Easy To Hate?

Pt 7

Nick greeted me with a warm hug.
"Kammy, hi! How have you been?" he asked, as if it had been years since we had last seen each other... Not four months.

"School's been great. But my stupid life is boring, how have you been? I heard about Swing, Swing! Congrats!" I said.

Nick didn't look thrilled.

"Uh, I mean, thats good-Isn't it?" I questioned.

"Of course it is. I'm sorry. I'm just really distracted." he said.

"Nick, what is this about?" I asked.

"I'm glad you actually came. I didn't think you would. I thought you hated me." he said, sort of dodging the question.

"You know I could never hate you." I said quietly, but not enough to where he couldn't hear me. His face sunk.

"Let's walk." he said.

"What's this about?" I asked again.

"You remember Brooke right?" Nick asked.

I chuckled. Brooke Lennex was a psycho-stalker of Nick, and was always wanting to beat the hell out of me when we dated.

"Yeah, what about her?" I asked.

"She found out we broke up, and she's been coming to my apartment... And seriously scaring me." he said.

"That sucks. So... Why are you telling me this?" I asked. I didn't find it any of my business anymore. He wasn't mine, she could have him...HA.

"Well... I kind of turned her down, and she thinks its because I'm still in love with you." he said.

I laughed.

"Kammy! It's not funny. I think she's seriously going to hurt you." Nick said, stopping me.

This, I didn't laugh at.