Easy To Hate?

Pt. 26

When we returned to the bus, everyone was still exhausted from the night before.

Haylee was having morning sickness, so she wasn't thrilled about getting on the bus.

Nick went straight to his bunk and fell asleep. So did Tyson and Mike. Chris stayed up playing video games.

I couldn't fall asleep, so I called Mack.

He answered on the fourth ring.

"Hey Kammy." he said.

"How are you and Gracie?" I asked.

"Really good actually. How about you and Nick?" he asked.

"I'm so happy I'm with him... But I miss you guys." I said softly.

"We miss you too. Do you wanna talk to Gracie? She's right here." he said. I didn't even have a chance to reply. Gracie was on the phone.

"Kam!" she squealed.

"Hey Gracie." I said.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" she asked, worriedly.

"I'm fine. Just homesick. Really, homesick." I told her.

"Aw. I'm sorry Kam." she said.

"Most of the guys are asleep right now. We just got back on the bus. They're first show was last night." I said.

I don't know what came over me, but I started crying. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and then they started pouring.

"Kammy, are you okay?" Gracie asked again.

"No... I want to go home." I said, shocked to hear myself say it. It was the truth. I was extremely homesick, and we hadn't been gone that long. How could I last a year?

"You have Nick though, right?" I heard Mack ask. I was on speaker phone now.

I quickly wiped my face with a tissue, and took a deep breath.

"Of course. I don't know what came over me. Female hormones?" I joked. They both laughed, half-heartedly. I don't think they bought it.

"Well, I don't want to wake the guys up, so I'll talk to you guys later." I said.

"Alright, bye Kammy." Mack said.

"Bye Kam." Gracie said.

I slowly hung up.

Honestly, I didn't know what came over me. Maybe the fact that Nick hadn't talked to me since yesterday? How pathetic.

I struggled to find a reason, but failed miserably. I left it at that and tried to sleep.

Sleep wasn't easy either.

So I started texting Jorden.

We talked for about two hours and Nick finally woke up.

"Hey Baby," he said, sitting up.

"Hi." I said.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

I loved how he knew when I was upset when I didn't say anything or show any emotions. It made me feel like he cared.

"Homesick." I simply said.

He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me. He kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered.

Another tear.

Then another.

Soon, I was crying on his shoulder.

Tyson woke up pissed, and yelling at me. Until he saw I was crying. Then he just shut up.

"Kammy, I think I know what we're going to do." Nick said softly, sounding like it pained him.

"What?" I questioned.

"I'm going to send you home." he said.