Status: Should be finished anyday now. -_-'

Just Business

The Prince and The Madman

A sensation coursed through you so quick that you werent able to anaylze it. The next thing you knew, you were standing in a room made entirely of white, save for the redsuited blonde prettyboy standing a few feet away. He was clearly startled, blank blue eyes widening.
"Where did you come from?!" he demanded, his accent as crisp as his cheekbones.
"Your majesty." Hatter replied curtly bowing his head.
The Prince scowled. "Wait...I remember you....that empty-handed white rabbit...." he mused.
"What?" you blurted.
"Not important." Hatter swiftly answered. "I'm Hatter. Sure you've heard of me."
"Course...Mother wants you dead."
"I'm stunned."
"How did you get in here?" The Prince asked, taking a cautious step forward.
"A friend-of-a friend. Speaking of which, this is ~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~ this is Jack Heart." Hatter answered.
Jack's eyes slightly narrowed as he offered you a hand to shake. "Jack Heart." he echoed. Your hand closed around his but the next moment he was peeling off your glove.
"Hey!" you cried, squirming free.
"I knew it. She's an oyster!" Jack said pointing at you though his gaze was on Hatter.
"Did Mommy leave that part out?" Hatter responded, hands on hips.
"I heard you were running amuck with an oyster though it was hard to believe....How could anyone be so foolish I asked myself." Jack replied.
"Well we're not here for you, we're here for the ring." Hatter said.
Jack pulled out a fancy cylinder from his pocket. A ringbox? "It was my understanding that March would be present."
"That was the plan but he's been kidnapped by a madman in the woods."
"A madman in the woods?" Jack repeated.
Hatter glanced at you. "Didnt I just say that?" he asked.
"Did he give you his name by chance?" Jack pressed.
"Arthur. Why?" Hatter said.
A look crossed on Jack's face but it was so brief you wondered if you had imagined it. "Take me to him." Jack ordered. Maybe not.
"Uh no, sorry." Hatter responded.
Jack's face hardened into an angry leer. "If you want the ring, you will take me to Arthur." he said, teeth partly clenched.
"Do you know him?" you asked.
Jack's blue eyes darted to you, and he relaxed slightly. "We met once." he answered.
"Not a happy meeting I take it." Hatter mused.
"That isnt your concern. You'll do what I ask or you wont get the ring." Jack said.
"Alright-alright, we heard you." Hatter replied, turning towards the door. He opened it a sliver to see a pair of Suits standing outside, their backs thankfully facing the door. Hatter swiftly shut it. "But first, we gotta figure a way to get outta here. Any ideas?" he asked.
"Out the window." Jack answered moving towards it. It was big enough for people to fit through that was true, but it was also at a weird angle, slightly upward nearly touching the ceiling.
"Out of your mind?" Hatter laughed as Jack swung it open.
"Trust me, wont you?" Jack said. "My lady," he urged with a sweep of his hand. Exchanging looks with Hatter, you walked over and reached for the window. Jack cupped his hands around your waist, hoisting you into the air. Grabbing either side of the window, you carefully climbed through. There was something of a slanting roof, with what appeared to be flammigo carnival-type-rides lining the ledge. With a small frown you crawled onto the roof and got to your feet.
"I um...dont see where we go from here." you said turning to see Hatter had come out next.
"He's got to be kidding me." Hatter murmured, his eyes on the flammigos.
"What?" you pressed.
"I'm not a fan of humor." Jack greeted, as he strolled toward the flammigos.
"Only the Queen's fruitiest Suits fly those things." Hatter said pointing.
"They're necessary, especially now." Jack said straddling one.
"Wait you cant expect us to actually ride those things?" you half-asked.
Jack shook his head. "I've never met such complainers in all my life." he responded glancing at you both wistfully, then pushing a large red button on the flammigo's back. He shot off into the sky at such a speed that your stomach had fallen to your knees just watching him.
"Unbelievable." Hatter sighed as he got on one. "C'mon..."
"It's perfectly safe...-ish....."
"Safe-ish?" you repeated.
"Just get on mine would ya? The Prince is gettin' away." Hatter said. Against your better judgement, you climbed on behind Hatter, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist. "Ready?" he asked.
"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" you cried as the flammigo soared into the sky. The wind was whipping past you at such a speed that you felt like you were in the middle of a torando. The air seared into your eyes so mercilessly that you wondered how Hatter (or Jack) could see.
After what felt like a century, you noticed the flammigo coasting down. It ruffled the treetops of the forest, then weaved between the trunks then finally scraped into the ground halting violently. The Prince was several feet ahead, getting off the flammigo like this was an everyday activity for him.
"You can let go now..." Hatter said softly.
You blinked then slowly unwrapped your arms from around his waist. "Right." you murmured struggling to get off the flammigo. Your legs were numb causing you to buckle to your knees the minute you stood.
"You okay?" Hatter asked hopping to the ground.
"Why arent you affected?" you murmured as he helped you stand.
"Well....hate to say it, but this isnt the first time I've ridden one of these." he answered patting the flammigo's head as he followed the Prince, one of his hands still cupped around your arm.
"Arent we supposed to be showing Jack where Arthur is?" you asked.
"Yeah...he's actin' like he already knows doesnt he?" Hatter responded, glancing at you briefly.
It seemed like Jack was in a trance and a small part of you wondered if maybe the Cheshire Cat was responsible. But after a few minutes, the wooden shack appeared, with the caged March swinging nearby. Jack paused as Arthur came into view (catless). "Jack?" Arthur said hoarsely as if it hurt him to say it.
Jack swallowed as you and Hatter caught up to him. He raised his head ever so slightly. "...Father." he replied.
“Father?!” Hatter repeated as Jack stared luridly at a stunned Arthur. “You’re…you’re the Red King..” he realized, though it sounded like a question.

“I was.” Arthur agreed, his eyes darting momentarily to you and Hatter.

“But…you must be..” Hatter trailed off.

“719 but who’s counting..” Arthur put in.

“What?!” you blurted.

“We age differently than you oysters.” Jack explained though his eyes were locked on Arthur.

You blinked glancing at Hatter who shrugged. “It’s true. When you reach 500 the wrinkles start to sprout, but you can live to be 2,000 if you’re lucky..”

“How old are you?”


“I asked how old you are…” you pressed. Hatter opened his mouth but Jack spoke:

“Mother said you were dead.” He told Arthur. “Yet here you stand – 200 years later. Explain.”

“Winston.” Arthur replied plainly. “He was our court jester once upon a time you rememb…?”

“I remember.” Jack cut him off.

“He fell in love with your Mother, but she never paid him any regard. So what did he do? Join up with that damned oyster scientist Carpenter who was studying how to make us ‘happy’! Together they attempted to make a love potion….only it backfired. When Winston gave it to Roslyn, she grew to love not him but the power she had…You can imagine the rest.” Arthur responded.

“In her tale the knights rebelled, killed you, attempted to kill her so she had to slay them all.”

“Quite an imagination. No, she merely knew the knights would never follow her so she desposed of them.”

“Still doesn’t explain your scar…Father.” Jack said.

Arthur broke eye contact, an absentminded finger tracing his temple (the start of the scar) then the side of his lip (the end). “She was going to kill me….” His grey eyes looked up at Jack. “Stab me in the face…but Cheery attacked her.” The Cheshire Cat jumped in his arm as if on cue. “So Winston knocked me out, claimed he had killed me so I assume, and I was dumped here with the bodies of the knights (in the forest).”

“Why didn’t you come back?” Jack asked. “Have you any idea what she’s been doing? Winston and Carpenter didn’t stop, they….”

“I know.” Arthur interrupted, slowly stroking the cat. “All of Wonderland is intoxicated with emotion….This,” his eyes sneered at March in the cage. “Abomination roams free throughout the….casino.” His eyes closed grimly, then reopened. “You were only 19 when this happened weren’t you? I don’t expect you to understand…”

“…So he’s..219?” you muttered, glancing at Hatter. “So you’re….?”

“180 alright?! My name’s David and I’m 180 years old satisfied?” Hatter snapped. He returned his attention to Jack and Arthur who were staring at you as if you were a source of mild entertainment until they slowly looked at each other again.

“I understand Father. You’re a coward.” Jack said.

An angry scowl covered Arthur’s face as the cat jumped out of his arms. “How dare you!” he seethed. “You have no idea what I’ve gone through in this forest. The chikarubba isn’t the only monster here! Were it not for Cheery I would’ve died long ago!”



“…What?” Jack asked as Arthur closed his eyes to regain his composure.

“Without the Stone Of Wonderland, trying to reclaim the throne is futile.” Arthur shrugged in defeat. “So I started the Resistance with the hope of getting it back.” He answered.

“Bull,” Hatter spoke up. “Caterpillar started the Resistance.”

“And why do you think that is?” Arthur asked, his tone taking on a mocking edge as he tilted his head. “I was declared dead. Only Caterpillar knew the truth; he had seen Cheery, followed her, met me…the rest is, how the oysters say, history.”

Hatter turned to you. “He’s lying.” He said softly. “Caterpillar warned us not to give him the ring.”

“You must be mistaken.” Arthur replied.

“Don’t think so.” Hatter told him.

“If we’re on the same side, why’d you lock up March?” you asked.

Arthur stared at March’s cage as if he hadn’t thought of that. “Well…he hasn’t been revealed to the general public yet. Having March is a good sign of my renewed leadership being unquestioned. ‘A bite today keeps the blues at bay’..or something.” Arthur answered.

“Are you mad? The whole point of the Resistance is to stop this…emotional crap!” Hatter said.

Arthur pointed a finger. “By draining oysters! Read the fine print boy.” He replied clasping his hands together.

“No. I don’t trust you. Jack give us the ring.” Hatter said holding a hand out.

Arthur’s attention snapped to his son. “You have the ring?” he asked urgently straightening up.

“No.” Jack answered.

“No?!” Hatter repeated. “But…”

“I have the ringbox. The ring is still in my room.” Jack replied.

Hatter flailed. “WHY?” he demanded.

“Because I needed to see how the Resistance worked that’s why!” Jack snapped.

“What for – you know we’re workin’ to bring your mother down..”

“Exactly – bringing her down isn’t enough.”

Hatter stared. “What?” he pressed.

“She cannot be changed and I wont allow her to be caged. She needs to die.” Jack announced.

“….You’re madder than a box of frogs! What’s wrong with you two? Like father like son?!” Hatter responded.

“As much as it pains me to agree, Jack is right. Roslyn’s mind is tainted to an unchangeable degree. Winston made sure of that when he brought those mental midgets into the world…” Arthur said.

“Mental midgets?” Hatter repeated.

“They’re twins.” Jack muttered with hate.

“Look such a thing is not to dwell on. Hatter and myself will round up the Resistance. Jack take the girl back to the Casino and get the ring….If you stay missing for too long your mother will know something’s up.” Arthur said.

“Whoa-whoa hold on.” Hatter replied.

“No-no he’s right, we’re wasting time…” Jack started for the flying flamingoes but paused. “As long as you understand that the throne belongs to my father.” He breathed.

“Understand? What don’t you understand about Caterpillar warning us not to give it to ‘im?!” Hatter responded.

“Caterpillar is delirious, he always has been.”

“This isn’t happenin’.”

“Pity.” Arthur sighed, and the next moment he had revealed a gun.

“Oh you gonna shoot me again? Go ahead.” Hatter challenged raising his arms.

“You?” Arthur shook his head. “No. This time,” he pulled the hammer back. “I think I’ll shoot your girl.” He said aiming the gun at you.

“Wait!” Hatter blurted.

“Yes?” Arthur hummed.

Hatter studied you, his breath coming out in anxious waves. “We’ll do it your way.” He murmured.

“Smart choice.” Jack said mounting one of the flamingoes.

“Hatter…” you mumbled as he approached you.

He went to kiss your cheek but his lips hovered over your ear instead. “Steal the ring from Jack.” Hatter whispered.

“Coming ~~~~~~?” Jack called.

Hatter gave you a quick kiss on the lips then urged you away. He suppressed a sigh as he watched you and Jack soar away. Out of the corner of his eye, Hatter saw Arthur coming closer. “You’ll never get the ring.” He announced, though he continued to stare at the sky.

“I think you underestimate my son, David.” Arthur replied earning Hatter’s attention.

Meanwhile swinging from the cage nearby poor March who had his tongue cut out by Arthur, glared worriedly, wanting nothing more to express the deceit that laid in Jack’s heart and the ticking timebomb that was Arthur. March had bit every emotion imaginable into Arthur as he had attempted to slice off March's tongue - Arthur had been completely immune. There was something not right about him....