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Draco's Diary

January 3rd, 2011 : Sleeping

Dear Diary,
Today, the body of Noah Thompson was found in the Forbidden Forest. It was said that he died of the killing curse, no one knows who did it; They can't track magic in a magical school.
The search for the killer was half-hearted, no one really knew him enough to care about his death, he was just another pretty face in the crowd.
He had no parents or family to call, so he died and there was really no one to tell.
I'm glad that little twit was killed. And I don't care how cold-hearted that sounds, he was up to something, and that's probably what he got killed for. Stupid Git, I hope it was someone I know. It would make me feel less horrible that I didn't do it myself.
All I can think of is how the argument went between Rayline and myself. I can still remember it as if it happened a few moments ago.

"No, I don't want to know what you wanted to know, I don't even want to hear you speak anymore. Right now, you're as much a culprit as Noah is." She said strongly,
My face was unreadable, even more so than before she had warmed up to me.
"What, are you investigating this now? This is not yours to handle, Rayline! And you bloody know that! I don't know what you think you're going to do, but it sure as hell can't work!"
I was shouting at her now, so flustered by her hostility towards myself, I turned to anger.
She stood up, slamming her fists on the table.

"You don't know anything. And I've made sure of that. So keep yourself a safe distance, Son. Remember, life is full of lies."
She started walking out of the Great Hall's doors, not noticing the stares following her silently. I started to follow her, and I knew she was going to talk to me. She was spun around, and I faltered, her face was so pained I didn't know what else to do,
"Then why don't you tell me the truth?"
I said softly, My eyebrows creasing together.
She was having an inner battle with herself, I grew more worried every second, and then she said the one thing that I couldn't tell if it was the truth or not.
"Because you can't handle it."

I pretty much had no idea what to do after that. I stood there for what felt like years before I left for my dorm room.
I haven't seen her in a few days, I'm pretty sure that everyone thinks she did it with the way she's been acting. I think so too, but I'd never say anything.
And, in all honesty, I hope that she did do it. She should have, I knew he was up to something, and I knew it had to do with her, but I just couldn't figure out what it was.
I refuse to talk about my mission in this damned book. This damned mission is making everything harder for me!
UGH! didn't I just say that I wasn't going to talk about it?!
There, now I'm done, alright?

Sincerely, Draco Malfoy.

I walked the grounds once more, almost finished with my Prefect duties. I didn't feel like heading back up into the Common Room, but I really didn't have any other choice, Rayline would not put up with another late night visit..
Especially now, after what happened.
I miss her, I really do. I miss talking to her. I miss seeing her face turn dark when I mention something or someone she doesn't like. I miss listening to her laugh.
And most of all I miss her looking at me...

"For all I care, you can fuck a duck, inside a truck, without my buck, that I would've paid you, Bitch."
My head snapped up. There she was, standing in front of me with her arms crossed and eyebrow raised.
I stood up immediately. "Rayline? I-I uhm.. Was I talking out loud? What did you hear?" I asked sceptically.
She shrugged and sat down, with her legs crossed on the stone floor, "Nothing much really. Just you mumbling a bunch of things... Couldn't really understand you."
I sighed and sat down in front of her. "Rayline, I'm so sor-"
"Dude, Forget about it, I'm fine. It's all over and done with now. We're cool. So you can stop apologizing." She cut me off and finished with a smile. Not a real smile, but a cheeky one.

We just sat there and stared at each other for what felt like forever, until I finally broke the silence. "What are you doing out so late?"
She laughed, "Ahh, the perks of being me. Just going for a walk, Mr. Prefect. Nothing to worry about."
She stood up and waved her hand in front of me, "Come on, get up."
I took her had and stood as well, She looked at me for a moment before turning to walk away, "Where are you going?"
She turned around, a smirk gracing her perfect lips, "You mean we? We're, going to the Slytherin common room. Because we both know that Gryffindor can't stand me. And I don't feel like waking up with no hair. Those girls are vicious."
I smirked and followed her to the common room.
I had no idea how she knew where it was, but I didn't question it. This girl knew a lot of things and I was not about to ask why.
I entered the common room after her, because somehow she knew the password. I plopped down into the large leather chair that I had claimed as mine ever since first year.
Rayline stood in front of me, Again with her arms crossed.
"And when I say Common Room, I mean your dorm room, so I can get some damned sleep." She stated, tapping her foot impatiently.
I stood up immediately. I began to walk in front of her, so she wouldn't notice how much that bothered me.

She wants to go into my room, she wants to sleep in my room...

I tried my hardest not to let my dominant male side take over, the perverted side. But it was extremely difficult.
I opened the door to my room and sat down at my desk, subsequently hiding my journal from view.
"You have a dorm all to yourself?" She asked, looking around wide-eyed.
I laughed, "Ahh, the perks of being me." I repeated what she had said earlier. I saw her blush even as she turned away to hide it from me.
I went to the closet next to the bathroom and pulled out a pillow and some blankets for me to sleep on tonight.
I made the couch up and began to take off my prefect robe and my shoes. "You're sleeping on the couch?"
I looked up from the floor to see Rayline's questioning face. "Of course, I'm not going to sleep on the floor." I scoffed, standing up to take off my belt.
"But.. What about your bed? Isn't that where you usually sleep?" She asked pointing to the large, black, four poster bed.
"Yes, but that is where you'll be sleeping tonight." I said pointedly. It was the gentleman thing to do. I was not going to make her sleep on the couch! That's preposterous!
Rayline was shaking her head, "No, I'm not going to put you out of your bed, Draco."
I sighed and stood up again, walking over to her. I put my hands on her shoulders, silently leading her to the bed. I sat her down and kneeled. "This, is where you'll be sleeping. It's very comfortable, you'll like it." I smiled at her and pulled back the covers.
She gave into the softness and snuggled closer to the warmth. "Goodnight Rayline."
I walked back over to the couch, taking my shirt off, and crawling under the covers.


"Draco... D-Draco..." I was being shaken awake, I looked up startled to see Rayline.
Her beautiful face stained with tears, "Draco? Can you c-come and lay with me? Please?"
I nodded and followed her over to the bed. I crawled in next to her, she was shaking. "Rayline, what happene-"
"I don't want to talk about it. Please, just stay with me." I nodded silently, I pulled up the covers and settled into bed.
I was half asleep when I felt her reach back and pull my arm across her waist.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so short. :(