


‘I’m going back to the sitting room,’ I announced. It was time to put my foot down. No really. Two hours was my absolute limit.

‘What?!’ Alana yelped, sitting up straight. ‘But we have so much to talk about!’


‘You and Caleb!’ she half-shrieked in a “duh” voice.

I couldn’t help but let out an incredulous laugh. ‘We’ve been talking about nothing else for the past couple hours!’

‘But... But!’

‘Uh huh,’ I said, opening the door and stepping into the hallway. Alana launched herself off the bed and gripped onto my wrist, digging in her heels as I tugged away from her, inadvertently dragging her up the hallways as I went. Who knew I was stronger than she was? I sure didn’t.

‘Nooooo!’ Alana groaned, her grip on my wrist tightening as she held on with both hands. I was leaning forwards with the effort of dragging her; and it was surprising on some level that there wasn’t smoke billowing out from under her heels, she was digging in so hard.

I stopped outside the sitting room, where all the guys were staring at the door in mild fascination to see what the commotion was. I pointed at Rain with my free hand.

‘Take this,’ I said, pointing it towards Alana.

Rain grinned and stood up, walking over to us and catching a wide-eyed Alana around the waist, then dragging her literally kicking and screaming back into the sitting room. She was blushing bright pink and I knew I was gonna get it in the morning, but for now, knowing I wasn’t safe in the sitting room, I darted quickly up the stairs to the sanctuary of Caleb’s room.

The hallway was dark with all the lights off so I could see clearly the eerie white glow coming from under the door of his room. It was a thin band of light moving around liberally... A very small alien? A fairy?

I shook my head. And I’m supposed to be smart. It was his phone, obviously. I pressed my ear to the door to try and hear who he could be talking to but I didn’t hear any voices; not even the tinny, far-away sound of a person on the other end of the line. I could hear the sounds of my brother moving around though, the shuffling of his duvet and the springs of his bed creaking. Was he jerking off? Surely not. He knew I had to share that bed.

I heard some faint rustling that sounded like paper, and I got a horrible feeling of foreboding in the pit of my stomach. Caleb avoids reading like most people avoid convicted felons.

After a few seconds of internal debate I decided that whatever it was, it couldn’t be as embarrassing as going back downstairs and being throttled by a girl, so I opened the door...

... And crashed against it as Caleb pushed it closed and then shoved me up backwards onto it. The room was dark with only the light of the moon coming in through the window (we don’t have curtains) and the fluorescent glow of the screen of his phone, which was lying abandoned on the bed. So when I glanced up at my brother, all I could see were the planes of his face thrown into high relief, and his dark eyes. I couldn’t make out his expression at all.

‘Um,’ I started, but he interrupted me.

‘So I found this really interesting drawing,’ he growled at me, and immediately my mind went into overdrive.

Where did I put the drawing Alana had given me?

In my schoolbag.

Was it still there?

No. Caleb had been about to look at it, but I put it in my pocket.

Which pocket?

Sweatpants pocket.

Where are the pants?

In my room.

So are we safe?


‘Oh yeah?’ I tried to ask conversationally. It would have been difficult anyway, under the circumstances, but given that Caleb was leaning over me, pinning me to the door, and I could feel his cool breath on my face as he looked down at me... Well, let’s just say “conversational” was not how I sounded.


‘Um. Is it... Famous?’ I groped around for a question and came up with that. I’m having more than enough cause lately to suspect that there may have been a mistake when they tested my IQ.

‘I’m pretty sure only three people know it exists,’ Caleb replied, playing along with my game for a moment before holding up a drawing I recognized and asking, ‘Care to explain?’

I swallowed heavily. This was not good, this was so not good. The fact that my body seemed to think this was a good time to react to Caleb’s thigh pressed against my crotch was not helping, either.

‘You know Alana’s nuts,’ I tried to turn it into a joke. ‘Rain has to restrain her in the sitting room right now because she wants to kill me. I don’t know why she drew that!’ My voice got really squeaky at the end, like I’d been sucking helium instead of fabricating a dumb excuse.

‘You’re a very bad liar, Aiden.’

I swallowed again. My brain was shutting down from the pressure. Instead of coming up with useless lies, it was instead just going, ‘Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfukohmotherfuckingfuckohfuck,’ on repeat.

If he would just step away from me I might be able to concentrate more... His nearness was causing my brain to short-circuit.

‘I...’ I made one last ditch attempt before I gave up completely, as Caleb’s face came within centimetres of mine.

‘Why is Alana so interested in our relationship?’

Because you’re a douchebag who’s always sexually harassing me. Because you’re a douchebag who’s always sexually harassing me. ‘I dunno.’

‘How many times do I have to tell you that you’re a bad liar?’

Except that clearly I’m not a bad liar, or you would know that I am faking about the whole school/college thing. Maybe I’m just a bad liar when you’re making me hard.

Obviously I didn’t say any of that out loud. Bear in mind that I’ve actually been falling for Caleb for a while now and you’ll understand why the whole situation was causing my throat to close up slightly.


I pressed myself closer to Aiden, feeling the bulge of his hard-on against my thigh. I know I’ve made my brother hard before – like the other day when he came in his pants after I raped his ear – but I’d never actually felt it. It was a serious turn on.

I brought my left hand with the drawing in it up and flattened the page against the door right beside Aiden’s head, and left my hand there. He looked nervous. He was trapped against the door, pressed into it by my body, his escape route cut off now by my left arm. The only other option was jump onto the bed, and I knew he wouldn’t be opting to do that.

I leaned closer to him than I already was, moving my face past his and stopping at his ear. I murmured, so my lips brushed off his tragus and antitragus, ‘Do you want to kiss me, Aiden?’

I think I could practically feel his heart stop beating for a second, then resume, faster and harder. I could feel the heat of his blush against my face where it was almost touching his.

I leaned in the last few centimetres and licked his earlobe. He shivered against the door; I think the only thing propping him up at this point was the fact that he was pressed so hard against it by my body. Smirking I pulled back to look at him, expecting him to scowl uncomfortably at me like he always did and walk away, but I was wrong.

I was very wrong.

There was something new in his eyes, something I don’t ever remember seeing before, as he stared back at me and my smirk started to falter. Had I taken it too far this time?

Not far enough, apparently.

In movements so sudden it took me a few moments to respond, Aiden reached up and slid his hands into my hair, simultaneously dragging me towards him and throwing himself at me. His lips crashed against mine and I stood there in shock for a second as my hands wound naturally around his small body, completely detached from my brain.

After a few seconds I snapped out of it and pulled away from him, but only so I could move him over and push him down on the bed, crawling over on top of him and pressing my lips to his again. They tasted addictive, and our lips moved in sync as I planted my hands on either side of his head, propping myself up so I wouldn’t squash him. His hands were moving a little in my hair, causing sensations to run all the way down my spine and my back to arch slightly.

I licked along his bottom lip and he whimpered, opening his mouth; it was the sexiest sound I’d ever heard and I slipped my tongue into his mouth, suppressing a moan in response.

Aiden tugged at me and I lowered myself onto him; our bodies started grinding against each other seemingly of their own accord, but it was only serving to make me hotter.

I probed Aiden’s mouth with my tongue, exploring and tickling the roof, as his tongue danced against mine occasionally, making me moan. The soft sounds he was making underneath me were getting sexier as he got more turned on; I pushed my knee between his legs and he opened them wilfully, almost clamping around my thigh as I rubbed his crotch slowly.

Then something sparked in my brain and I pulled away from him completely.

‘What the fuck are we doing?’ I asked, rolling off him and standing up.

Aiden gazed up at me, blinking rapidly as his pleasure-fogged mind registered what had just happened. I sat down on the bed again carefully, making sure not to touch him, and he sat up awkwardly. I realised his little problem wouldn’t have just disappeared by my pulling away and almost smirked before I shook the thought out of my head. No thinking about Aiden’s penis.

‘What the hell was that about?’ I asked him, reaching up to run my hands through my hair; for some reason, now that Aiden’s had done the same thing, my own hands felt wrong.

He shrugged, looking uncomfortable. I couldn’t get my mind around what had just happened. He had kissed me. He had kissed me. It was like a total reversal of roles.

‘You kissed me,’ I said, voicing my thoughts out loud, but in doing so I seemed to snap something inside him because the look in his eye changed and he scowled.

‘You asked me to,’ he snapped. ‘And anyway, it’s not like this is my fault. You’ve been sexually harassing and manipulating me for ages, what did you expect was going to happen?’

Fair point. And it’s not like I’d never thought about it before. I’d thought about it a lot. I just didn’t think it would ever happen.

‘I’m sorry,’ Aiden muttered, averting his gaze. ‘I won’t do it again.’

Like hell he wouldn’t.

I leaned forward and kissed him once on the lips, letting mine linger for a second before pulling away.

‘It was weird,’ I said.


‘But it was good.’

‘Really good.’

I pulled him towards me on the bed and wrapped my arms around his waist, kicking and pushing at the duvet until we were between it and the bed. I spooned up behind Aiden and rested my chin on his shoulder, tightening my grip on him. He was already shivering, and I rubbed my feet against his to warm him.

‘Leave my ears alone,’ he muttered, when he felt me on his shoulder, and I laughed.


I think Alana might be turning me into a girl. Here I am, wrapped up in Caleb’s arms, after the single most amazing kiss of my life, about to fall asleep... And I have the strongest urge to go tell her all about it.

I snuggled closer into my brother, who was sleeping now, but unconsciously shifted to allow me to move closer, sighing in his sleep when I found a position I was comfortable with. I was looking forward to waking up warm again.