Easy To Hate?

Pt. 13

No... No... He did not just say what I think he said. Nick did not just say he wasn't over me...
"Kammy?" I heard his voice and realized that he did say it...

For some reason, I still wasn't replying, and Nick gave up and went back to his room.

Of course, a few minutes after he'd left, I'd come to and realize what the hell just happened.

I tried to think about what I should do.

Should I go talk to him?...Stay sitting on this couch?...or... No. I knew what I was going to do. I would have to talk to him.

The hard part wasn't getting up and going to his room...Oh no. The hard part was him opening the door and staring at me with those damn eyes.

"Kammy? Are you okay?" he asked.

"Can we talk?" I asked. I was thankful words came out of my mouth this time.

Nick nodded and let me in his room.

I hadn't felt this nervous around Nick since the first time we... well anyway, I hadn't felt this way since then, and it scared me.

Nick sat down on his bed at waited for me to talk.

"I kind of froze up back there." I admitted.

"That wasn't the reaction I was expecting from you. I guess you really did get over me." he said quietly.

I laughed. His head jerked towards me. "You have no idea how wrong you are. I can't talk to another guy without comparing him to you." I explained.

"Tyson has tried setting me up with countless chicks... I turn them all down. Because of you, Kam." he told me.

We sat quietly for a moment, but Nick stood up. I froze again as he walked towards me.

But I couldn't help but smile when he kissed me.

He reluctantly pulled away.

"Do you feel like we're seniors again?" he laughed. He thought the same thing I did.

"Yeah, but you won't be getting the same results tonight." I told him.

He pouted.

I just laughed at walked out of his room.