Status: You comment... I shall update. Deal? Deal.

Draco's Diary

It's Not a Sign.

I stood in the rain, in the cold, harsh, piercing rain.
The wind whipping my hair back and forth, covering my face, and covering my tears; masking my face from the roaring weather.
There was nothing more I could do, I felt nothing, I was numb.
I felt so numb, the only feeling I had was the recognition of the constant tapping on my body, reminding me that it was raining.
I didn't believe him, Draco. It was stupid of me not to. I was blinded by Noah's innocence, I couldn't help it, I've left that side of me behind for a reason; I didn't want to be evil anymore, but that trait just never goes away.
My ignorance causes harm, My disbelief in Draco's accusations caused Noah to gain power over me, and now that he has, I caused someone to die.
I was not mourning over the victim, I was punishing myself for my own ignorance, for my handicap, for my mistakes.
I deserve worse punishment than this, but I could not bring myself to think of another. I was lucky that it was even raining, on the brink of a hurricane.
Succumbing to my other side would be the worst thing to do at this moment. I had never done it before, and I did not know the repercussions it would bring, I did not even know what would signal me turning to the other side again, I wouldn't even notice if I had!
I sighed and ran my hands through my sopping wet hair, my clothes clung wetly to my body, and constricted my movements. My eyes drooped tiredly, my eyelashes twining together because of the downpour.
I walked back inside from the balcony and stripped myself of the wet clothing. I sent them to the hamper and dressed into some warmer clothes, crawling under the covers to get some rest, hoping for a dreamless sleep.


My hopes were answered, as I woke up seemingly a few moments later. I looked to the clock and smiled, I had slept a good six hours, much more than my usual two. I dressed in a black leather jacket, black combat boots, a black tee-shirt, and dark ripped jeans. I walked downstairs, not bothering to brush my hair and leaving it in the 'I've-just-had-sex' hair-do.
My mind was elsewhere as I absentmindedly chewed on a piece of toast. So me not noticing someone sitting next to me wasn't unusual.
A tap on my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked over to the person; Draco.
My eyes widened, I'd have ever imagined him coming over to the Gryffindor table to see anyone. "Hello.." I said uncertainly, My voice trailing off at the end of my greeting.
"Hello Rayline, how was your night last night?" Draco smiled coyly, as if he already knew that my night was horrible.
The confusion on my face quickly morphed into a snarl. "What, did you come to gloat about me not believing you? Or did you want to dangle another theory about him committing the murder that happened two days ago in my face?" I growled at him, how dare he boast? And about something so heinous! It was a murder for Merlin's sake! Not a teenage party! I expected the look of shock that crossed his face, I craved it. He did not think that I'd react so strongly, But how in the hell could I not?!
It's my duty to protect this damned school, that's why I came here in the first place. I did not come here to just let people die, I did not come here to make friends, I did not come here to learn or to better my future... I already know what my future holds. I came here to protect this establishment and everyone else inside of it, or else I have failed... And failure is not an option.
"I-I just wanted to know-" He stammered, I wouldn't let him finish, I couldn't. Whatever he was going to say, I couldn't chance it, no more risks can be made now. I'd have to be as strict as anything now.
"No, I don't want to know what you wanted to know, I don't even want to hear you speak anymore. Right now, you're as much a culprit as Noah is." I said strongly, his face was unreadable, even more so than before I had warmed up to him.
"What, are you investigating this now? This is not yours to handle, Rayline! And you bloody know that! I don't know what you think you're going to do, but it sure as hell can't work!" He was shouting at me now, so flustered by my hostility towards him, he turned to anger. I stood up, slamming my fists on the table. "You don't know anything. And I've made sure of that. So keep yourself a safe distance, Son. Remember, life is full of lies."
I started walking out of the Great Hall's doors, not noticing the stares following me silently. I knew someone was following me, and I knew it was Draco. I was spun around, and I refused to defend myself like I normally would have.
"Then why don't you tell me the truth?" He said softly, his eyebrows creasing together. The sight made me want to smile and ruffle his hair, telling him everything would be alright, and that I'm just having a tantrum. But I knew I couldn't, that would never be able to happen; So I said the only truthful thing I could.
"Because you can't handle it."
And then I walked outside, back into the frozen winds to break down in peace...

I walked and walked, the rain becoming one with my tears. I made my way to the Forbidden Forest, the canopy above me halting the rain. The sky was blocked by the thick trees, twisting and reaching out menacingly. I welcomed that, I always have, the menace turned to comfort and I wanted to be with the trees, like I had when I was little. Little pictures flashed behind my eyelids; Me sharing secret smiles in the woods with the little forest Nymphs, Me dancing in a bright meadow, Me skipping down a gray trail lined with trees, the forest used to be the most comforting place to me in the world; And it still is. Even when it feels like my world is imploding, and all I can do is watch it die.
A slight cough made me turn in my spot swiftly, I turned to see none other than Noah, sporting an impish grin as if I had just caught him doing something naughty. I narrowed my eyes, how had he followed me without me noticing? I always notice. Or was he already here? Waiting for me?
I crossed my arms, discreetly taking hold of my wand hidden in my sleeve. "What are you doing here?" I questioned, not letting any sort of fear seep into my words. Noah smirked, ad took a few steps toward me, seeing if I would falter. I was not afraid of him.
"I could ask you the same thing. But that would imply me caring. Rayline Eldora Dormir, It is your time to die." He raised his wand and I raised mine.
"Oh really? Who sent you?" I laughed, turning serious quickly. We began to circle each other. "This is by the order of The Dark Lord." He said as if he had practiced this line in the mirror. "And he sent you? Ha! Well, ol' Voldy has lost his touch, hasn't he?" I laughed, Voldermort honestly sent him? This has to be a joke. Either Voldemort wanted to rid himself of Noah, or he really wanted to insult me.
Noah snarled, "You dare to use the Dark Lord's name?! You shall die painfully." Yet, he hasn't made a move to curse me yet. I thought I'd humor him.
"And you think you can handle me? I bet you thought that one 6th year was quite an accomplishment. Oh Dear, then you honestly haven't seen anything yet." I smiled, taking pride in my otherwise said evil powers, but hey, at least I had experience.
"Do you want to know why I seem familiar? I'm surprised you haven't noticed before. Do remember the Thompson's? I believe you were sent on a mission when you were seven to wipe out a family of six. You did it quite well, there were six corpses when you left. But one of them was just a guest. They had a little boy, seven years old, that you overlooked. I believe that this is a sign."
I gasped, my eyes widening. "Y-you were the one I missed? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!" I was roaring with anger, my fingers twitching around my wand, yearning to take him out just like I should have ten years ago.
"Simple. I hid." he said, shrugging. As if his cowardice was a great feat.
I growled, "You coward. You still had a surplus amount of unpredictable magic coursing through your veins and you didn't use it to protect your family?! You deserve to die much more than I do."
He was shocked, I had called him a coward, and it was nothing but the truth. I said he deserved to die, and he does. And I plan on following through.
"ADAVA KEDAVRA!" I shouted it with all of my anger, the spell hit him faster than it should have. But anger always intensifies your magic, and he had to learn that the hard way...
I walked up to his corpse and said defiantly, "It's not a sign."

I walked out of the forest just like I had many years ago, leaving a corpse of a man who deserved to die behind me...
♠ ♠ ♠
Reference to chapter 8.
Sorry for not updating, I feel really bad about it. I've had no inspiration. None, and it made me all upset and junk.
So, comment. It helps me form the plot. Because I think that this is dragging out a bit. So hurry up and comment so I can hurry up and finish, and then a sequel will magically appear!