Love Is Not For Sinners

Earlier that night

Earlier before the club Brian's pov

The guys and I were all sitting around in the living room of my house, we were all waiting for Shadz to get here because he said he had some news that we need to hear.

"So what do think the news is about?" Zacky asked from his spot on the recliner, can of pink lemonade in his hand.

"Who knows, maybe one of our lower members died again and we need to send something to there family." Johnny said from his spot on the floor.

"Sorry Christ but your wrong and why the fuck are you laying on the floor?" Shadz asked as he finally came into the living room.

"It's comfy."

"Dumbass." Rev said under his breath as we all just roll out eyes at Johnny's statement.

"Anyways, back to bussness." Shadz said as he took a seat next to me and across from Jimmy. "I have some good news and some bad news."

"Start with the good news." I told him as I took a swig of my beer.

"Well a little spy resently told me that a special person to the My Chemical Romance gang is moving here."

"Who?" Christ asked, earning a glare from all off us.

"If you would of let me talk, you would of heard already." Shadows glared at Christ then cleared his throat. "Anyway the person coming is supposedly Frank's girlfriends sister."

"And this has to deal with us because." I trailed off waiting for my answer.

"She knows nothing of gangs, so we need someone to get close to her and get some info on the My chemical romance gang."

"And the bad news is?" Christ asks.

"We have no one to step up and be our little spy."

"Well fuck, I can do it, I haven't had a good lay in weeks." I told the guys.

"Alright, it's settled then." Shadows said. "Syn's gonna get to know the girl and get us some info. Oh and Syn try not to fall for her." Shadows said and tossed a photo at me.

I didn't get what he meant by that til I looked at the picture, and I must say she was hot.
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I just reposted this chapter......