Status: I've already written some of I'll put up some chapters that I've already finished, then do as best as I can to write more :)

The Average Girl With...The Average Vampire?

. : Chapter 20 : .

I was lounged on Drake’s lap in the big, comfortable chair in his room as he absent-mindedly stroked my arm. It was late at night, yet neither one of us wanted to sleep. Even if I did, the reoccurring pain in my stomach would make it rather hard to fall asleep. They didn’t happen so close to each other since Beatrice gave me some kind of pill. She explained that they were normal when carrying a vampire. I had both a girl and boy vampire growing inside of me; twins. Despite the inconvenience, a hint of excitement flowed through me. That hint of excitement is usually overcome by fear or worry.
I maneuvered my head so that it rested on his silent chest. He looked down at me, his black locks falling into his beautiful, stormy-gray eyes. “Don’t be anxious,” Drake said, moving some loose pieces of hair out of my face.
“I’m scared, Drake,” I whispered. “How will I be able to do this? Be a mother?” I sat up and turned around to face him.
“Raine, I have no doubt that you’ll do your absolute best to raise these children. They’ll have a father as well; you’re not going at this alone,” He said. “I love you, Raine, and I’ll love these children just as much.”
I felt like butter on warm pancakes. Almost all of the fear evaporated at that moment. Almost.
I sighed and laid my head back on his chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around me. “I know,” I replied. “And I love you too, it’s ju-,”
I felt another stabbing pain in my lower stomach then. I shot up to a sitting position and clutched the area where it was most. It wasn’t as bad as it was before; I guessed it was because of the medication. It began to wear off and then it went away entirely. I tried to calm my ragged breathing, unaware of Drake rubbing my back. When I was finally back to normal, I felt completely drained of energy. I could barley hold my head up when Drake picked me up bridal style and made his way to my room. I could feel him using his foot to maneuver the semi-open door and gently put me down on the bed, pulling the covers up to my shoulders.
“Stay with me,” I whispered, already almost half-asleep. I felt the bed sink down where he got in, and his arm on my waist, pulling me towards him. I fell asleep with hint of a smile on my lips.

-Drake P.O.V-
She rested her head back on my chest. I listened intently to her heartbeat, in rhythm with the two others. I honestly never thought I would love someone as much as I did her. I held her warm, fragile body tight against mine.
“I know,” she mumbled. “ And I love you too, it’s jus-,”
I could almost feel the pain she was feeling. Her thoughts portrayed it all. She supported herself with her hand on my chest as she clutched her stomach with the other. I hated this. I hated how she had to go through all this. I wish I could be the one having to endure all this pain. I gently rubbed her back in circles, trying to soothe her as best I could. I could feel her energy being drained as the two vampire babies involuntarily used her energy. That was why she hurt like this. They had to feed somehow, and when you’re young, you feed off of energy.
She slumped into my arms. I scooped her up and carried her to her room. As I put her to bed, I took in her relaxed features. Her mouth was curved slightly in one corner; her eyes were closed. She looked even more beautiful than sleeping beauty herself.
I bent down to kiss her forehead when she mumbled something that sounded like, “Stay with me.”
Smirking, I made my way to the other side of the bed. I pulled her towards me, our bodies perfectly fitting beside each other. “Sleep, my angel,” I whispered, kissing her soft, brown hair.

-Raine’s P.O.V-
When I awoke, Drake was already up. I only woke up once in the night due to the pains. I made my way to the bathroom, feeling fully rejuvenated. One look in the mirror and I gasped. My stomach had literally doubled in size. It wasn’t huge or anything, but it was still much larger than it was yesterday. Beatrice told me they grew more rapidly than humans, but I’d forgotten about it. While a human would be in the womb for nine months, a vampire would only be in it for one or two. I raised my shirt and ran my hand across it. It felt normal except for two hard lumps, which I assumed were the babies.
Sighing, I turned on the shower and stepped under the warm flow of water.
After showering, and dressing in sweats and a tank, I made my down the stairs only to be greeted by the smell of eggs being fried. I immediately felt repulsed. With my nose scrunched up, I walked into the kitchen. Narcy sat on a stool, while Lilly stood in front of the stove, tending to an egg in a skillet.
“Feeling morning sickness, babe?” Lilly asks without turning around.
“I felt alright until I smelled the food,” I answered taking a seat on a stool beside Narcy.
Before I could even wonder where he was, Narcy said, “Drake’s down at the training grounds, teaching some newbie.” She turned to look at me and I watched her eyes grow. “Well, you sure got big fast.” She laughed. “Lilly and I are going to throw you a baby shower,” She said matter-of-factly.
I smiled at her. “Fine, but try to keep the guest list under one hundred,” I joked.
Lilly brought three plates to the table.
“I’m not eating, Lil. I can hardly handle the smell,” I said, holding my stomach.
“Understandable.” She then saw my stomach. “Wow,” She exclaimed.
“Yes, we all know I’m a fat cow,” I stated.
Lilly smirked. “You’re not fat, hon, I just wasn’t expecting you to be this big this soon, but you’re having twins, so I guess that has something to do with it.”
“Yeah. Um…just wondering, but how much bigger do you guys think I’ll get?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t to get too much bigger.
“Not much, but you will get bigger,” Narcy said with a bite of egg in her mouth.
I sighed. Being pregnant is going to be a bitch.
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Yay!! Chaper 20! I feel accomplished! Hope you like it! :D