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Draco's Diary

All Too Expected

"I can't believe you're coming back with me for Holiday Break!" Draco squealed like a five year old.
I laughed at his endearing childishness. "Well, someones excited." I smirked.

He just smiled at me and put his arm around my shoulder as we boarded the train. I let the small smile pass through my lips, I hated to admit that I was enjoying this... Every single second of it, and I hated that it was for all the wrong reasons.
We sat down in an empty compartment in the back of the train, "So what brought all of this on?" Draco asked while leaning back against the seat.
I stiffened, but kept my face the same. I knew that this question was going to come up, but I honestly hoped it wouldn't.
"Well, I wanted to get to know you better. And since I've tried everything else, this seemed like a good opportunity. But.. If you don't want me to go, I can just go back to my place."

Ah, good twist Rayline. Guilt, it makes you seem innocent. Clever, very clever...

"What? No, you're coming to stay with me. So, you want to get to know me better, huh?" His firm words ended with a smirk.
I scoffed, "Well, that's what I said, didn't I?"
Draco slowly inched closer to me, "Well, I can think of ways for you to know me better than going to my house..."
He was a few inches from my face, his breath caressing my face like a warm hand. I could feel my heartbeat picking up speed while I was trying to formulate a clever response in my head, but that doesn't really work when you've become completely incoherent.
"Draco...?" I breathed, out of breath.
"Yes?" Closer, and closer.
Millimeters away....
The door was slammed open with gusto, Pansy Parkinson was standing there, fuming.
I instantly covered my ears dramatically, her voice was just so high-pitched. I was not going to risk my ears bleeding.
I heard Draco's growl rumble in his chest.
"Nothing that concerns you, Parkinson." His eyes were closed, as if he were concentrating on something very hard.
I heard her scream of anger, "B-but Drakie! You and I-"
"You and I what? We are nothing short of anything. So please leave me be and head back to whatever cave it is that you came from."
Draco stood up, he held himself in a stance that surely terrified Pansy. I, however, have seen far worse to be intimidated by such a thing. Still, it was impressive.
She left immediately, Draco shutting the door quietly behind her. You could hear her cries of anguish throughout the entire hallway.
He came over and sat next to me again. "So, where were we?"
I backed away, "Nowhere, I believe."
I saw his face fall in disappointment, I wanted to kiss him, really I did. But it wasn't the right time, nor the right moment. I feared that he'd be far too surprised later on if he found out about me after something went on between us.
If that even makes any sense.
He soon recovered, "What is your favorite kind of music?"
I laughed, and we launched into a conversation that lasted the entire trip, I learned a lot about him. Well, a lot of things that you could find out in a public place.

We exited the train with smiles on our faces, luggage in tow. But as soon as we saw a head of long white-blond hair, Draco stiffened.
I wiped my face of all emotion. I knew how these things worked with people like Draco's father. I was the daughter of a famously dangerous Death Eater couple, after all. I was equipped with the knowledge of pleasing a highly ranked Death Eater, I knew what I was doing.
"Mr. Malfoy." I bowed, "Pleased to meet you. I thank you greatly for allowing me to stay at your manor for the holidays."
I saw him crack a small, pleased smirk. "Ah, what wonderful manners she has Draco. Very glad to meet you as well. Please, meet my wife."
A woman with the family's hair and pallor came up to me with a grand smile, "Narcissa, pleased to meet you, Rayline." She held out her hand, and I shook it firmly, "Wonderful to meet you, Narcissa." I gave her a pleasant smile that she returned kindly.
"Shall we go?" Lucius said in a familiar drawl. I nodded and took the hand that Narcissa had offered to me once again.
I felt the tugging sensation and I held my breath, God, I hate apparating.

* * * *

"Welcome to the Malfoy Manor." Narcissa said in an excited whisper as we entered the foyer.
I did not need stare in wonder nor amazement, for I had seen this all many a time before. But humored them all anyway.
"Oh my, your home is amazing." I said looking around, astonished. Through my peripheral vision, I say both Malfoy men smirk.
"Well, dear. Draco will be showing you to your room. Dinner will be held at seven, and dress formally. There will be guests."
I nodded toward Narcissa and followed Draco up the long, spiraling staircase.
Ugh, Stairs
After we reached the third floor, I was out of breath and near tears. Draco just laughed and pulled me up by the arm, leading me to my room.
"This, is my room." He pointed to the second door on the left.
"And this, is your room." Draco pointed to the door directly across from his. I smiled at the situation.
I pushed past him and into my room, "Nice, very nice." I commented.
The wall was typically adorned in every Slytherin color. Green, Black, and shimmering Silver.
I loved it, there was a king-sized bed in between two French style doors, black carpet covering the entire floor, a bathroom right next to the walk in closet.
"Well, I'm glad you like it." Draco smirked, leaning against the door frame. I walked over to him, more like sauntered.
"Good. Now, let's see your room." I breathed into his ear before running off across the hall. My hand was on the door handle before I was caught around the waist by a pair of strong muscular arms.
"No, I don't think that's on the agenda for today." He said quickly, trying to pry my hands off the handle.
"But Draco! I want to see it!" I whined like a bratty little girl, I pouted and waited till his grip loosened before I charged through the door.
It was nothing like I had imagined it.
It looked completely different from the guest bedroom. Of course the colors dominated the rest of the room, but that's not what I was focused on.
There was a gargantuan stack of papers everywhere, most written on. Quills and ink bottles were placed wherever parchment wasn't. Everything else was neat and tidy, besides that one space. A desk, a messy desk. But it was the biggest clue about his character that I had seen yet.
I turned around and stared at Draco, my mouth gaping like a fish. He was looking at me with a grimace on his face, "I told you not to go into my room didn't I?"
I rolled my eyes, "It's not like I'm your little sister mucking about in your private belongings. Calm down."
"It's just... You know what? It doesn't even matter. You should, um, go and get ready for dinner. It's quarter to six, your clothes should already be in place by now."
He stated, standing as still as a board. He stared me down until I left, uncomfortable.

What the hell? No, no, this is not what's supposed to happen. Why in the hell is he so damn moody?

I kept thinking about it until I was done getting ready. I was showered, dressed, scented, and perfected.
I wore a just above the knee, aquamarine blue dress that tightened at the bust and flowed out towards the bottom. I curled my hair into an effortless, wavy look. And did a simple cat-eye with clear lip gloss.
It was about six fifty, so I slipped on a pair of black, close-toed stilettos and checked myself one more time before walking across the hall to Draco's door.
I knocked twice.
The door swung open to reveal a gorgeous looking Draco Malfoy.
He was wearing a plain black dress shirt with a pinstripe vest over it along with a black blazer and trousers. His shaggy hair was still the way I liked it, hanging over his forehead and into his eyes.
"Are you ready?" I knew it was a stupid question, but what else was I supposed to say?
"Yes, let's go." He said curtly, snatching my arm and towing me down the stairs.
I didn't really pay attention to where we were going, I was too busy focusing on Draco's angry, tensed, face.
We arrived right on time, maybe thirty seconds early. We sat down near the head of the table, I pulled out a seat next to a pudgy fellow with an odd mustache. I sat quietly and patiently with my hands folded in my lap, and my back straightened out.
Lucius and Narcissa entered the dining room, "Everyone, welcome-"

Everyone stood and bowed at the sight of the unexpected guest.
But the guest was all too expected for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh.. Who is it?