Easy To Hate?

Pt. 9

"Go with you?!" I asked, to make sure I really just heard that.
"Please Kammy! It's the only way I'll know your safe." Nick begged.

"Nick... Thats crazy! I have school to worry about." I said.

"You can come back to school can't you? After we're sure she's backed off?"

"I don't know..." I said quietly. I was almost positive I could.

"Let's check." Nick said, beginning to walk towards the offices.

"Nick! Now?! You want me to go now??" I yelled.

"The tour starts in a week." Nick said.

He sounded sure that I was going with him. I hadn't even fully absorbed the fact that I was a target. He expects me to leave school and tour the country with him? This is too crazy. My mother wouldn't have it. Bingo.

"My mom won't like this Nick!" I told him.

"That's why I called her first. I asked to see you. Then I told her what was going on." he said.

"She told me you called. She didn't mention I had a psycho after me!"

"I told her not to! I told her that I would tell you myself."

I started to cry. This was too much. And it was serious. I would have to drop out of school and go with Nick. He was right. It was the only way.

"Does she know that I plan on dropping out?" I asked.

"She said you'll be able to come back."

Nick didn't notice my tears. He kept on walking. It was a struggle to keep up with him. He was in a hurry...

Then he stopped. "Kammy? Are you okay?" he asked, turning to me and grabbing me in a hug.

"Given the fact that I might get killed, I'm doing okay." I said sarcastically. I continued to cry.

"You'll be fine. I won't let her touch you. I promise." Nick whispered.

At that moment, I was expecting to wake up. I kept thinking to myself that it had to be a dream. Not just the fact that Brooke was after me, but Nick was holding me.

After a few minutes, I gathered myself and stopped crying. Nick and I entered the Dean's office. We told the secretary it was urgent, and since he wasn't with anyone, we went straight in.

"Ms. Tripp... is it?" Dr. Grable asked, looking at my file as Nick and I sat down.

"Yes sir. Kammy Tripp." I replied.

"And, who are you may I ask?" he said, glancing at Nick.

"Oh, I'm Nick Wheeler. A friend of Kammy's." Nick said.

"Is it neccesary for you to be in here with her?" he asked.

"Yes sir, I believe so."

"Well then. What seems to be t he problem?" Dr. Grable asked, as he sat down at his desk.

"Is it possible for me to drop out for the rest of the year, and return?" I asked.

Dr. Grable looked highly confused. "And what would be the reason?"

Nick coughed. "Excuse me sir, her family and I believe she might be in some sort of danger. There's a girl that has threatened her life. She'll be coming with me, to be safe." Nick told him.

"Have the police been notified?" Dr. Grable asked.

"Yes, they think it's a prank. I have a letter from the girl, if you'd like to see." Nick said, giving Dr. Grable the letter. He read it, and his eyes widened.

"I'll need to speak with Ms. Tripp's parents to confirm this. You're aware of that, right?" he asked.

Nick and I shook our heads. "Alright. If her parents tell me that they believe it is absolutely neccesary for her to temporarily drop out, then I will allow her to return next fall." Dr. Grable stated.

"Sir, if it isn't too much to ask, could you do this as soon as possible? I need to be packed and out of here by Thursday." I said. And after saying it, I realized it was only Tuesday. I'd have to be fast.

"I'll call as soon as you leave. If confirmed, I'll call you down to sign a few papers. You're parents will have to come too." he told me.

"Can we wait just outside the building?" I asked.

"Thats fine." he said.

Nick and I got up, thanked him, and walked outside and sat on a bench and waited.

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared Nick..." I told him.

"I am too." he said, hugging me again.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." he said.

"Why did you really break up with me?" I asked.

"Kammy, I didn't want to. I thought it would be for the best. Honestly." he explained.

"I don't think it was." I said quietly.

Nick didn't reply.

"Whats done is done I guess." I said.

Until Dr. Grable's secretary called for us, we sat in awkward silence.

We quietly entered the office once more. "Well Ms. Tripp, you're free to go once you and your parents sign these papers." Dr. Grable said.

"Okay." I said quietly.

This was going to be a long year...