Easy To Hate?

Pt. 16

Nick and Tyson resorted to playing video games. I decided to call Gracie to see how her date with Mack went.
She picked up on the second ring. "Ello love!" she answered. "Why hello, how are we this fine morning?" I asked.

"Great." she said simply.

"Don't give me that crap! How was your date last night?" I asked.

Gracie laughed. "I had so much fun. I think Mack did too. Have you talked to him lately?" Gracie asked.

"No, I haven't called him." I said.

"Oh. Well, we had a really good time." she said. I could tell by her voice that she was happy again. She was totally over that ass, Cole.

"Kammy!" I heard Nick yell.

"Damn, Gracie, Nick's calling me. I talk to you later. Buh-bye." I said. "Mmkay, bye." she said, hanging up.

I walked into the living room. Two guys were standing at the door.

"Kammy, this is Mike," Nick said pointing to the brunette, "And this loser here is Chris." he said, gesturing towards the blonde.

"Hi." I said. "Hey," they said together.

"Are we leaving soon?" I asked, it was only eleven.

"Actually, yeah. We're leaving now." Tyson said.

"Okay, let me get my stuff." I told them, walking back towards the hallway. Nick followed close behind.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck, when we got into the room. "What are you doing? They're are three guys out there and we're leaving." I said, giggling a little. Nick knew I was ticklish.

"I know." he sighed.

"Aw, did Tyson totally ruin everything?" I joked, picking up one of two suitcases. Nick grabbed the other.

"Yes." he pouted.

"Maybe some other time." I told him, kissing him deeply before we went back into the living room.

"Ready?" Tyson asked.

"Yeah." I said. Nick nodded in agreement.

Apparently, we had to meet up with the guys (and girl, I'd come to learn) from Neon Blood first. They would meet us where the two buses were.

I piled in a car with Nick, Tyson, and Mike. Chris drove our stuff over.

"So, Kammy, I hear you and Nick are together?" Mike questioned. I smacked Tyson so hard on the head it made him scream.

"What the hell you psycho?!" Tyson yelled. "What did you tell Mike?" I asked angrily. Tyson sheepishly grinned. "You ASSHOLE!" I yelled.

"Seriously? Not cool dumbass." Nick agreed.

"Damn, I'm sorry!" Tyson said. Mike sat there the entire time feeling incredibly stupid for saying anything.

Whe arrived in awkward silence. The guys and gal of Neon Blood were already patiently waiting.