
Chapter 13 and 14

‘Where are they going?’ I demanded, turning to look at Alana, who was touching her own lips lightly.
‘Huh?’ she asked distractedly, still staring at the door Rain had just walked through.
‘Where are they going?’ I asked again, impatiently.
‘Who the hell cares?’ she asked deliriously. ‘Did you see what just happened?’
I rolled my eyes and turned to walk back into the empty sitting room. I think it was the first time I’d ever seen it abandoned, and the stilled image on the TV screen was weirding me out, so I switched off the PS3. The Simpsons jumped to life on RTE2, which was surreal, as I hadn’t seen an actual TV show in about two years.
Alana wandered into the sitting room moments after I did and dropped onto the couch beside me, still gazing into the middle distance. I watched Homer getting ossified for a few minutes while I waited for Alana to come down from her high, and tried not to think about what Caleb might possibly be doing in the dark storm that was picking up outside.
I couldn’t help it though.
Were they going out to celebrate? Were they going to get really drunk and high and end up screwing randomers in a club toilet? Were they just going to stock up on narcotics for a night of quiet celebration at home? Were they going to do something stupid like taunt Vienna at having lost at her own game?
‘Jesus, I wonder where they’re gone?’ Alana asked eventually, turning to stare at me with wide, worried eyes.
‘Yeah,’ I muttered, shifting uncomfortably. ‘I hope they’re not gonna do anything stupid...’
‘Caleb totally grabbed your crotch before he left, didn’t he?’
I felt myself blush even as I glared at her. ‘Not the time!’
‘Did it make you hard? Sometimes I wish I had a penis. I’d like to know what it feels like when it’s hard.’
‘It feels like if you don’t put it somewhere warm and wet soon you’ll lose your mind.’
We both looked up as Damien sauntered into the sitting room, followed by Dylan.
‘Who turned on the TV?’ Dylan asked curiously, sitting down.
‘Do you know where Caleb and Rain have gone?’ Alana asked, ignoring both of their comments.
‘No. Why? Are you both feeling frisky?’
‘They both just left with the twins and wouldn’t tell us where they were going...’
Damien smirked. ‘I’ll take that as a yes.’
‘What happened before they left?’ Dylan asked quietly and, grinning, Alana told him about her triumphant conquest over Vienna.
When she was finally finished talking – and had thrown herself back on the couch in a swoon as she described Rain kissing her – Dylan and Damien scowled at each other.
‘Can’t believe they didn’t take us along,’ Damien grumbled, slouching sulkily.
‘And we’ll never get a bus in this weather,’ Dylan added, his top lip curling in disgust.
‘A bus to where?’ I demanded, levelling them both with a gaze. Nobody usually pays much attention to me when I’m trying to be serious but this time they glanced at each other and Dylan shrugged.
‘It’s not like they can get a bus either,’ he offered, raising one eyebrow at Damien.
‘They’ve gone,’ Damien started dramatically, looking from Alana to me and back again, ‘to beat the mothering crap out of your stepdad.’
I glanced at Alana to see how she would take this nugget of information – not even wanting to think about my own mental explosion – but she just blinked at Damien.
‘Why?’ she asked eventually.
‘Well you did save our brother from his prize bitch of a girlfriend. And from being butt raped in prison. And you saved our baby brother from becoming suicidal. And you cooked us breakfast that one time...’
‘So they’re going to beat up my stepdad?’
‘Yeah. For beating you up.’
‘Oh,’ Alana whispered, and I could tell she was touched. ‘Wow.’

Hunching my shoulders and shrugging my jacket collar higher around my neck, I led the way up the gravel garden path with my hands pushed deep into my pockets, my head bowed against the wind and rain.
Jayden and Peyton had stopped molesting each other – presumably in order to look a little more threatening and a little less distracted – and Rain was grim-faced and determined. This was the guy who’d beat up his girlfriend – or whatever she was – after all; he was probably more invested in this than I was, even though it had been my idea.
I raised my hand and pounded heavily on the door a few times, then turned the handle without waiting for anyone to come answer. The door swung open easily, and I pushed my way into the dark and grimy hall, the stale smell permeating the space even worse than what we were used to at home. Rain and the twins stood in the hallway beside me, pushing sopping wet hair back off their faces and listening intently for any sounds of movement. We could clearly hear the sound of a TV in a room just a short ways up the hall; Mr Ferguson must have bought a new one after throwing the other one out the window.
‘Anybody home?’ Rain shouted; we weren’t about to attack the guy without any warning. There were four of us and one of him and anyway, we only wanted a quiet word...
‘Who’s there?’ a heavy, slurred voice demanded from the noisy room, and the door creaked open as he lumbered into the hallway. ‘What are you doing in my house?’ he demanded, taking a moment to focus on us as we stood patiently in his doorway.
‘We’re friends of your daughter,’ I said calmly, shrugging off my coat and hanging it nonchalantly on the coat stand. The others did likewise. ‘We’ve come for a chat.’
‘Get out of my house,’ Mr Ferguson demanded shakily.
‘Why don’t you,’ Peyton asked lazily, ‘pin us to the floor, lay some punches into us, and scare us away?’
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ Mr Ferguson changed tack. ‘What have you done with my little girl?’
I could practically feel the twins rolling their eyes in unison behind me, and Rain took an angry step forward. I grabbed him by the arm to stop him going any further.
‘You’re not being a very good host,’ I said easily. ‘Why don’t you invite us in and we’ll talk for a while?’
‘I’ll call the police,’ Mr Ferguson threatened, but I was sick of hearing that at this point.
‘And tell them what?’ I demanded, my polite facade dropping. ‘That you beat up kids?’
The guy took a step backwards as I let go of Rain, who had balled his hands up into fists.
‘Not so tough when it’s someone your own size, are you?’ It wasn’t strictly true; Mr Ferguson was overweight and significantly bigger than any of us. We are what you might call “undernourished”. But we did outnumber him.
‘I never laid a hand on Alana,’ Mr Ferguson said angrily, glaring at us more defiantly now.
‘You calling her a liar then?’ Rain demanded, and I could tell from his tone that the answer to this question would be make or break for her stepdad.
He, on the other hand, didn’t seem to notice the ultimatum aspect.
‘She is if she ever said that,’ he spat.
Rain turned his head, his jaw clenching, obviously trying to control his anger. I wondered how I would feel if somebody had beat Aiden up and then lied about it, and I felt an irrational surge of anger overwhelm my brain and my body. It was obviously taking Rain a lot of self-control not to rip Mr Ferguson a new one, so when Peyton smirked and pinched him on the back of the neck, it was the final straw.
Rain darted across the small space between us and the other guy so quickly he didn’t see it coming, and Rain punched him square in the gut. Mr Ferguson doubled over, groaning and gasping, winded.
‘How many times did you hit her?’ Rain demanded, punching him again. ‘Huh? How many times did she scream at you to stop?’ There was a satisfying crunch as Rain punched him in the face and blood started to flow freely from his nose.
Peyton and Jayden were, in typical fashion, watching with wide, delighted eyes, excitement emanating from them in waves.
I walked forward quickly and grabbed Rain by the shoulders before he could inflict anymore damage.
‘I think he’s had enough, man,’ I said quietly; Mr Ferguson had collapsed against the wall, bleeding and groaning in pain. ‘Come on.’
I started tugging my best friend back towards the doorway when I heard Alana’s stepdad laughing in a pained, forced way.
‘Should have known she’d run to her faggot best friend for help,’ he muttered, clearly intending us to hear. ‘She can’t look after herself but she thinks a fairy can.’
Angrily, I whipped around and started back down the hallway, managing to bruise my knuckles against the side of his head before all three of the others grabbed at my arms and clothes to get me to stop. I was still struggling against them as they dragged me out of the house and threw me into the back of the car, Jayden taking the driver’s seat.
‘Let me out!’ I shouted, even as he started pulling away from the kerb and turning the car around. I tried to reach across Rain – who was sitting on one side of me while Peyton was on the other – to open the door but they pulled me back so I was pressed against the seat.
‘He’s had enough,’ Rain said calmly. I bolted forwards once more but they had a firm grip on my arms and anyway Jayden was speeding through the residential area and were at least a mile from Alana’s house by now. Fuming, I settled back into my seat.
‘If I ever see him again I’ll kill him...’ I muttered.
‘You’d have killed him right now if we hadn’t stopped you,’ Peyton retorted, clearly looking for some sort of verbal reward. ‘And I think murder carries more than a seventy-two hour jail sentence.’
I refused to thank them, but I shut up complaining. He had a point.

Even with the wind howling outside and the rain beating heavily on the dirty glass of the window, we all heard the car pulling up outside. The TV was on mute even though Premier Soccer Sunday had started and Dylan and Damien seemed kind of into it; but we were all listening for them to return.
Alana and I glanced at each other warily; her eyes had been moist since Damien had explained where they had most likely gone, and I could tell it was a mixture of gratitude, disbelief, and the possibility that they might get their butts kicked.
She bit her lip as we heard a key turn in the door, looking anxious, and I tried to smile and relieve some of her stress, but her face turned sceptical. She knew I was faking it and that I was just as nervous as she was.
We sat up, trying not to look too worried, as they filed into the sitting room, looking bored and a little self satisfied. The twins looked pretty happy with themselves, which I knew meant they’d done nothing but stood back and watched.
‘You’re a spastic!’ Alana shouted at Rain as soon as he walked into the room. He looked surprised.
‘Excuse me?’ he asked, blinking at her.
She stood up and pointed a finger at him accusingly. ‘I know where you’ve been,’ she snapped. ‘What the hell were you thinking?’
Rain frowned, clearly confused, but wisely judged it best not to answer, and just let her continue with her rant.
‘I mean, what the fuck?’ she demanded. ‘You finally kiss me after, like, forever, and then go off and try to get yourself killed? What is that all about?’
‘Um,’ he said, looking around the room for some sort of escape opportunity. ‘I. Um. I thought...’ he trailed off.
‘Dude,’ Alana said in her normal voice. ‘I’m totally joking, I think it’s really sexy.’ She grinned, and Rain stared at her.
She shrugged. ‘I don’t own you. You can do whatever you like. Just, you know, let me in on it next time. I mean, it was a pretty good kiss but...’ She walked over to him and put her hands on his shoulders. ‘I want our last kiss before you kill yourself to go something a little more like this...’ And then I had to turn away because it was a little weird watching my best friend wrap her legs around my brother’s best friend’s waist and try to suck out his tonsils. Luckily, Rain carried her out of the room after a few seconds.
‘We are so keeping her,’ Jayden piped up, his voice amused. Then, ‘What the fuck? Who turned off the PS3? I’m looking at you, Aiden.’
I shrugged one shoulder. ‘You know how much I love watching soccer,’ I mumbled sarcastically.
‘Presumably you saved our game before turning it off.’ Peyton folded his arms over his chest, raising one eyebrow at me.
I swallowed. ‘Of course?’ But my voice was squeaky.
‘Dude!’ Jayden looked traumatized.
‘I thought you guys had already saved it!’ I defended myself. I was gonna get thrown down the stairs now, I just knew it.
‘You are so dead,’ Peyton shouted, his voice strangled, and he launched himself across the room towards me. I flinched, bracing myself for the impact, but a shadow fell over me and I looked up to see Caleb casually blocking Peyton’s path to me.
‘If you don’t mind,’ he said casually, catching him mid-launch by the shoulders and forcing him to face the other way. ‘I like him the way he is.’
My tummy erupted in butterflies and my heart started beating faster just from the way he said that.
‘Yeah, yeah,’ Peyton muttered, still trying to get around my brother.
‘You mess up my brother and I’ll mess up yours. How’s that for a fair exchange?’ Caleb offered, a hint of amusement in his voice.
‘Dude, no,’ Jayden said quickly, and Peyton turned around to face him. ‘I’m beautiful the way I am.’
‘Damn straight,’ Peyton agreed, and I thought he meant because they were identical. But then he kissed his twin on the mouth and I felt my own dropping open in surprise. I mean, there’d been signs, sure... But I didn’t know they were actually...
Caleb glanced down at me and then turned back to the twins.
‘How many times do I have to say it?’ he demanded. ‘Not in front of Aiden!’
The twins pulled away from each other, looking annoyed. ‘That’s so hypocritical!’ they argued in unison.
‘They make a fair point,’ Damien offered lightly, and Dylan nodded. Smirking, the twins left the room, and it didn’t take much imagination to guess where they were going.
Caleb collapsed onto the couch beside me and pulled me towards him so I was laying on his shoulder. ‘I give up,’ he muttered.
I glanced up at him, trying to assess any damage Alana’s stepdad might have done, but he looked exactly the same. I felt his fingers, soft and dry, slide between mine as he played with my hands, and I looked down, blushing but happy.
Then I saw that the knuckles on his right hand were raw and skinned, and I tugged his hand up to my face for a closer look, biting my lip.
‘What happened?’ I asked quietly.
‘Nothing,’ Caleb said, sounding tired.
‘Uh,’ Damien interrupted, and we looked up to see him grabbing Dylan by the wrist. ‘We’re gonna go...’ he trailed off.
‘We’re gonna leave the room so we don’t have to watch you two making out as well,’ Dylan supplied, and they both left, shaking their heads. I guess a lot of making out had just happened in this room.
‘Tell me,’ I demanded gently, squeezing his hand.
He shrugged. ‘I punched a douchebag in the head,’ he admitted.
‘Mr Ferguson?’
‘I thought you didn’t even like Alana?’
Caleb looked at me, surprised. ‘I never disliked Alana. And I like her even more since she saved me from Vienna.’ He looked away, back towards the muted TV. ‘But that’s not why I punched him.’
‘Oh. Why then?’
‘He called you a name.’
I wasn’t surprised. Mr Ferguson had never been my biggest fan. But it wasn’t like Caleb to punch someone just for calling me a name.
‘What did he call me?’
‘That doesn’t matter,’ Caleb said assertively, and when he looked down at me I could see his eyes sparkling mischievously. ‘Wouldn’t you rather know what I call you?’
‘You call me “Squirt”,’ I said, refusing to play along because I knew it would annoy him. ‘You got it tattooed on your arm, remember? You’ve been calling me that since we were little.’
‘I haven’t thought of you as a squirt for about three years.’
‘You still call me it.’
‘That’s because sometimes you’re still cute.’ I was about to be offended until he went on, ‘But sometimes,’ he leaned over and started kissing my neck, and my tummy flipped over, ‘when I watch you walking, or studying, or just sitting here watching TV, all I can think about is how really,’ he started moving further up my throat, ‘fucking,’ he was near my ear now, and I bit my lip because I knew what was coming, ‘sexy you are.’ He bit down on my earlobe as I’d known he would and I shivered, my mind and body reeling from what he’d said and done.
He thought I was sexy. Me. His dorky little brother with the high IQ who was crushing on his own flesh and blood.
‘Really?’ I asked, swallowing hard because I was trying to focus on not coming in my pants. That’s how turned on he made me.
‘Mmhm,’ Caleb murmured against my skin, and I couldn’t stop myself, I turned around and kissed him back, our lips moving against each other’s in sync immediately, no hesitation. It was like it was the first time all over again; my heart was pounding and my tummy was exploding in butterflies. I crawled forwards so I was sitting on his lap, straddling him, my erection pressing against his through the fabric of our jeans. I felt his tongue wet my bottom lip and, my brain fogged with wanting him, I let my mouth drop open and his tongue slid inside, probing my mouth deliciously.
‘Oh my god, shut up,’ Caleb mumbled, and I realised I’d been whimpering in pleasure, which was causing him to harden even faster. He kept kissing me though, his hands pressed against my back, and one started to slide down towards my butt.
‘Caleb,’ I asked, pulling away from him.
‘Mmhm?’ He went on kissing my neck and jawbone.
‘You know, earlier, when I said I loved you, and you said you knew what I meant? Did you really?’
Caleb pulled away from me and looked up at me. ‘No,’ he admitted. ‘Not then. But I do now.’
‘Oh. And, um. Is it okay?’ I was trying hard not to bite my lip, I didn’t want him to know how scared I was.
‘Aiden, how long have you been freaking out over this?’
Now I did bite my lip. ‘A while.’
‘How much of a while?’
‘Two or three years of a while.’
‘Well you can stop now.’
‘I can?’
‘Yeah. You’re in love with me. I’m in love with you. So shut up worrying about it and fucking kiss me already.’
I felt my eyes go wide with surprise and happiness, and there was no way to express it, really, other than by doing what he said.


So things were progressing pretty rapidly. There was this huge swelling my chest, a brand new emotion that I’d never felt before, which made me feel incredibly fulfilled and happy. But I’m gonna be honest here; it was nothing compared to the swelling in my pants.
Hearing that Caleb was in love with me was amazing, but it was also a serious turn on. There’s no other way to put it; the boy made me horny as fuck.
I had been straddling him, but the physical contact afforded by that position wasn’t enough; I was now grinding on him as he leaned back on the sofa, lifting myself up so my face was above his, my hands clutching his hair as my tongue probed his mouth, tasting him and devouring him. I was making all sorts of porn star noises as I pressed myself as close to him as I possibly could, loving the way his hands roamed up and down my back, loving the way he squeezed my ass, loving him.
Caleb slid and hand under my shirt, running his fingertips lightly along my spine and I whimpered again. I don’t remember my skin ever feeling so sensitive.
Suddenly Caleb’s hand was between my legs, squeezing and massaging gently through the fabric of my jeans and I moaned loudly, pulling my face away from his and gasping, clutching his shoulders in pleasurable agony.
I mean, it’s not exactly a secret that where Caleb is concerned, I have a little trouble holding out for much longer than a few minutes.
As soon as the sound was out of my lips, I felt Caleb’s hands on my upper arms and when I opened my eyes I was thrown against the other end of the couch unceremoniously, and I blinked across at my brother, who was breathing heavily and looking at me warily.
‘Whatcha do that for?’ I asked, panting, trying to prop myself up.
‘Because if I didn’t stop right then I wouldn’t have been able to stop at all,’ he said curtly, still watching me as I was watching him.
‘Squirt, I am not having sex with you,’ Caleb looked shocked. ‘No way, no how.’
I scowled. ‘But you’ll have sex with anyone else who asks,’ I spat, jumping up and storming down my room. Bad idea.
‘Dude!’ Alana shouted as I banged into the room, grabbing Rain’s shirt from the floor to cover herself.
‘Gah!’ I shouted, covering my eyes with my hands. ‘What the hell?!’
‘You can look,’ Alana muttered, and I took my hands away to see she was now wearing Rain’s shirt, which went halfway down her thighs. She was sitting on my bed while Rain propped himself up against my pillows, scratching his head and having the decency to at least look sheepish.
‘Eh,’ he said, grinning up at me a little. ‘Sorry, man.’
‘You have your own bed upstairs!’ I shouted, pointing at the ceiling angrily. My brand new duvet was resting over Rain’s waist, unfortunately alerting me to the fact that he was naked from the waist down. And the waist up, but I could see that for myself.
‘This was closer...’ Alana tried to explain, but she shrugged and blushed, looking at the floor.
‘There isn’t even room in that bed to sleep! Never mind... Other things!’
They both peered at me sheepishly, making no move to leave.
‘Get the hell out!’ I shouted, feeling my anger spread from my neck up across my face in a red haze. I knew I wasn’t really angry with them – well. Not really – but I had to take it out on someone and they were conveniently there. ‘Actually,’ I said, my voice quieting slightly, ‘never mind. Stay. I’ll just go up to your room,’ I looked at Rain, ‘and jerk off a couple times!’
I slammed the door shut behind me and stormed up the stairs, but something caught my arm as I stomped past the sitting room door and I looked up to see Caleb looking down at me.
‘What do you want?’ I demanded, trying to wrench my arm away from him, but instead of answering he started dragging me up the stairs in a way that would have been really sexy if I wasn’t really mad at him.
Caleb wrenched open the door to his room and pushed me inside, shoving me down on the bed roughly. I’m pretty small. I bounced embarrassingly a couple times.
‘You’re still pissed off with me about the whole... thing,’ Caleb finished awkwardly.
‘Still?’ I demanded. ‘I only found out about it earlier today!’
‘Why are you even angry?!’
‘You’ll have sex with strangers but not with me!’
‘You’re my little brother!’
‘You said you loved me!’
‘I do!’ Caleb took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair exasperatedly. ‘I do. I don’t want to rush you.’ He sat down next to me and rubbed his hands across his face. ‘Squirt, I’m a lot more experienced than you. A lot-’
‘Alright.’ I shifted uncomfortably. He was making me feel like a little kid.
‘Right. Sorry. The point is, I don’t want you to do anything you’re not ready to do. You’re my baby brother, and if this was some other guy you’d only just gotten together with, I’d be kicking his ass for rushing you.’
‘And I’d be sitting here telling you that I don’t feel rushed. I don’t know why sex has to be this big “thing”. It’s just a progression. It feels right to me.’ I stood up. ‘But it obviously doesn’t feel right to you.’
I moved to walk out of the room but I felt Caleb’s hand close around my wrist and I stopped, exhausted from fighting.
‘Are you being an idiot on purpose?’ he demanded, and I was thrown back to typical sibling bickering.
I scowled. ‘What?’
‘Squirt, I had to physically throw you across the room to stop myself from raping you. It fucking well does feels right for me.’
He was standing really close to me and I felt his hand start to move up my arm from my wrist, making goosebumps erupt where he touched. I raised my eyes and looked up at him as his other hand rested lightly on my hip, pulling me closer. He leaned down and captured my lips once, pulling away before leaning in and doing it again.
‘I need you to forgive me,’ he whispered. ‘Or this isn’t gonna work.’
‘I love you,’ I whispered back, the feeling of his breath on my face hypnotizing me.
‘Do you forgive me?’
‘Yes,’ I said, realising it was true as I said it. I wasn’t angry with him for doing it. I was angry that he felt like he needed to, and I was angry that he hadn’t told me.
‘You sure that’s not your dick talking?’ Caleb joked, pulling me so our waists collided.
‘Just don’t do it again,’ I whispered seriously.
‘I won’t. I promise.’

And I meant it, too. He was mine now. Which meant I was his. And neither of us have ever been very good at sharing.
Using my grip on his hip and shoulder, I moved Aiden back over to the bed, brushing my lips against his as we moved. I slid one of my hands around the back of his neck, letting my fingertips play with his hairline in a way I knew he loved. I felt his growing bulge against my thigh.
‘Dude, you get hard like, really fast,’ I murmured, kissing his neck.
‘Shouldn’t you be acting nice towards me right now?’
‘I think it’s sexy.’
His... friskiness from earlier was coming back and he was getting more into the kiss, his hands on my neck and moving his body against mine seductively.
Aiden pulled back for a minute to climb onto the bed, crawling backwards and I stood there and watched him for a few seconds.
‘What?’ he asked, squirming uncomfortably.
‘You’re amazing,’ I blurted, taking in the way his body made me want to crawl on top of him and take him right now, the way his heart made me want to wrap him up in my arms and hold him forever.
Aiden blushed. ‘Shut up,’ he mumbled, reaching forward and grabbing my wrist to pull me down over him. ‘And take your clothes off.’
I laughed; hearing something like that from him was so unexpected, and I looked up at him to see him grinning. I obliged him by grabbing the hem of my t-shirt and pulling it off over my head; he put his small hand on my shoulder and pulled me down towards him, meeting my lips halfway and running his fingertips across my chest and abdomen. He hummed against my mouth in appreciation as his finger found my abs; I’ve got a pretty good body I guess.
‘You should know, I’m really skinny and I don’t have abs,’ he murmured as I kissed his neck and clavicle softly.
‘I’m aware, oddly,’ I murmured back, sliding my fingers under his shirt feeling his ribs. ‘I like your body.’
‘It keeps me alive.’
‘I keep you alive.’
‘Fair point.’
I moved back up and kissed his lips again to shut him up.
‘Are you nervous Squirt?’ I asked, pulling back suddenly.
‘No,’ he answered too quickly.
‘Liar.’ I sat back against the wall and pulled him into my lap, wrapping my arms around him tightly and resting my head on his shoulder.
‘Is it... Have you ever been on the bottom?’ he whispered after a few minutes.
‘Mmm,’ I murmured. In my line of work, there’s very little I haven’t done. But I didn’t say that out loud.
‘Does it hurt a lot?’
I hesitated. I didn’t want to scare him, but I didn’t want to lie either.
‘It hurts a bit. But your prostate is only a couple inches in there, and once I touch that you’ll forget your own name,’ I said, trying to lighten the situation. ‘And if you want to stop at any point, just tell me.’
Aiden smiled a little. ‘I thought you said you would have raped me if you didn’t stop yourself.’
I laughed. ‘I’m not saying it’ll be easy, but I’m not gonna force you into anything Squirt. I love you far too much to hurt you.’
‘I am ready,’ he said defensively, and I squeezed him tighter.
‘I know. It’s okay to be nervous.’
‘Are you still hard?’ he asked curiously, playing the fingers of my left hand absently.
‘You sitting in my lap and we’re talking about sex. I think it would be a safe thing to assume.’
‘Hmm,’ he mused, lifting my hand up to his face and slipping my index and middle fingers into his mouth. I pursed my lips, trying not to moan, as his hot wetness moved up and down my fingers and my dick twitched more in my jeans.
Aiden uncurled my right arm from around him and crawled around to face me, still sucking on my fingers. The hand not holding my wrist travelled down in front of him and I heard his jeans zipper move as he started taking off his pants. I slipped my arm back around his waist and helped him pull them down and kick them off so he was kneeling in front of me in his boxers and t-shirt. Gently, I pulled my hand out of his mouth and tugged his t-shirt off over his head, only breaking eye-contact when the fabric covered his face.
I lifted my hips up off the bed and started pulling my own jeans off, still looking into his eyes as I kicked them off onto the floor. I reached forward with my dry hand and pulled him towards me, kissing him gently on the lips as my left hand crept inside his boxers and teased his cleft lightly.
I licked his bottom lip and Aiden’s mouth dropped open without hesitation, his tongue meeting mine as I tried to slip it inside.
Mentally biting my lip, I started to slide my dripping wet index finger into his hole, waiting for him to cry out in protest and beg me to stop. He pulled his mouth from mine and gasped, squeezing his eyes shut as a tear of pain trickled down his cheek, and pushed his forehead against my shoulder.
‘You okay?’ I whispered, stopping my finger even though I knew I could only be centimetres from his prostate. He nodded urgently against my shoulder, and I knew he couldn’t speak without crying in pain. Hating myself for hurting him, I started to move my finger further inside, and heard him gasp when I hit his prostate.
‘There,’ he breathed, and bit my shoulder. ‘Touch there again.’
I smiled, remembering the first time I’d felt my prostate being stimulated and how electrifying it was. I felt special being the one to show Aiden how amazing a feeling it was.
‘Okay?’ I asked again, wiggling my finger against that one spot for a moment.
‘Y... Oh... Ng...’
I pulled my finger out again and joined it with my second, pausing a second before scissoring him slowly.
‘Ow,’ he mumbled, burying his face in my shoulder again. ‘Owwy.’
Which was so cute I had to lick his ear, and he moaned a little.
‘Touch it again,’ he whispered, and I grinned at his newness and inexperience as I pushed my fingers further in and touched his prostate again.
‘Oh god,’ he breathed, and I felt his hand between my legs, squeezing and massaging erotically. ‘Do it now,’ he murmured, and I wondered if he even knew he was saying it.
I pulled him up off my lap and laid him down on the bed, and helped him pull his boxers off before crawling over him and kissing him as he took off mine, his hand lingering on my erection for a moment, stroking it until it felt like it was made of rock.
I reached across him to my bedside drawers and pulled out a condom.
‘What are you doing?’ he asked, his voice thick with lust.
I held up the condom packet in front of his face before ripping it open with my teeth and pulling out the lube-covered latex. Aiden grabbed it from me and reached down to roll it on, then brought his hands up to my neck and pulled me down to kiss him again as I positioned myself between his legs and touched my tip to his hole. I pulled back and looked into his eyes as I pushed inside him, and even though I could see the pain on his face he kept his eyes wide, staring back at me.

My breath caught as Caleb pushed into me. It felt like I was being torn in half, but simultaneously I felt like I was closer to and more in tune with him than I had even been with anyone in my whole life. I like we were connected, and I guess we were.
He pushed further into me, slowly, trying not to hurt me, but as soon as he hit my prostate again I just wanted him to go faster and keep hitting it.
‘Faster,’ I whimpered, gazing up at him. It felt like something otherworldly was going on, something I couldn’t even understand. But at the same time, it felt like heaven.
Caleb looked surprised but increased his thrusting speed and I couldn’t help gasping and whimpering as the feeling in my lower body got more and more electrified. I could feel tension building and I knew I was only seconds away from release.
‘Caleb...’ I gasped, and I knew he knew what I meant.
‘It’s okay,’ he whispered, and, unable to hold back anymore, I came all over our chests, whimpering in pleasure as I did. I had thought Caleb would just pull out unsatisfied but my orgasm rocking through my body must have turned him on even more because before I’d even stopped coming, Caleb’s eyes squeezed closed in ecstasy and I could feel him coming as well.
Seconds later he pulled out and peeled off the condom, dropping it into the wastepaper basket between his bed and drawers. He collapsed beside me on the bed, his chest glistening with sweat, and pulled me towards him, burying his face in my hair and holding me tight against him.
‘Are you okay?’ he asked, pulling back to look at me. I smiled and nodded, reaching up to kiss him once.
‘I’m more than okay,’ I told him cheesily, but I don’t think he minded.
‘Me too,’ he smiled, pulling me back to him.
‘Rain and Alana are having sex in my bed,’ I muttered after a minute. ‘I’m gonna have to sleep here from now on.’
‘I think I can be brought around to the idea,’ Caleb chuckled. ‘I think Alana’s probably gonna have to move in here full time now anyway. I don’t think her stepdad will welcome her after what we did to him.’
‘Yeah but she can stay in Rain’s room. We can get a monkey butler and put him in my room. We’ll just not tell him about Rain and Alana having sex in there.’
Caleb laughed. ‘Genius my ass,’ he muttered.
I nudged him. ‘Shut up. I really am smart. I just don’t show it very often.’
‘I know, Squirt. And you don’t have to drop out of school. I’ll find a way to keep us going.’
‘Well we do have that money from Vienna...’
‘That’s for college.’
‘But I don’t need to move out for college. I could live here and commute.’
‘It’s over an hour away!’
I shrugged. ‘So I’ll get up earlier. Don’t make me move out, Caleb.’
He sighed. ‘Let’s just wait a while and see how you feel next September, okay?’
I grinned, knowing I’d won. I wouldn’t feel any differently next September. ‘Deal,’ I said happily.
‘Smug little bastard,’ Caleb muttered, kissing the top of my head.
‘You love me,’ I teased him.
‘Yeah. And?’
‘And I love you too.’
‘Happy days.’