Easy To Hate?

Pt. 23

Everything got boring again. I pulled my sidekick out.

"Ay dude! Sup?"

I hit send and a few minutes later it beeped.

"Not much. Miss me already?!"

I was sitting quietly in my bunk when Nick sat down next to me.

"Who are you talking too?" he asked.

"Jorden." I said, typing in my response.

"Cool." Nick replied. I sat up a bit and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Whats wrong?" he asked. He carefully placed his arm around me.

"I think I'm already homesick." I whispered.

"I know, me too." he said, kissing my forhead.

Jorden and I continued texting and eventually Nick fell asleep.

He really did look adorable like that. Yes, I know; it seems cheesy. But what the hell? Love is cheesy if you ask me.

For the next two hours I texted Jorden. It became apparent that he and I shared the same obsession with texting. We talked about serious stuff too. He told me how much he misses his ex-girlfriend: Jamie. I felt sorry for him. He honestly loved her, and she screwed around on him.

That kind of shit isn't fair, because it happens to people like him. I told him about Gracie and Cole. He agreed that that was seriously messed up.

Nick woke up and looked at me. "How long was I out?" he asked. "About two hours, I think." I told him.

"I'm still tired. Is it time to sleep yet?" he asked. I looked at my phone. "It's nine." I laughed.

"Turn the light off. I'm tired." he said, sounding like a four year old.

"You have a bunk you know." I laughed.

"Yeah, but this is way more comfortable." he said, slightly tightening his grip on me, as if I were a teddy bear.

"Fine." I said, turning the light off and pulling a blanket over the two of us.

I knew we were going to catch shit from Tyson for this.

Nick fell right back asleep. I wondered why he was so damn tired. I just laid my head on his chest and drifted off.

The next morning Chris and Mike woke us up. "We're heeeeere." Mike said, shoving Nick and me.

"Where are we?" I asked sleepily. "Saint Louis bitches!" Chris said.

"Ah hell. Already?" Nick questioned, sitting up.

"Yep. Who wants to go sight-seeing?" Chris asked.

"Aren't we all going?" I asked.

"We have to check into the hotel rooms first." Tyson announced.

"Really?" I asked. Everyone nodded.

Everyone checked in, there were four rooms for Neon Blood and the Rejects.

Jorden & Alex shared a room, Declan & Haylee shared a room, Chris & Mike shared a room, and Nick, Tyson, and I were in the last.

At first, Haylee wanted the two of us to share a room, but neither of our boyfriends really wanted that.

The rooms were nice. Tyson was anxious to leave, I however wanted to shower first. Nick volunteered to stay behind with me and catch up with the rest later.

"I swear to God, if I come back in here and catch you guys doing it I will murder you." Tyson threatened. Nick flipped him off and sent him out the door.

Nick watched television while I showered.

I walked back to the room to grab my clothes.

"So...?" Nick questioned.

I knew what he was asking for. I hated how blunt he was being about it. This would be one of the rare occasions we were alone together though.

I locked the door.