Status: You comment... I shall update. Deal? Deal.

Draco's Diary

August 31st, 2010 : One night's enough.

Dear diary,
Rayline.. I hope that I never hear that name again.
That name, that girl, has been haunting me.
I wonder, is she a ghost?
A figment of my imagination?
If so, then it's finally proven that I am crazy.
I see her in my dreams...And only in my dreams...
She's there every time i fall into one of my many troubled slumbers.. She's there, and I see her laughing, talking, and walking. She wears the robes of a Midnight Raven.. And it's like I'm watching from afar, stalking behind her... But last night, that's the last night I ever want to see her again.
I saw her running...Fleeing from someone, Something. And she looked terrified, the look on her face made me want to wake up and never sleep again. Of course that didn't happen. I couldn't see what was chasing her, and it wasn't me. She was in a forest, her hair swaying in the humid breeze of august. Her stance was rigid, like she was waiting for something to happen. Her head had whipped to the side as her eyes widened, there was a growl, that's when she started to run. No, sprint deeper into the forest...
And then I woke up.
It's September 1st today, 5:30, and I'm absolutely positive that I won't be going back to sleep tonight. I'll just wait until I hear the house elves, and then I'll go down to breakfast..

Draco Malfoy.

Around 45 minutes later I started to hear the bustle of the house elves handling breakfast.
I was already dressed in my robes to go to on the last trip to Diagon Alley, to pick up some last minute things.
Breakfast was dull, the only noise to console my earlier nightmares were the sound of forks scraping plates.
It didn't help at all.

"Draco darling, are you ready to leave?" Mother asked, already standing up and brushing the invisible crumbs off of her dress.
I nodded "Yes, Mother"

My father strode into the room, "Narcissa, are you taking the boy now?"
She nodded.
He slipped her a piece of parchment, quickly, hoping that I didn't catch it. "Pick this up for me before you leave. And darling, be discreet." his hushed tones weren't as quiet as he'd hoped them to be, but I stayed silent, pretending I didn't hear or see anything.

I side apparated to Diagon Alley with Mother, knowing that she hates the Floo Network.
I decided to leave her to her own business as I headed to Flourish & Blotts.
once I had paid for my three books, I turned to walk out of the door.
I was frozen mid-step when I saw Her.

Her Eyes a dark and sinister charcoal, Her long hair a blood red sort of crimson, She dyed it, Her pale alabaster skin, All of it was her...
And all of her was here.
I didn't know what to do,
And I knew that I didn't want her to see me, for I had already seen her for longer than I ever wanted.

So I ran.
♠ ♠ ♠
It'll get better
It will not stay in Draco's P.O.V.
And I will update soon!
But right now I have Got to get to sleep!
I have a Drama Club meeting in the morning!!
They're getting DONUTS!!!!