Easy To Hate?

Pt. 11

Tyson never in his life understood the concept of shutting up when someone needed him too.
He kept pestering me, about not having a boyfriend. It was making Nick uncomfortable too.

When we finally got to Nick's apartment, Tyson shut up.

The rest of my stuff was already at Nick's. I would be staying with him until the bus came. Which was Friday night.

Nick got my suitcase out of the trunk, and carried it to the room I'd be staying in for a day and a half.

"Tyson, find Kammy something to eat, I've gotta go to Mike's." Nick said, five minutes after I arrived.

"Sure." Tyson said.

Nick left, and Tyson raided the kitchen.

"Well, now that Nick's gone, we can finally talk." Tyson said.

I laughed. "Why couldn't we talk with Nick here?" I asked, taking a seat on a stool by the island.

"You still love him." Tyson said, grabbing bread, ham, and turkey, for sandwiches.

"What the hell? Where'd you get that from?" I asked.

"I'm not a total dumbass." he replied. He made two sandwiches and handed one to me.

"You're crazy is what you are." I told him. "Thanks for the sandwich." I added.

"It's fine if you are. I won't tell him." Tyson said, walking towards the couch. I followed, and sat next to him.

"This is what you really want to talk about? You haven't seen me for four months, and this is what you want to talk about?" I questioned.

"Just tell me the truth. Are you still in love with Nick?" he asked.

I sighed. "Yes..." I said quietly. Tyson grinned. That stupid grin, like a child finding out what a Christmas present was, prior to Christmas.

"I knew it!" he yelled.

"I swear to god, if you tell him anything I'll kill you." I threatened. He sarcastically frowned.

"You wouldn't kill me." He laughed.

I decided to change the subject.

"Who's Mike?" I asked.

"Nick didn't tell you? We have two new band members. Mike and Chris. Mike's our guitarist, and Chris is our drummer. We had to have them for the tour." he explained.

"Oh. Cool." I said.

"Yeah. This tour is going to be crazy." he said.

I nodded, as I finished my sandwich.