The Full Moon Isn't Beautiful to Me

Bright Green Eyes

I'm sitting in the back of the class, again. It's not so bad really I can hear pretty well so i can keep my A average. It's not like I had a choice though. It seems like every teacher decides that I like the back of the room for some reason. I think they supose since I'm emo that I don't like people. I can see where they're coming from but... I tried making friends. I've had since 7th grade when i moved here but now I'm a sophmore and friendless. I've tried to change myself into every kind of person I could think of. Jock, which didn't work out well because I have by far no athletic ability, and that I'm too nice. The funny group, didn't work because their definition of funny was different then mine and no I'm not going to elaborate on that. It didn't work out with the normal group because I'm not normal. I almost got to be with the skaters, but I can't skateboard to save my life. I couldn't even try to be with the preps because my mum wouldn't let me dye my hair blonde. She says any one would die to have my color hair. Grrr... who would want my brownish red hair? It's ugly. Oh well it's not like any one notices me anyway. I was jolted out of my thoughts when the second bell to get into class rang.

"Hello everyone, today we have a new student!" My overly peppy teacher said. "Her name is Adan, she's from Ireland." A girl with brown curly hair was standing next to the teacher who of course was Adan. She had bright sparkling emerald green eyes. Haha, Ireland the emerald isle, someone could really use that as a pick up line. She also had freckles all over her face. If I had those freckles I'd be a perfect ginger kid. She smiled weakly.

"Adan, why don't you tell the class a little bit about your self." the teacher said with that crazy smile.

With a nervous chuckle she said in an irish accent, "Well umm uh I moved here with my Nana for reason I won't tell you. I like to read and listen to music, but who doesn't?" she laughed nervously. No one else did, they all stared at her emotionless. That's exactly what happened to me my first day.

"Well, Adan why don't you sit in the available seat in the back and we'll start the class." The teacher commanded. Adan slowly walked to the seat next to me. All the jocks turned to check out her butt. Aww man they're all going to hit on her. The way those guys flirt is disgusting. They'll make this sweet girl cry. I probably should make friends with her.

"Hey, my name is Jasper." I said with a smile.

"Cool, my name is- you already know my name sorry" she said bright red. Wow she is cute. Wait, what did I just think? Aww man I can't be crushing on her! I just met her.

"That's okay I'd probably say the same thing." I said. She smiled bashfully and I smiled too.

"Quit flirting in the back kids!" the teacher yelled and all the student laughed and Adan buried her head in her arms and I just turned red. I looked down and played with my lip ring. I got it when I tried to be goth in 8th grade. Didn't work out since I like alternative and they like screamo. The creepy teacher calmed down the class and started the lesson again. We were reviewing so I didn't bother to pay attention and started to doodle in my notebook. After that class, I learned that Adan had every class with me and we ended up talking more and we became friends.

It was lunch time and Adan and I were standing in the middle of the lunch room with our lunch trays in our hands. We were looking around for a table. All of them were taken so we would have to sit with a group.

"Let's go to that table they're nice," I said to Adan pointing at the skater table. They'll let anyone nice sit with them especially if they bring a girl. We walked over to them.

"Hey, umm can we sit here" said Adan.

"Yeah sure" a shaggy haired blonde boy said with a million dollar grin. We sat down and we all exchanged small talk about names and favorites. We were talking for a couple minutes before a platinum, orange skinned, toothpick came over to the table.

"Hey guuuyys," She said chewing her gum obnoxiously. There was a chorus of 'hi' 'hello' and 'hey's.

"Ooooh a new kid! Hi my name is Jenny what's yours?" she said with a hugely fake smile.

"Adan" said Adan.

"Cool, why don't you sit with us you'll have a great time!" Jenny said. Please don't go with her Adan please don't.

"Well I'm sorta already sitting here maybe some other time?" Adan said with a sorry smile.

Jenny made face and walked away. The skaters shrugged and went on with their conversation and Adan was talking too. I just smiled, this going to be a good rest of the year.
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