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Draco's Diary

Friends Again

My world was shaking, there was an earthquake. What was happening? Why won't the shaking stop?
I then realized, as my eyes groggily opened, that someone was shaking me.

"Damn it, Rayline! Wake.Up!" Someone shouted.

I looked around, in search for a face. I was met with startling green eyes.
"Oh!" I bolted upright, and stumbled my way off the couch.

Harry was standing in front of me, with his arms crossed over his chest. I looked at him sheepishly, not wanting to face him.

"What's been going on with you lately? First we're best friends, then the next minute we hardly know each other!"
He threw his hands up in the air in exasperation.
I really didn't want to deal with this right now.
I sighed, then suddenly wondered what time it was.
"What time is it?" I looked around for the first time and realized the common room was empty.
"Four." He grimaced.
I was shocked, "In the morning?!" I screeched.
"No, in the afternoon."
He said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. I pulled at my hair and groaned. "How- I mean, what- Ugh!"
He was watching me with an amused expression.
"I told everyone to leave you alone, and the teachers that you were ill." He explained.
I was at a loss for words, why would he do all of that for me? I built up a wall that specifically said 'They do not care', yet here he was, tearing down that wall viciously with a wrecking ball.
Damn Him.
"Why would you do that? .... For me?" I asked, dumbstruck.
He was taken aback, so literally that his head jerked back a fraction. "Well, you're -were, I suppose- My friend..."
I shook my head. No, It's not supposed to be like this. He's not even supposed to know I exist! It'll ruin everything!
Yet, I found myself comforted by his gesture, thankful even. I couldn't stop myself from wanting to keep him, keep him as my own, place a claim on him as my friend.

He is your friend... What harm will it do to keep it that way? Even just for a while..

I knew this would ruin me, and I didn't care. If I had no one at all, I would surely build a home that secured me in my mind; And that was not a safe place to stay.

I ran up to Harry Potter, and embraced him in a hug like he had saved my life. Which, I'm sure, he rightfully did.

He was shocked at first, and stood frozen.
After a moment he wrapped his arms around me and placed his cheek on the top of my head. If my eyes weren't so dry, I'd probably be sobbing.
"Does this means you're friends with everyone again?" He asked hopefully.
I shook my head, making his head move.
"Just me?"
I nodded slowly, hoping not to offend him, and make him walk away, outraged.
He didn't, we stood there for a while, holding each other.
I was so relieved, relieved to have someone on my side, whether he knew he was fighting or not, he was fighting for me, and keeping me whole.

We sat down on the couch, facing each other, not speaking.

"Are you hungry?" he asked suddenly
I shook my head.

"Liar, I haven't seen you in the Great Hall for three days."
It was true, I hadn't eaten in three days, but it didn't mean that I was hungry. The nerves didn't just bother my head.
He stood abruptly, and headed for the portrait hole.
"Where are you going?"
My voice cracked. He looked back alarmed, and said quietly and assuredly, "I'll be right back, Promise"
I nodded and watched him leave.
About five minutes later he showed up with a large folded up cloth in his hands. Before i could ask what it was, he opened it and pushed it towards me.
In the cloth, there were slices of bread, cheese, and a green apple.

"Honestly Harry, I'm not hungry. I-"
"Just eat, it will make me feel better."
He nodded towards the food, and I reluctantly began to eat.

We sat and ate, when i was finished, we continued talking. just about things we liked, things we had fun doing, nothing about the past or our families.

And for that, I was grateful.

Night began to set in, and I could feel it.
The sudden heavy pressure on our surroundings, the quiet that usually came with a room full of sleeping teenagers. I sighed, not wanting to leave Harry.

For we had become such good friends! A friend that I was damned to keep.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, most likely seeing the unwillingness on my face.
"It's nighttime, and I'm tired... but I don't want to leave you." I said sadly.
It wasn't hard for me to admit this, I was not ashamed.

Harry kept me whole, his presence scared all of the omnipresent worries away. Leaving me safe to carry on without having to stop and think that I was going to fail and kill everyone.

Harry's invisible eyebrows knitted together in thought.
"Would you like me to stay with you tonight?" He asked.

"Yes, but the girls' dorm-"
"Yes, yes I know, come on" He cut me off and stood, hand held out for me to take.
I took it as he lead me out of the common room, and up two sets of stair cases.

I hadn't asked him where we were going, not even when he started pacing back and forth in front of the blank wall, free of portraits.

Suddenly, a massive oak door appeared out of nowhere. Harry smiled to himself and walked in, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him.
I looked around in astonishment.

"The Room of Requirement"

Harry had said it with a grand wave of his arms. I already knew this room existed. It's wonder never ceased to thrill me. You could feel the magic in this room, where it sits and stays to help the students of Hogwarts.

Looking around, I realized, that the room had turned into somewhat of an apartment.

There were bright gold walls, nearly shimmering in the glow of the crackling fire. A large bed sat, facing the fireplace, with red covers and gold sheets. It's cloud-like pillows held no remorse as they overshadowed the fluffy chairs and couches that surrounded a small table.

Alright, less of an apartment, more of a hotel room.

As odd as it seemed, I really didn't care.
I trusted Harry, and he wouldn't do anything like that. If he was thinking of a nice place to sleep, then I'm not surprised that this appeared.
I realized that I was still in the same clothes that I wore to bed last night. I pointed my wand to my chest and instantly, I was wearing red and black flannel pants and a black hoodie.
I didn't notice that Harry had done the same until I flopped on the bed and saw him in his pajamas, looking sheepishly at me.
"Are you going to go to sleep, or not?"
I said to him, as I settled myself under the many covers on the bed.
"Are you sure you want me to? I could sleep on the couch?"
he pointed to the large couch, that looked quite comfortable, but not as comfortable as the bed, I was sure.
"Yes, come on. I'm sleepy, and I promise I won't try anything on you..."
I smiled as he froze in the act of moving over the blankets.
He unfroze and got into bed, a mile and a half away from me.
I sneakily rolled over to him and laid my head on his chest, "I'm cold" Was my feeble excuse for getting so close to him.
Whether he bought it or not, he ended up having his arms around me when I fell asleep.
I knew we were friends.
Whether he knew it or not.
I didn't care.

I fell into a dreamless sleep that night, thanks to Harry.
Maybe I would do this more often...
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I think I sprained my foot at Drama tonight. Gah! It HURTS! someone comment and I'll probably feel better