Status: You comment... I shall update. Deal? Deal.

Draco's Diary

You Want to Get in My Pants?

I... was sorted into Gryffindor.

Well That's a surprise, isn't it?

After I was sorted, another bout of obnoxious cheering was emitting from the third table in the hall, I slowly walked over to it, trying to spot a seat.
A boy with shaggy black hair and glasses was waving me over to the seat next to him; I walked over and realized it was Harry Potter.
I sat down next to him as he smiled. Looking around the table I recognized the friendly faces of the 'Golden Trio', Who were also smiling at me.
The girl -Who's name I'm sure was Hermione- Smiled, with confusion poorly hidden in her eyes.

This placement was surely a mistake, I don't think i could work in this house, especially with the eyes of Harry Potter watching my every move... Of course, I'm not sure of this; But it's just an inference...

I tuned back into their conversation and falsely laughed at a joke i hadn't heard. The boys started animatedly talking about Quidditch try-Outs, at the turn of the conversation i saw Hermione cringe.

* * * *

"Did you hear? Harry Potter is the captain of the Quidditch team this year!"
Some girl with long bleached blond hair squealed, I could smell the hairspray as I walked past her.
I left the Gryffindor common room laughing under my breath.
It was breakfast time in the Great Hall, classes didn't start until tomorrow so I dressed in my street clothes.
White skinny jeans, Old faded black chucks, and a neon blue pullover hoodie.
I didn't bother teasing my hair this morning, so i left it flat hidden under my hood.

Sitting down at the half-empty table at the very end near the doors, I grabbed myself a bagel and orange juice. I was spreading cream cheese on my breakfast as someone sat next to me.
I didn't look up until I took a bite of my bagel.

"Oh, hello Harry." I smiled warmly, feeling much more pleasant when food was in my stomach.
He smiled back, "Hey, Why are you up so early?" his eyebrows -invisible under his messy hair- furrowed in confusion.
I chuckled and took another bite of my bagel, "Just wanted to look around the school, Care to show me? God knows I'd probably get lost."
We laughed in unison at my poor direction skills.
"Ha ha, sure."
I shoved the rest of my bagel into my mouth, "Lesh Goh!"
I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the Great Hall.

He was laughing all the way through the doors. I scowled playfully and crossed my arms like an angry five year old.
He stopped laughing at my reaction, and started to backpedal.
"Oh, I'm sorry, it was jus- I mean, It was mea- and uhm...HEY!"
I had pushed him onto the soft grass, laughing my ass off, and then started running towards the black lake.

All of the sudden I fell with a loud 'Oof!'
Harry was on top of me, laughing so hard he rolled over onto the grass breathless.

I was laughing too, so hard that it was silent. My stomach started to cramp up from laughing so much.

I hadn't laughed this hard in a long time.

Harry and I sat behind a tree next to the Black Lake, not talking, just enjoying each others company.
"Rayline, We're friends right?"
I looked over at him, his eyes were closed and his head was resting against the bark of the tree.
"Of course."
He opened his eyes ad smiled kindly.
I scoffed playfully, "Pssh, I don't get along with many people. So consider yourself lucky that I graced you with my presence."
I turned my nose up at him when he laughed, I laughed also.
I laugh a lot with this kid.

"So.. Quidditch captain, huh?"
Harry grimaced and nodded.
"What? Do you not want to be?"
He shook his head, "No, it's not that... It's just- Well, I don't know, honestly."
I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Well you better start knowing man! I'm jonesin' for a beater position!"
Confusion ranged in his features, "'Jonesin'?"
I shook my head and stood up, "Come on, It's dark out and you got my pants all dirty!" I gestured to my jeans in outrage.
"Mate, They're just pants..." He got up as well and dusted off his baggy jeans.
I sputtered, at a loss for words.
"Coming from a person who wears those"
He looked down at his own pants and narrowed his eyes at me.
"There is nothing wrong with my pants!"
"Yeah right! There's enough room for me to jump in there!"
A mischievous look fell upon his face.
"You want to jump in my pants?"
"No! I said I-"
"Oh, so you want to get in my pants?"
"NO! I Said that-"
He cut me off again, "No it's alright, I get it! You want to get in my pants."
He started to walk off in the direction of the school, it was about dinner time and almost everyone would be in the Great Hall about now.
I had to run to keep up with him.

I yelled after him, yet he kept his pace and was already inside.
I opened the door and sprinted to the Great Hall.
The doors opened loudly in my haste to get to Harry, and everyone stared at me.
Flushed face, Dirty pants and all.
I just continued my search for Harry.
I found him and ran over to his seat, Just as he was about to finish his sentence.
"Yeah, so Rayline wants to get-"
His muffled words were trying to escape my hand, which was clamped on his mouth; Not permitting him to speak.
I was still out of breath and all the people he was about to tell were staring at me in shock and confusion.
I pointed my wand discreetly at his back, he wouldn't feel a thing.
I was so relieved that I mastered non-verbal spells years ago.
I took my hand off of his mouth and sat down smugly.
Harry tried to finish his sentence, Harry tried to speak, Harry tried to yell. But old spells like that one, and a simple one at that, are extremely powerful and don't wear off.

I started to eat my dinner and everyone was fussing over Harry, Hermione especially.
"Oh stop fussing about and eat your food!" I said exasperatedly. Harry glared over at me and started to eat his potatoes.
I smirked under my napkin.
I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked to the Slytherin table and noticed that a girl with a very unappealing face was glaring at me while holding onto a boys arm,

That boy was Draco Malfoy.
As soon as I looked at the girl, Draco started yelling at her, then his head snapped towards me. I quickly looked down and undid Harry's spell.
He didn't notice because he was eating, and I'm quite sure that he won't notice until he's upstairs in the common room.

* * * * *

Hermione, Ron, Harry and I were the only ones left in the common room. The fire was crackling and spitting happily.
Apparently Ron forgot about what happened at dinner, and the fact that Harry wasn't able to talk.
"Oi, Harry. Who d'ya reckon is gonna be on the team this year?"
Harry looked up, "Well Ron-"
His eyes widened and he stared at me and then proceeded to smirk.

Harry didn't care if it was eleven o'clock at night, Harry didn't care if everyone in the common room was asleep, And Harry didn't care if his statement was completely irrelevant.

I banged my forehead on the coffee table repeatedly.
Shouts of annoyance were heard from upstairs. Hermione was shocked and her eyebrows reached her forehead. Whereas Ron and Harry were roaring with laughter at my expense.

"Hey! you keep it up and I'll make sure you won't be able to speak until the end of the school year!" I shouted at them.

Well, that shut them up nicely.

"Now, I'm going to bed. You should also. And try not to think of what I'll do to you if you fall asleep in a class that I have with you...."
Their eyes widened, they ran up the stairs to the boys dormitory, tripping over themselves and the stairs as they did so.

I smirked and climbed the stairs up to my room that I sadly shared with two other girls.
♠ ♠ ♠
I couldn't update! My laptop crashed and I have to sneak into my Grandma's room to use her computer.
I hope you like this one! tell me what you liked and/or hated about this chapter! next one will have 'The Nickname' of the century!!