Easy To Hate?

Pt. 10

I couldn't believe what was happening. I was packing my last suitcase. When I told Gracie about everything she started balling...I told her I would call her everyday. We became best friends in that short two months...
It was pretty sad when I told Mack about it. We had just started to become friends. He told me he would be the first person to welcome me home when I came back.

My parents and Nick helped me move out.

"I'm going to miss you." Gracie said, as I picked up the suitcase.

I gave her a huge hug. "I will be back. Don't worry about me." I said.

"So, I'll be roommate-less?" Gracie said, beginning to cry again.

"Only until someone needs a dorm." I told her.

"They won't put up with me crying about my boyfriend at midnight before an exam." she said, making both of us laugh.

"Obviously you won't find someone as cool as me." I joked.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I called.

Slowly, Nick opened the door and walked in.

"So...Do you have everything?" he asked.

"Yeah." I told him.

"You take care of her." Gracie said, trying to be funny and stop herself from crying.

Nick laughed. "Don't worry, I will."

"We've gotta go now Kam, sorry." Nick said.

Then I started crying. "I'm gonna miss you." I said, grabbing Gracie tightly.

Nick stood there looking uncomfortable. Gracie finally let go of me and we said our final goodbyes. About... six times.

When Nick and I really did leave, I was sadder then I thought I would be.

Nick and I began walking towards the parking lot. Nick saw that I was still crying.

"I've got something in the car that might make you feel better." he said.

I smiled at his strong effort to cheer me up.

We reached his car and Nick placed my suitcase in the trunk. When I got in his car, I smelled strong cologne. A certain cologne I knew only one person wore. I snapped my neck around and saw Tyson.

"Oh my God! Tyson!" I screamed. He smiled his big goofy smile and reached forward to give me a hug.

He was the kind of friend that you almost wanted to hate, but couldn't.

Nick took his place in the drivers seat. "Nice surprise, huh?" He asked.

"Yeah! I didn't expect to see you until we got on the tour bus." I said.

"I missed you too much. I had to see you now." Tyson said.

"Yeah...I couldn't leave him behind." Nick laughed, as he started the car.

"Anyway, hi. How has college been?" Tyson asked.

"It was going great." I said, starting to get depressed again.

"Gotta boyfriend?" Tyson asked.

The question itself made me mad... Especially with Nick sitting right beside me.

"No." I told him.