Gantz dream

Where are fudge are we?

They where both running, they couldn't stop, they where still surrounded by flame's though they where both sure that their bodies had been ripped into shred's, but somehow they where still together. Suddenly everything went white, and a room began to appear in front of them. They stopped in the large Japanese style room, both breathing very heavily.
"Save a hobo he Say's" Salem said sarcastically" we won't get blown up by a truck...jackass"
"Hey now!" Orlando said" to be fair I never said anything about getting blown up and..."
He stopped talking when they noticed that there where a few other people in the room, some sitting, and some standing all around a very large black sphere.
"Did you guy's just die too?" asked a plump black haired man with glasses, his voice was very annoying, as if he was talking through his nose.
"I...I think we did, did we?" Orlando asked
"Aw great" Salem said," so who are you?"
"I'm Jeff Saleryman and I got hit by a car" said the black haired man
"I'm kyle and I got stuck in a freezer" said an old man in a McDonald's uniform
"Let's just say that we are legitimate business men whom exchanged a unfriendly conversation with other legitimate business men" Said a bald man sitting beside a huge muscular dark coloured man.
"Your gangsters then? Jeff said
"How do you know that?" said the bald man
"You have bullet holes in your clothes"
"Rats! our clever ruse has been made a two bit sham!"
Salem gazed around the big apartment, he was surprised as he looked out the large window's to see that they where still in New York, only now it was night outside, he looked down and saw a collie dog sitting panting away at him, he leaned down and petted him.
"So we have Jeff, two criminal's,Kyle and sorry what was your name?" Orlando asked a blond haired man,
"Mitch" replied the man
"And I'm Orlando"
"What's the girl's name?" Mitch asked
"I'm not a girl!" Salem said
"That's Salem" Orlando said
"Looks like someone else is coming" Jeff said. Two thin Lazar's shot out of the large black sphere and zig zag'ed in front of it, it seemed to be drawing a person, similar to a printer, and before long a young woman was sitting in front of them, her hair was flaming red and very curly, she looked extremely shocked.
"Where?..What?" she was saying
"It's OK" Orlando said kneeling beside her, your okay now"
"So where are we?" Salem asked,"Please don't tell me this is the afterlife, a room with a New York view?". At these word's a voice came from the sphere.
"Welcome, welcome" It said, it sounded like one of the computer's that some people who couldn't talk used,"I am Gantz, and welcome to the wonder full world of alien hunting"
Everyone stared.
"You have got to be shitting me" Salem said
"Ha, Ha, Ha" the sphere laughed," this is no joke, your lives's have ended and now belong to me"
"Wha..what do you want with us?" the red haired girl asked
"I will explain" the sphere said" I am Gantz, a complicated computer system that has made a perfect copy of each of you, and I have restored your mind's, you are now my servant's that are going to help me rid this world of creatures from distant galaxies"
"Do you mean alien's?" Jeff asked
"That's what I said, stop contradicting me, who has three thousand processor's inside them?"
Jeff raised his hand
"No you don't" Gantz said," stop that, now I will present you with little gift's"
At the left and right side of the sphere pushed out,one pressing Salem against a wall, though he slipped out easily, revealing two rack's each with a number of strange looking gun's and small metal case's. Salem had opened one of the case's that contained a skin tight black suit.
"What are those?" asked the dark thug
"These suit's are built for each of you, they strengthen your human abilities, use full for staying alive, and these gun's are my own make, the small ones fire out an invisible Lazar, and what the Lazar hits will explode, the large ones fire out an unbreakable net that will catch the creature I want you to, once it is caught I will destroy it"
"Oh..." Orlando said
"That is not all" Gantz continued," I have also enhanced one of your abilities permanently, some of yours will be physical, some will be emotional"
"Really? said Kyle," what are they?"
"That you can find out on your own"
"UH" said Jeff," why is there a man inside you?". The all looked into where the large gap's showed from the hidden shelves's came out at, there was a naked unconscious man hooked up inside with a breathing mask on.
"That is my human battery, but enough of this you all must go and kill this creature".
An image appeared on the front of the sphere of a strange looking human, that very much resembled Frankenstein. The laser's that had brought the red haired girl to the room, began to do the same to everyone. As they all reappeared in central park, only Orlando, Salem, the red haired girl,and Mitch where wearing the suit's.
"Why did you guy's not put on the suit's?" Orlando asked
"I am not wearing that fruity thing" Kyle said
"Well just look at what your wearing now!" the read haired girl said
"And just who the hell are you anyway?"Kyle asked
"I'm Nyxie" she replied with a growl, everyone stared at her," sorry I have a bit of noticeable animal instinct, so to say"
"Let's not worry about that now" Orlando said," we have to kill this..this, alien"
"And just why do we have to do this?" Kyle asked,"I refuse"
"Don't Kyle" Salem said," you heard him he are his servant's"
"I don't think so I still have my free will, and I will not do it, what can he do anyway?"
There was suddenly a strange noise in the air, Nyxie looked suddenly scared, she then screamed and pointed at Mitch, everyone gasped. His head was swelling to a point he could only make a panicked gasping noise before his head exploded, and blood flew in all direction's.
"Guess we know" Jeff said as Kyle's body collapsed.
"O..okay" Salem said shaking," where do we begin looking for this..this...thing?"
"I'm guessing here?"Mitch said, pointing to a little screen device showing a map of the city and a blue dot was covering an area on it.
"Where did you get that from?" Orlando asked looking over Mitch's shoulder.
"It was inside my pocket"
"Wow" Jeff said," Your so lucky, I don't have any"
"Come on!" Salem said, we need to go kill"
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 2!
Oh and i dont own Gantz by the way, but who actually thought i did?????