Easy To Hate?

Pt. 1

Its hard to believe I was starting my first year of college in two months... High school had gone by so quickly. I worried I never fully enjoyed the experience...
I've only had one boyfriend, who dumped me shortly after graduation. He said "We were going seperate ways," Which was total bull. He had a choice to come with me... But nooo, he decided his band was more important. The All-American Rejects. What kind of name is that?!?
I hope Nick Wheeler gets what he deserves... No success. Its mean of me to say that though, right? Yeah... I guess you could say that... if we hadn't dated for three years and he just decided overnight to leave me. So I feel I have a right to be angry!
I'm Kammy by the way... People have told me its a strange name. But I don't care. I didn't choose it. Not like Nick and his annoying little friend Tyson did with their band
Love is odd... Very odd... Especially when you
think you're in love... And really? You're wasting precious time
Thats the way I see Nick and I now. A waste. I honestly believed we would be together forever. HA
I remember the day we broke up...
We were sitting on my front porch swing and his arm was wrapped around my shoulders... Damn him... I was so happy
"Kam...Baby, we need to talk," Nick said softly
I glanced up at him not knowing what was about to come next
"You know... The band... We're gonna head to New York and all." Nick said
"Of course." I said. I was well aware I wouldn't see him for a month or two... They'd gotten a possible record deal
"Well... If it goes as planned, we'll be gone for a while..." he said... I ached for him to get to the point.
"Nick? Whats wrong?" I asked.
"I just... I just think we should end it... So its less painful down the road." he said quickly, as if he had pulled off a band-aid.
"What?! You're breaking up with me?!" I was shocked... I never expected this. "Kammy, be reasonable..." he said.
I took a deep breath
"I wish you and Tyson the best of luck." I said slipping off the Def Leppard hoodie I was wearing.
"I believe this is yours." I said shoving it into his arms. I quickly walked into my house to avoid him seeing the tears beginning to well up in my eyes. Oh don't worry, I only cried for two hours straight...
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This was the story i had on Quizilla!
its active.