Love Is Not For Sinners

Welcome to California

I walked out of the airport with my carry-on, on my back and my rolling suit case in my right hand.
I was at the pick-up area of the airport and was looking for my sister or her boyfriends car.

"Raid!" I heard my name being shouted from my right and when I turned I saw my sister Standing by her blue sedan.

"Lily!" I shout back as I approached her. She still had her once blond hair dyed black. and she had a little bit of make-up on today.

"I missed you." We both said as we hugged each other. Lily's five foot six body towered over my five foot one height.

"How've you been?" Lily asked me as she picked up the suite case that I dropped and put it into the trunk of her car.

"I've been good. Finally got enough courage to leave mom and dad." I told her as I got into the passenger side of the car.

"Good and I'm proud of you. Oh frank and I got you a present."

"What you get me?" I asked as I started to toy with her radio.

"I'm not telling you." Lily told me as she pulled onto the highway.

"Fine be that way." I said, a small smile coming onto my face as I heard my first kiss by 3oh!3 playing.

The rest of the car ride was spent of gossiping and talking about how mom and dad are doing back in Michigan.

"Here we are." Lily said as she pulled into a parking spot in front of a apartment complex.

"You both live in an apartment?" I asked as I got out of the car and put the carry-on back on my back.

"No silly, this is your present. Frank and I thought you'd like your own place so we thought you would like your own apartment." Lily explained to me as she got my suite case out of the car and started to walk up to the complex.

I didn't say anything to her as I followed her to my supposed apartment.
The building wasn't that bad looking it looked like it was made of bricks and was about six story's tall. On the inside where the stairs and elevator were located everything was beautiful looking, the walls were a milky white color and the floor had cool black and red markings.

"Your apartment number is 8E, all of your stuff should be there already." Lily told me as we took the elevator to the fifth floor.

"You didn't have to do this for me." I told my sister as we waited for the elevator to bring us to my floor.

"I know, but we wanted to."

I rolled my eyes, there was really no point in arguing with my sister.
As we finally get to my floor I follow Lily to my apartment and when she opened it's door my jaw dropped at how awesome it looked, I just had to see everything.

The place was small but I was the only one living here so it was perfect.

The dining room was a tan color with a dark red carpet. A beautiful dark tan couch was in front of me and so was a small TV.

To my right was a small kitchen and dining table. The kitchen had white tiles and had the same wall color as the living room.

To my left were two doors. The one closest to the TV was my bedroom. The walls were a nice light purple and the room had white carpeting. My bed was in the left hand corner of the room, it had my purple pillows with my black covers that were purple on top on it.
And a large window was in the center of the right wall. Under the window I had a dresser that was white with a brown top, it was enough to fit all of my clothes in it.

In the room closest to the door, was my bathroom, it was pure white with dark red shelves. The right side of it held the sink, toilet and medicine cabinet and on my left side it held the shower.

"This place is amazing." I told my sister after I explored.

"Thanks and I knew you'd like it, I designed it myself."

"Aw, thank you." I said as I went over to my sister and gave her a hug. "I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you."

"Well you can repay me by coming to a club with me." Lily suggested as we pulled away.

"Deal." I said instantly.
♠ ♠ ♠
what she was wearing.

So today was my first day of school and this story poped into my head.
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