ♠
Christoph Waltz as Arthur.