Easy To Hate?

Pt. 2

College was a little hard to get adjusted to. My roommate is really cool though, her name is Gracie.
We're only two months into the semester and we're really close.
"Can I borrow your literature book?" Gracie asked as I was studying for my child psychology test. "Sure. Its on my bed... Where's yours?" I asked.
"I'm not sure...I think I left it at Cole's dorm." she said. Blech. Cole is her boyfriend... And has been since high schoool.
Which, you know, I'm happy for her... But I'll admit I'm jealous of what they have... I still miss Nick...
"Okay, well its on my bed." I told her, snapping out of my memories of high school. "Thanks Kam." she said, rushing to my room.
I glanced back to my book when my phone rang. I sighed and saw that it was my mom.
"Hello?" I answered. "Hi sweetie!" my moms annoying voice rang through my ears... I never really got along with that woman...
"Hi mom. What's up?" I asked. "You'll never guess who called." she said, anxious to tell me.
"President Bush?" I said sarcastically. "Please, Kammy. No. Are you going to guess?" she asked.
Precisely why I hate my mother. She's annoying as hell. "I don't know mom. Seriously, just tell me." I said. "Oh fine. If you're going to be sarcastic and won't-" "MOM!" I yelled.
"Goodness Kammy! It was Nicky. He was looking for you." She said. My heart sank... Nick? Looking for me? "Well what did he say?" I asked.
"Ahh, I knew you'd warm up when I mentioned Nicky." she said. "What did he say?" I asked.
"That he was going to be back in town for a little while and wondered if you were home or not." She said. "And what did you tell him?" I asked.
"Naturally, I told him you were at school. And I gave him your number... And location... Sorry... I assumed you wouldn't mind. Well, honey I have to go. Your father started a fire outback... Oh dear - Bye Kammy. Love you." she said sounding more annoyed. "Uh. Love you too. Bye." I said.
I hung up and then realized what my mother had done. OH MY GOD. She gave Nick my location?! And my number?! What was she thinking?!
Oh, what does it matter. He won't call. Or come over. So what do I care?
I went back to studying. For a half hour. My eyes hurt so I decided to take a break. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost eight.
I sighed and made my way to the fridge. Cole came over and raided it often so we barely had anything.
I grabbed my cell phone and jacket and walked outside. I was bored so I thought I'd take a walk.
After making it to the courtyard and sitting on a bench, my phone began to ring.
I took it out of my pocket and didn't recognize the number. I answered it anyway. "Hello?"
"Kammy?" No... It couldn't be... Could it?