Easy To Hate?

Pt. 24

Nick and I met up with the rest of the guys and Neon Blood at the Arch.
"Hey, what took you guys?" Jorden asked.

Tyson coughed. "Oh." Jorden said, assuming he knew what Tyson was referring to.

"You really are a jerk Ty." I said.

"I didn't say anything." he replied.

"Who wants to go up?" Declan asked. It was the first pleasant words I'd heard from him in a while. Declan and Haylee looked a lot happier, and were holding hands.

"Let's do it." I said.

"I hate heights." Alex groaned.

"Aww, wittle Alex wanna stay behind?" Jorden teased.

"I've been up it before Alex." I told him. Some of my family lived in St. Louis, so when I'd go to visit them, we'd go downtown and go up the Arch.

"Is it bad?" he asked.

"It's not too windy, so it won't sway as much." I told him. One time I went up, it was so windy that I couldn't stand up there. I felt sick. But I didn't feel like telling Alex that.

"It sways?!" he asked.

"Well yeah, thats how it stays up. It's the way they built it." I explained.

Now Haylee was looking hesitant. "Oh come on, its not that bad. I promise. You can see all of downtown from up there. It's really cool." I said.

"If you don't want to go, I'll stay with you." Haylee offered.

"No its fine. I'll go." he replied.

After we got through security and bought our tickets, we made our way into the elevators, which were more like pods that held six people. Nick, Alex, and I got stuck in a pod with people we didn't know.

If you were clausterphobic, I wouldn't recommend going up the Arch.

When we got up there, it was a little crowded as usual, and we saw the rest of the guys waiting.

"You said it wouldn't be swaying." Alex whispered to me nervously.

"It's going to sway, calm down." I told him.

"Wow, it's really high." Nick said, glancing out a window.

"Are you afraid of heights too?" I asked, squeezing his hand. "I don't care for them. No." he admitted.

To Alex's relief, we were back on the ground, safe.

"Now what? We've got all day." Jorden said.

"Oh, isn't there a Six Flags around here?" Chris asked.

"That's about an hour from here." I told him.

"Screw that. I don't want to drive an hour." Mike said.

"Yeah, and its a nice day. Its probably packed." Declan said.

"What else is there to do?" Chris asked.

I hadn't been to St. Louis since I was thirteen, so I didn't remember much. All I remembered was visiting my Aunt Rachel and Uncle Todd, and my cousins Erica and Vivian.

"Let's just walk around." Haylee suggested.

"Sure." Alex agreed.

"We'll find something to do." Nick said.

But, we never did. We shopped a little, but that was about it. It was six o'clock when we made it back to the hotel room.

"So, which bed do I avoid?" Tyson asked.

"Shut the hell up Ty." Nick said. I sat down and turned the TV on. I started watching Criss Angel:Mindfreak

Nick took a shower, and Tyson was lying down, busy texting someone.

After the show was over, I grabbed my bag. I pulled out a Hollywood Undead tank and pink shorts to change into.

Nick was still in the bathroom so I waited.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked Tyson.

"My friend Angye." he replied, not looking away from his phone.

I didn't know her, and Tyson wasn't going to explain, so I sat quietly.

Nick finally came out, and I entered the bathroom.

I changed, and brushed my teeth.

I grabbed my clothes and placed them back in my bag and laid down on the bed.

I turned the bedside lamp off. Tyson's was still on, and the glow of the TV would definitely keep me awake.

After about twenty minutes, Nick turned the TV off and liad next to me. I felt his arm wrap around me and everything was quiet. Except for the clicking of Tyson's phone.

He didn't stop for another half hour, and by then, Nick had crashed.

Tyson didn't even bother to change. He just turned the light off and went to sleep.

I, however, was still wide awake. I was uncomfortable, but I didn't want to move and disturb Nick.

Screw it. I turned over, waking Nick up.

"Go back to sleep." I whispered.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine. Just go back to sleep." I said, kissing him.

"Love you babe." he said. "I love you too." I replied.