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Draco's Diary

You Again.


"Where have you been?"
A shrill voice announced from behind me. I rolled my eyes and looked up.
There stood the famous Transfiguration teacher, Professor McGonogall.
I've always loved that teacher, but dammit, sometimes she's just so annoying.

I was just strutting into the common room, coming back from scoping out the astronomy tower, placing a few protective spells up there while I was at it.

Ever since that little episode I had with Flint. I've been more alert, my expert senses coming back to me. I think I've also been more harsh, I don't know, maybe I've just realized that being all happy-dappy-doo-da is just not the right way to go about things. So I've been really tense, I suppose.
I took a quick little trip to London at about four in the morning. Stopping at a corner store to pick up a little pack of deathly happiness. Cigarettes, my old addiction.
Hey, I felt that I needed them, don't judge me.
They really can't catch you doing it, not as long as you know where to go....
And have the promise of the headmaster to not be reprimanded for being out of school bounds after hours.

I shook my head and nodded at the irritate professor. "Sorry, I lost track of time. I'll be more careful with the clock, promise. My apologies, Professor."

She looked at me funny and then walked away, tutting with disapproval.
I fluffed out my hair from behind my hood and walked towards the girls' staircase.
I was smirking the entire way.
How easily they are to be swayed! You'd think they would search for a better excuse than that.

Opening the thick wooden door, I crept to my bedside. Lifting the mattress and pulling out a small green and white box, with the word 'Newport' printed neatly on it's front.

I smiled and went to go and sit on the balcony.
As I lit the 100, I felt my hands stop shaking. Like they usually did around this time.

I haven't really had a proper conversation with someone for the past week without a smirk or thought of conspiracy.
Something felt vaguely familiar about this guardedness. But I just couldn't place my finger on it.
I shrugged it off and took another puff of my cigarette. Feeling it's poisonous smoke cloud my lungs and my head, making me lightheaded.

I didn't think to check if there was anyone watching. Which is why, right now, I felt immensely paranoid.
I tried to shake it off. But to no avail, the feeling of someones eyes on me never left. Not until I went to bed.

The next day, I went to classes with that same cloud of paranoia hovering over me.
I couldn't understand why. When I was younger, I had that feeling when something was going to happen. I was never able to distinguish between if it was bad or good.
Because then, they were all the same thing to me.

Ancient Runes was a blur, as were the rest of my classes. The cloud hovered over me relentlessly, and it was undoubtedly pissing me off.

I came to the Great Hall with a scowl on my face. The food still hadn't arrived yet, but I honestly didn't care. All I cared about was why Dumbledore was not in his seat in the middle of the teachers' table.
The large empty seat stuck out like a sore thumb to me. I didn't understand why, but it was bothering me.

Finally, Dumbledore strode in. Looking behind him every so often.
I squirmed in my seat at the Gryffindor table.
The cloud felt heavier than ever, pressing down on me like a weight.
Dumbledore's head moved to the side, staring at something out of my sight. I strained my eyes to get a glimpse of what his eyes so greedily held.

Then a boy came, from the exact spot where Dumbledore was staring.
I took him in.
Deep blue eyes, framed with expansive dark eyelashes. Full, curved pouty lips, ringlets of golden blond hair almost covering most of his forehead and almost his eyes. He had a tall build, lanky but muscled at the same time. He wore unlabeled robes and stood with an emotionless stare, and uncaring stance.

I kept my face composed. Even as I felt the cloud dissolve. This must have been what was coming. A new student.
I was confused at myself. If he was such an insignificant newcomer, why did he hold such a place in my subconscious that warned me to be wary of him?

I didn't know why, but it angered me to see him leaning so nonchalantly against the pillar of the grandiose school. He shouldn't look so careless! A safe-haven such as this should make him grateful. But the look on his face made me want to curse it off without an explanation.

I tried to calm myself and wait for this boy to be sorted.
A stool appeared with an old hat set upon it. The Sorting Hat, I presumed.

McGonagall was standing next to it as she waited for the boy to trot over to where she stood.
He complied, seeing her eyes lock on him pointedly. He sat down carefully as the hat was perched on his golden locks.
I could see his lips moving swiftly, too quick for anyone with mundane senses to acknowledge. But I was not mundane, and I brought myself to wonder whether my subconscious was wrong after all.
His eyes were closed and his jaw was taut, whispering words that no one besides himself and I'm sure the hat could hear.
The Sorting Hat was humming words of approval and disapproval. Whatever he was doing, the hat was iffy about it.
A moment later, the hat grunted. Obviously giving in to whatever he was proposing.
"Noah Thompson.... GRYFFINDOR!"
'Noah' smirked and walked towards the table that was cheering loudly and confused.
Obviously he didn't care, because the grin he produced was absolutley fake.
Beautiful, mesmerizing and fake...

I didn't sit with Harry anymore, I kept telling him that I had to think out what I was going to do with myself. Him thinking I was traumatized from flint threatening me, no one knowing what I actually did that night. So he left me to myself for a few weeks, telling me that I didn't have to worry... He was going to be in the hospital wing for a few months.

I always sat at the end of the table now, all by my lonesome. Extra seats all around me, creating an invisible wall between me and the other happy, unknowing students. And I liked it that way.
But, the new kid just had to go an ruin that for me.
After being congratulated numerous times, he started towards me. Everyone stared, I knew what they were thinking. Seeing as I quickly made myself the brand new Hogwarts outcast.
Why is he going to sit over there? Her? But, she's the odd one. Dude, no one ever talks to that chick, she's crazy.
And it was true, I am crazy. I'm not going to deny it, not one little bit.
I don't deny the truth.

He went to sit in the empty seat opposite of me. I scowled, not wanting his company.
"May I sit here?" He asked politely, sitting anyway, regardless of my answer.
My hands twitched and I just stared at the mounds of food that appeared in front of me.
I sighed and took some bread and potatoes to make a sandwich.
I knew that if I didn't eat, then I would be more brutish to everyone than I already was.

I didn't taste the food as it slid down my throat, not that I normally did. I could feel someone staring at me and I knew it was Noah.
I snapped my head up and grimaced, his eyes were glued to my face.
"What?" I said curtly, hoping that my words somehow cut him. I could see no blood of sign of pain, and I knew I had failed at that.
"What's your name?" he asked airily, I gave a lopsided smile.
"My name is none of your business."
"Well, None Of Your Business. I assume that you don't usually socialize with people. Seeing as you're all alone and snapping at my innocent questions." His grin was just as lopsided as mine. And I couldn't help myself for appreciating his bluntness.
I sighed, "Well Noah.. My name is Rayline, Rayline Dormir."
He smile and began to eat, and when I say eat, I mean eat.
That boy ate like a damned wild animal. I wouldn't be surprised if he was.

We sat and talked until the Great Hall was empty, everyone else had left, so that meant I was to show him the Gryffindor ropes.
I told him everything a Prefect or Head Boy or Girl would have told him. Extra does cost, you know.
I went up to my room to start practicing.
I was bent on becoming a Metamorphagus. I was already an Animagus, why not step it up a notch.
I took the large mirror to my bed and closed the curtains. Even though everyone else was in the common room, no doubt fawning over the new kid, I still felt cautious.

Practicing was extremely hard, I only managed to change the shape of my nose and hair color in the end. I would have to work my ass off on the weekend. Stupid Thursdays.

I could barely toss the mirror off of my bed before I fell into a dreamless sleep, not even bothering to change into my night clothes.

What I did not expect the next morning, was a knock on my window...
♠ ♠ ♠
Contest over people.
Poisonous won. Yeah, be jealous.
Noah, as you may have learned is the brand new character.
To find out his 'imaginary' backstory, go here