Easy To Hate?

Pt. 14

I went back to the room I was staying in, with all my luggage. I searched for my cell phone, to call Gracie. I promised I would call her. I found it a pressed speed dial 7.
"Kammy!" she yelled when she answered.

"Gracie! Hey." I replied.

"Well, how's it going? Anything exciting happen yet?" she asked. I poked my head out the door, Nick was in his room playing with his guitar again, so I quietly shut the door and ran to the bed. The room used to be Tyson's, so I was cautious.

"I think Nick and I are back together..." I said excitedly. I sounded like an eighth grade girl at a slumber party.

"What?! What happened?" Gracie asked.

"We were talking and he said he wasn't over me. Then we kissed." I told her.

"Aw. How sweet is that? Now, does he have any hot friends for me?" she joked.

"Tyson I guess. But trust me, you don't want to get involved with him." I laughed.

She laughed as well.

"I'm just kidding, I'm going on a date tonight." Gracie said.

"And you didn't tell me sooner? With who?" I asked.

"Uh...I don't know if this will make you mad... but - "

"Gracie, I swear to God if it's Cole -"

"No! It's not. It's Mack." she explained.

That came as a bit of a shock. Mack? How weird.

"I know he used to like you, and you guys were becoming close, and -"

"It's fine. I never liked him like that. You guys need each other." I said. And I meant it.

"Thanks Kam. Hey, listen, I gotta go. Can I call you back later?" she asked.

"I'll call you tomorrow before I leave. I need to get some sleep. Have fun tonight, okay?" I said.

"Will do. Bye Kam." Gracie said.

"Bye." I replied, hanging up the phone.

It was only six, so I walked to the living room and sat down on the couch again. I noticed a scrap book sitting on the coffee table and I picked it up.

It said 2007 on it. I was nosey, so I opened it.

The first page was Nick's kindergarten picture. The rest were school pictures of Nick throughout the years until he was a senior high school. After that there were other photos.

I turned the page and saw a picture of Nick and I at our sophomore Homecoming, junior Homecoming, and senior Homecoming. On the next page there was a picture of our junior and senior prom. The next had pictures of Nick and Tyson. The page after that had random friends that I remembered. The last page made me want to cry though. It was all pictures of Nick and me, hanging out, laughing, being teenagers.

I was so wrapped up in the page that I didn't even notice Nick standing over me.

"Kammy?" he asked.

I jumped. "Hey." I said.

"My mom made that as a graduation present." he explained.

"I miss those days." I admitted, pointing to a picture of Nick, Tyson, and I at the mall.

"I do too." Nick said.

"Then we should go back." I told him, half joking.

He laughed. "We can't go back, but we can start again." he suggested.

I nodded, leaning forward to kiss him. This is what I needed.