Status: Should be finished anyday now. -_-'

Just Business

Teashop Visit

*His lips brushed against yours tenderly. You rested a hand on Hatter's face just as Ratty and Dodo grabbed either of his arms pulling him away from you. Before Hatter or you could say a word, they had tossed him through the looking glass. "HATT..." you trailed off as a barrel of a gun pressed against your cheek. It swilved your head to the right where you saw Arthur was wielding it. With a lopsided grin, Arthur reached his free hand to touch the top of his scar. You watched in amazed horror as Arthur unzipped his face revealing a black mass...then a hissing cat leaped out at you. *
You awoke screaming, partly aware you scared Hatter awake in the process. Heart thumping through your chest, you saw the snickering Cheshire Cat being stroked in the arms of Arthur. "Pleasant dream?" he greeted.
"Hell of a thing to say." Hatter scolded, as he got to his feet.
"Hell of a thing," Arthur repeated, his accent morphing momentarily as you stood too. "For you two to sleep in, when you're supposed to be getting me my ring." he said with a tight jaw.
"We're on our way alright? Dont get pushy Old Timer." Hatter replied helping you board the boat.
"You would do well to show me some respect boy." Arthur warned. "Least you want to get shot - again."
Hatter leered as he started the engine. "Okay." he agreed. "Please dont get pushy Old Timer." he corrected with a smug grin before roaring the boat away from the forest shoreline.
You saw Arthur scowl as the boat sped away. "He didnt think that was funny." you told Hatter.
"But you did right? That's all that counts." Hatter replied.
You shook your head with a small smile. "Now that he has March, how are we going to get inside the Casino?" you asked.
"I have a way, but we have to get to my teashop."
"So I finally get to seeit?"
"Ugh, I shudder to think what'll look like. All ransacked by the suits....I might start cryin'." Hatter replied, glancing at you. "That teashop's been mine since I was 8 years old."
"Since you were 8?" you repeated. Hatter nodded. "Did you..inherit it or something?"
Hatter took a deep breath. "I was an orphan ~~~~~~." he replied.
"..You were?" you mumbled.
"Been on my own my entire life. I only got close to people..long enough to get what I wanted from them.." Hatter said. He studied you a long moment. "I'm hoping I can change that..So. What did you dream about?" Hatter asked.
You bit your lip thinking of how his had brushed against yours. "Um...the Cheshire Cat came out of Arthur's face." you said.
Hatter laughed. "Is that all?" he replied. After a moment you nodded. "Your people scare easy then."
"My people?"
"You know, from the other world."
"Mm about that.." you began, interlocking your fingers. "What happens when we get the Stone of Wonderland?"
Hatter tightened his grip on the wheel. "You and your people will go home." he replied.
"Just like that?"
"Just like that."
"But..." you trailed off.
"But what?" Hater pressed.
"..Doesnt that go against what you just said about blowing people off?" you asked.
"I said you'd go back home - I didnt say I'd leave you alone." Hatter grinned. Your smile was short-lived as you heard a swooshing noise. Glancing skyward you saw a scarrab with visors. "A Flush! Quickly - abandon ship!" Hatter ordered, grabbing your arm.
"Wha-?!" your sentence was cut off by water filling your mouth as both you and Hatter crashed into the ocean. You sputtered to the surface just in time to see the boat's windowpane shatter from a beam of light.
"Dont just float there! We have to get to the city." Hatter called.
"Wont that thing follow us?"
"It follows things on the water not in it. C'mon!"

Despite the constant Wonderland weather of about 72 degrees, you were still shivering when you finally swam up to the city dock. Hatter crawled out of the ocean first then helped you up. "Ratty, you here?" Hatter called, removing his hat which somehow he had managed to keep on his head.
"No-no, you two cant be here." Ratty replied hesitantly.
"Show yourself!" Hatter insisted glancing around.
Ratty peeked out behind a series of crates. "You're fugitives." he accused.
"But Ratty we're friends, we are friends arent we?" Hatter responded.
"You dont even know my name." Ratty grumbled.
"You dont know mine either." Hatter pointed out.
"What is your name?" you asked, slipping out of your wet gloves.
"Now's not the..are you mad?! Dont take those off!" Hatter said turning his full attention to you.
"They're soaked." you replied.
"Well cover your mark, no matter what." Hatter ordered pointing at you. Sighing you cupped your right hand around your left.
"Damn lucky she got it there. Most oysters get it on the face." Ratty mused.
"Look, my teashop, is it safe or are there suits running around everywhere?" Hatter asked.
"I havent seen any suits in a while." Ratty answered.
"Are you sure?"
"Now when you guys say 'suits' you mean....?" you pressed.
"The Queen's muscle, I think you call 'em 'bodyguards' in your world." Hatter explained claiming your gloves off the wooden floorboards.
"Oh." you murmured as Hatter secured your marked hand in his.
"Let's get a move on. Ya never saw us Ratty." Hatter replied.
"Yeah alright." Ratty muttered disappearing from view.
"How far is your teashop from here?" you asked, slightly flustered at how casual he was about holding your hand.
"Not far. So tell me about your world ~~~~~." Hatter answered. You did until a red English pay phone appeared in your path. "Ah. Home sweet home." Hatter sighed looking across the gap. You saw a bridge led to a white wooden storefront amid the buildings surrounding it. There was an electronic banner scrolling ontop of his teashop which read 'You Traitor' in red letters. "Usually says 'Hatter's Teas and Feelings'." he muttered. "Now see I was smart enough to do some investin' in oyster architecture." Hatter continued quickly before you could say anything.
"You sold..emotions here?" you asked as he led you across the bridge.
"..In a matter of speakin'....the main part of my shop is a stockmarket."
"Are you joking?"
"Wish I was." Hatter replied stepping onto the porch. There were a series of doors, all faded with blue and gold stripes. Hatter went through the middle one and tugged you along. The inside was entirely white, as were the tables, chairs and podium in front of another electornic banner though this one was unactive. There was a chalkboard that had collapsed and either side of the room were glass shelves with golden labels. You moved towards one but Hatter herded you through a sidedoor. His actual teashop had walls of a building, but the floor of a forest. "Welcome to my office." he told you. There was a white sofa, on the edge of lush grass which someone had trodded on, and white chairs on either side of a large glass desk with curving lights hanging here and there. "Doesnt look like they messed it up too badly," Hatter mused finally releasing you as he moved forward. Your eyes darted to a clear glass cabinet to the left of his desk, there were hats ontop of it with clothes and shoes inside it. "But dont I always say dont step on the grass? Dont step on the..!" Hatter began to scold as you followed him. "Oh what does it matter anymore? It's not as if I'm stayin'." he sighed glancing around at the blue-tinted glass shelves behind his desk, partly hidden by the curved white structure of the room. As he passed his hatrack, he cascually swapped his tan leather one for a brown felt then opened the cabinet of clothes, glanced back at you. "Dunno about you, but I'm still wet, so I'm changin'." he announced.
You glanced down at yourself as he shrugged out of his leather jacket. "I guess I should too." you sighed. How many chances would you get anyway?
"Uh wait there, I'll pick you out somethin'." Hatter said as you came to his side.
"Hey," you began and you could hear him grimace. You turned to him, witnessing he had frozen, paisy shirt partly unbuttoned, his eyes avoiding yours. "Hatter. Some of these are girl clothes." His grimace grew. "Would you mind explaining that?" you asked crossing your arms.
Hatter slowly looked at you, the guilt clear on his face. "Those clothes..belong sister?" he replied.
"You dont have a sister."
"Hey I could have a sister, you dont know nothin' about me!"
Your eyebrows perked slightly. "Do you have a sister?" you asked.
"I dont have a sister." Hatter sighed returning his attention to his buttons, as he slightly turned from you. "Those clothes belonged to women I nailed." he admitted.
"And you kept them as mementos?!" you blurted.
"I KNOW, I'm a sick-sick sh!thead, is that what you want to hear?" Hatter snapped flinging his shirt aside. You were slightly stunned from his exposed skin as he took a breath to regain his composure, rubbing his hands down his face. "They didnt mean anything to me. Pick something out, please. They didnt wear the clothes long enough to infect 'em." he said pulling out a black t-shirt.
"Argh!" you complained, retreating to his desk.
"~~~~~ please." he requested, his new shirt clinging tightly to his skin.
"Please what?" you snapped sinking into his chair.
" mad at me." he murmured looking like a wounded puppy.
You managed to roll your eyes and spin the chair away from him. "Just get changed and grab what you need so we can leave." you replied.
"....You're jealous." Hatter said. You glanced over your shoulder to see he was now wearing a brown felt jacket to match his hat.
"What?" you asked as he slowly unbuttoned his pants.
"You're jealous that I've been with other women." Hatter responded pulling them down, which allowed you to avert your gaze.
"Oh please." you grumbled as you heard him slip on a new pair. You stood crossing your arms. "I'm not jealous." you said. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him approaching you, but before you could glance back at him, he had leaned around you to kiss your lips. You blinked as you turned and faced him.
"Nothin' to be jealous of ~~~~~~~. Honest." Hatter replied as he moved back towards the cabinet. You hated your warm cheeks as he refiled through the girl clothes. He picked out a pale pink sleeveless shirt with purple markings and a purple felt jacket. "Here. You'll look cute in this." he said coming up to you again.
You took the clothes from him hesitantly. "Okay." you mumbled. Your eyes met his as he continued to stand there. "Well? Arent you going to turn around?" you asked.
"Suddenly bashful are we?" Hatter teased.
"I'm not changing in front of you."
"Why not? I changed in front of you."
"Yeah but you're a guy."
"So it's okay for a girl to watch a guy change but it's unpolite for a guy to watch a girl change!" you rambled.
Hatter was silent a moment. "You're right, I should do the gentleman-y thing and turn around..." Hatter said doing just that.
"Thank you." you mumbled setting your new clothes down on his desk. You were about to take off your shirt when you saw him peeking over his shoulder. "Hatter!" you scolded.
"What? You're not changing in front of me, you're changing behind me! Doesnt mean I cant still watch." Hatter replied.
"....Fine." you said, not wanting to waste more time arguing.
"Really?" Hatter blurted beginning to turn.
"Dont!" you warned pointing at him which ceased his turning. You discovered after you took off your shirt though, that Hatter politely averted his gaze. You put on the new shirt and shrugged into the purple jacket. "Done." you announced.
"What about your pants?" he asked, facing you again.
"I'm keeping my pants thanks." you answered.
"Awe." he hummed handing you a pair of fingerless gloves. Glancing at your brand, you put them on, then watched as Hatter pushed the cabinet aside to reveal a black bag beneath it. "Here it is, the white rabbit suit." he said to himself bending down to open it.
"Sorry white rabbit?" you repeated, expecting him to pull out a furry costume.
"They're the blokes that trick people from your world into coming to ours." Hatter said slowly examining a card. "Caterpillar." he murmured.
"What?" you asked.
Hatter held up the card, mainly transparent aside from a catepillar in the middle of it. "It's a calling card. He wants us to meet him at the Hostipal of Dreams." he explained.
"Who wants to meet us?" you asked.
"O-kay...hey I thought you said there's no such thing as hositpals here."
Hatter smirked as he stood with the bag. "Infirmary of Dreams sounded hostile. C'mon. Caterpillar doesnt stay in one place too long." he responded heading for the exit.
"Who is this Caterpillar?"
"Remember how I told you Dodo was head of the Resistance?"
"That was a lie. Caterpillar was the real founder but hardly anyone has laid eyes on him. He's some kind of magic guru."
"How did he know you would come for the suit?" you asked.
"..Good question. Better question? How did he know I had one? And where it was?" Hatter wondered. "Maybe he just knows stuff..ya know?" You stiffled a giggle as you stepped outside his teashop. "If he's willing to help us this is good news ~~~~~~. It means all of this could be over sooner rather than later."