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Draco's Diary

September 2nd, 2010 : Bothered.

Dear Diary,

She was sorted into Gryffindor... Fucking GRYFFINDOR! so I guess that means that I won't have to see her in the common room, or anywhere else Sytherin related.
But I couldn't help feeling as her being in Gryffindor was a loss. And no,not for 'The Mighty House of Slytherin' but for me.. It bothered me that night in the Great Hall, She sat right next to Saint Potter. Smiling and laughing with that git. UGH! how she got into my head is beyond me, how her name sneaks into my thoughts is beyond me, and how her face shows up all the time behind my eyelids is so far beyond me is ridiculous! I just don't know what to do anymore, I've been in my room since we got let out from the Great Hall. Writing in this blasted thing. It's not like I have any other damned outlet..
And now I find myself wondering about my schedule, if I'll have classes with any Gryffindor's.

Any classes with her...

The rest of blokes in my dorm are coming inside now, so I'm going to give this nonsense a rest for now.

Sincerely, Draco Malfoy

* * * * *

I found myself in the Great Hall the next morning, picking at my breakfast.
Pansy was clinging to my side like a leech, and I wished she would just go away.
But luck has never really showed favor to me.
I sat there and could feel my face bunching up as I stared out into space, wishing for something interesting to happen.
Suddenly I felt the grip on my left arm tighten, I hissed in pain and looked over to the girl with a vise-grip on my arm.
"Pansy! What in the bloody hell are you doing!?"
She looked startled, but just pointed her stubby finger in the direction I was origianally staring in, but not actually seeing anything.
I looked back just in time to see a flash of crimson hair turn the other direction.
I stiffened.
why the hell was she staring at me? Damn! Now this is going to be the only thing I'll be thinking about all day! Damn girl...

I left on my way to Double Potions with Snape, walking fast so Pansy and her short legs would have the hardest time keeping up with me.

I entered the classroom and sat in the very back near the door. Even though Snape favors me amongst other Slytherins, doesn't mean I enjoyed his class any more than the others...

I despised them all equally.

People eventually started to file in, I noticed that behind Saint Potter and Weaselbee there was a tall girl with crimson red hair, a girl that I had sworn to avoid.
There were no seats left.. Besides the one next to me.
Dammit! Of course Pansy would be upset about me leaving her in the corridor and end up sitting with Flint.

I saw her looking around to find a seat, If only she'd look behind her.
She did.

I didn't see her grimace, or look displeased at all when she found out her new seating.
Of course, She didn't look happy either.

She sat down with no recognizable emotions showing on her face.
I would know, I've been staring at her since she sat down.

I looked up to the front not realizing that's where The Golden Trio were.
Saint Potter was looking at her apologetically. I scowled.
Professor Snape hadn't gotten here yet, He still had a few minutes to arrive too.

Rayline turned her head toward me, I froze but held her inquisitive stare.

"Why are you scowling?" she asked gently, tilting her head towards the side.

I was taken aback, I knew why I was scowling; But I sure as hell wasn't going to tell her.
So instead I shrugged, and said
She nodded and then looked back to me.
"So, Your name's Draco, right?"
I nodded slowly. Had she forgotten my name so easily?
She was enunciating the 'Co' and I was getting confused, probably etched into my features.
I was beginning to think this girl was a bit slow.
"Yes, My name is Draco..."
She nodded once more before she turned her seat to face me.
"I know what I'm going to call you now." She smiled, you could see her bright white teeth.
My eyebrows knitted together, "And what would that b-"
"Silence! The lesson will now begin."
I was interrupted by Snape, who came striding in, his long robes fanning out behind him, making him faintly resemble a bat. Rayline turned her seat around and faced the teacher.

"Today's potion will be The Draught of Peace. Partner up with whoever you're next to. And get along, considering that this will be your partner for the rest of 5th year... BEGIN!"
Snape tapped the board with his wand, a list of ingredients and directions appeared.
I stood up, "I'll go get the ingredients."
As I was grabbing the ingredients, I silently hoped she was good at potions from wherever she was from...
Because I had no idea what in the hell i was doing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh, I got bored of waiting for your comments!
I'm very impatient.
Yeah, Yeah, I know the ending sucked. But I gotta go to bed and didn't want to let you know what his new nickname was next..
Teehee. When I first said it I laughed and couldn't stop saying it for 5 minutes. lol, It's funny. xD
Anyhoo, night night. I'll update when I'm back from school.

See if you can guess his nickname.