Easy To Hate?

Pt. 17

One by one Neon Blood introduced themselves. It was safe to say they were emo. And coming from me, that says a lot. Because I think labels are the dumbest thing ever.

Their names were Declan, Haylee, Alex, and Jorden.

Nick introduced me as his "girlfriend", which made me happy (again, in an eighth grade girl way...)

Declan and Haylee were dating as well, I'd come to learn.

"So, are you part of the band?" Haylee asked, as the guys were doing the heavy lifting, getting the stuff on the bus.

"No. But I've known them since before they were a band." I told her.

"Cool." she said.

"How long have you and Declan been together?" I asked. "Actually, only four months. We became really close when we started the band." she explained.

"What do you play?" I asked, since no one told me.

"I play bass. Declan plays lead guitar, and sings. Alex is a guitarist and Jorden is the drummer. Mind telling me the Rejects?" she asked.

"Sure. Nick plays lead guitar, Tyson sings and plays bass, Chris is the drummer, Mike is the guitarist." I said in one breath.

"Cool. Should we help them?" Haylee asked, as she noticed Jorden struggling with a suitcase. "We should..." I said, not moving. Haylee and I both laughed.

Soon they had finished loading and Nick walked over to Haylee and I.

"Thanks for the help, Kam." he said.

"Oh I know, it was tough too." I said, Haylee and I both laughing again.

We stood there, chatting for a moment, until a guy drove up and got out of his car.

"Who's that?" Haylee asked. I shrugged. "Thats our tour manager Jake." Nick said.

"All set?" he asked.

Everyone turned around and nodded. "Well then, lets get goin'!" he yelled.

"Neon Blood, over here on this bus, Rejects on this one." he said, pointing left and right.

Nick grabbed my hand as if I'd get lost on the way to the bus.

I had my Hello Kitty tote, plus a Good Charlotte bag with other stuff to carry on the bus with me.

The inside was nicer than I expected. There were six bunks that looked comfy enough, although I'd have to make adjustments to it of course. There were two bathrooms apparently, which I thanked God for. Also, a tiny kitchen, and a small living room type area, with a couch, two chairs and a TV. Nick brought his Playstation and games, so that would be hooked up soon I supposed.

Chris, Mike, and Tyson had already chosen they're bunks. I was glad the three dumbasses chose the top. They'd fall out if we hit a bump.

"Sorry guys, theres no double bunks." Tyson teased.

"Shut the hell up." Nick said, placing a bag on the bunk he chose, which was under Mike's. I took the one underneath Tyson, hoping I wouldn't later regret it.

I placed my tote and bag on the bed and sat down. There was one light and a small window in the area. That made it feel more homie, if that even makes sense.

Like I'd expected, Nick and Tyson were setting up the Playstation. I didn't feel like distracting them, so I decided to set up my bunk.

In my Good Charlotte bag, I loaded pictures, posters, and things to make it more comfortable... I get homesick, sue me.

I started by putting pictures of family up. My mom and dad, close cousins, etc. Then I placed pictures from high school up, a few from college (all two months of it) and a couple of Nick and I. Then I placed about thirty posters all over that covered up the remaining space.

I took out my pillow and blanket and placed them neatly on the bed. Everything was all set.

Chris walked past me and did a double shot. A "Wow," was all he could muster up.

I assumed that my ten minutes of organizing was enough time to let Nick and Tyson finish. And when I went to the living area, they were playing Playstation. Lovely. The deep trance they were under disabled them from communicating, so I thought I'd go back to my newly improved bunk and read a magazine.

When I slipped inside the tiny space, I realized it wasn't that tiny. I had enough room to sit up and leisure as I pleased. I pulled a Guitar World out of my Hello Kitty tote, and began reading.

After five minutes, I heard someone step onto the bus.

"Everyone ready?" I heard a man say. A chorus of "yeah"s replied. Soon, we were on the road.

I decided to open the tiny blind that was placed on the window by my head and look out. Sure enough, I was on the road with The All-American Rejects.

My sidekick rang making me jump, and I pulled it out of my tote. "Hello?"

"Kammy?" Mack's voice replied. I hadn't even bothered looking at the caller ID.

"Hey Mack, whats up?" I asked.

"Me and Gracie are sort of dating, but I guess you already knew that." he said. "Yeah, she told me." I replied.

"Are you guys gone yet?" he asked. "Kind of, we just hit the road." I told him.

"Oh, hey I've gotta go. Gracie is calling me. I'll talk to you later. Bye." he said, quickly hanging up without letting me say goodbye. I shrugged and continued reading my magazine.

After I had gotten extremely tired of that particular magazine, I decided giving Nick and Tyson another try. Only to be disappointed yet again, I sat down on the couch next to Nick and laid my head on his shoulder.

He paused the game and Tyson yelled at him.

Oh, this was going to be fun...