Easy To Hate?

Pt. 28

I waited for Nick, and when he arrived... He seemed different.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Why?" he replied.

"Nothing I guess, you just... Never mind." I said.

He shrugged.

We didn't talk much... It worried me. What the hell was going on with him?

My phone buzzed.

I glanced at Nick, then to the phone. It was Haylee.

I answered.

"Kammy! Oh My- Get up here! Oh... Please! Hurry!" she shrieked.

The line went dead.

"What was that?" Nick asked.

"We have to hurry." I said, taking off.

I ran as fast as I could to the hotel.

I didn't know what Haylee was screaming about, but... Oh God... A million things ran through my mind.

None of them prepared me for what I was about to see.

Nothing could have.

I ran to the room Neon Blood was supposed to be in, and saw Alex, Declan, and Haylee all hovering around Jorden.

Declan was calling 911.

"What happened?!" I screamed. Jorden was...pale... his eyes... empty.

"I don't know!" Haylee sobbed. She was leaning over him, trying to wake him up.

I dropped to my knees and crawled towards him.

"Jorden!" I screamed. As if that would help...

"Oh my God..." Haylee screamed.

"Haylee, calm down! Think about the baby!" Nick said, rushing to her side.

"What the hell happened?!" I yelled.

"We went to get some ice, and then we ate something. I don't know! We just came back and he was on the floor like this!" Alex said.

Declan hung up the phone and crawled over.

I felt hot tears rolling down my face.

"Jorden, stay with us buddy. You're going to be fine." Declan said, patting Jorden's unresponsive face.

What denial we were in...

The paramedics rushed in... It was pure chaos...

One short, bald guy shoved us all to the side as they made their way towards him.

I don't really remember what happened from there.

Just the paramedics pronouncing one of my best friends dead.

And me collapsing on the floor.

Jorden.... Jorden was dead at the age of twenty-two.

It was a drug overdose. Jorden had done cocaine, meth, and heroin within twenty minutes. The combination, and amount he took was lethal. They ruled it as a suicide. One of my best fucking friends had killed themselves.

I was sad, I was angry, I was hurt. But most of all, shocked.

We all thought Jorden was getting better. No, in fact, he'd just gotten worse. Without our knowing, he'd become addicted to painkillers, alcohol, and countless drugs.

He was trying to die. It was what he wanted.

And that is what made me hate him.

How the hell could he be so selfish? He had people that cared about him. We loved him. And look what he did...

Nick didn't know how to help... He hadn't become close to Jorden like I had... Jorden was like a brother...
♠ ♠ ♠
how sad...... sorry, this has been the plot from the beginning.

Almost done, just a couple chapters left. comments please?