Easy To Hate?

Pt. 21

The tension on the bus got worse. Declan wasn't speaking to anyone, and Haylee wasn't talking to anyone. Nick and I felt sort of obligated to be quiet, or we'd feel weird.
For two, long, miserable hours, we rode in silence until we reached the first stop. I'll be honest, I didn't quite care where we were, so I didn't pay much attention. All I cared about was that I'd be off the bus and talking to happier people.

Haylee and Declan went back, hand in hand (and in silence) to there bus, and Chris, Mike, and Tyson returned.

Haylee and Declan's depression rubbed off on Nick and I.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" was Tyson's greeting.

"Haylee's pregnant, and we just sat through the worst silence ever." I explained.

"Oh shit... What are they gonna do?" Chris asked.

"Declan says they're quitting the tour, but they'll probably just shorten it." Nick said.

"What time is it?" I asked. "It's only ten." Tyson said.

"Who wants a beer?" Mike asked, opening the fridge.

All of us replied, and he handed each of us a bottle.

"Where'd you guys get the beer?" I asked.

"I'm twenty-one." Mike said.

"Nice." I replied, taking a long swig of the beer.

I drink underage, big whoop.

I really felt like getting drunk. And after five beers, I was.

So drunk that I didn't remember falling asleep on the floor.

Nick had to pick me up and lay me down in my bunk.

I woke up with him next to me, which was kind've crowded.

Tyson banged on his bunk. "I told you guys I didn't want any of that going on!" he yelled.

An extremely bad pain shot through my head. I had a fucking hangover.

"Shut the fuck up Tyson." I said as meanly as I could without raising my voice.

Nick woke up and smiled.

"Hungover?" he asked.

"Yeah..." I said softly.

Nick got up and returned with some aspirin and a water.

"I love you so much." I said, taking the pills. "Love you too." he said, sitting in his own bunk.

"What the hell happened last night?" I asked.

"You got so drunk that you stripped all your clothes off and had sex with Nick right on the floor." Tyson said.

"Shut up!" Nick and I both yelled, causing my head to scream.

"How do you guys not have hangovers?!" I questioned.

"I didn't drink that much, and Tyson just doesn't seem to get hangovers." Nick explained.

"Fucking asshole! So he makes everyone with a hangover miserable?" I asked.

"Exactly!" Tyson yelled.