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Draco's Diary

What a Wonderful Day

I woke up the next day with an extreme backache.
I rolled over and landed on the floor, ungracefully I might add.
With a groan I sat up and knew that today would be the start of classes at Hogwarts.
I made my way through the maze of a mess my roommates had left the room in last night when I was in the common room... Slobs

Getting ready was a careful process. I slipped on ripped gray leggings under my uniform black pleated skirt, along with the rest of the uniform. I left my tie loose, knowing that It could easily choke me if it wanted to. I laced up my converse after putting on my eyeliner and taking my hair out of the bun I twisted it into last night, leaving random waves around my head. It looked nice, so I didn't bother to brush it.
My black eyes conveyed a sense of joy when I skipped down the stairs happily; Excited for the first day of school.
No one was in the Common Room, I looked at the clock on my iPod and it read '6:45'.
The day started in fifteen minutes.
My eyes widened and I ran out of the portrait hole and through the hallways to the Great Hall. Most were inside, or just getting there as I was. I plopped into the seat next to Harry and grabbed a corn muffin.
"Woke up late?" Harry asked as I shoved half of the muffin down my throat. I nodded a little bit, careful not to get any crumbs on my clothes.

I saw McGonagall handing out schedules and I perked up immediately, tossing my empty muffin wrapper on the plate.
"Dormir...Oh, Ms. Rayline! Here's your schedule." She handed me the small sheet of parchment, written on it were small neat words and numbers.
I smiled kindly, then read the courses greedily.

Dormir, Rayline.
Double Potions: 7-9. (Gryffindor, Slytherin)
Astronomy: 9:10-10. (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw)
Care of Magical Creatures: 10:05-11. (Gryffindor, Slytherin)
Lunch: 12-1. (All)
Ancient Runes: 11-12. (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw)
Double Defense Against the Dark Arts: 1:05-3. (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin)

"Bloody Hell! Got enough classes with the Slytherins?" I jumped at the sudden loudness right next to my ear. Ron was reading over my shoulder, and was staring at my schedule in outrage.
"It's only three.."
"And that's way too much!"
I laughed quietly and shook my head. Ahh, Gryffindor Pride.

* * * * *

I was walking briskly to the dungeons where my potions class was held, damned if I was going to be late for anything today.

The large doors were propped open for students to enter, There were only about 7 occupants, most were sitting in the back.
I shrugged and took a seat in the middle, while the remaining Slytherins glared at me in my gold and red tie.
The rest of the class filed in and i saw a familiar head of platinum blonde hair... I think this'll be a very fun class
I smiled wickedly and walked over to Draco's seat.
Harry was giving me an apologetic stare, for reasons I did not know.
I looked at him and tilted my head to the side confusingly.

"Why are you scowling?"
He froze, obviously not expecting me to talk to him. He paused a moment before answering.
He shrugged.
I nodded looking away. Then I turned back.
"So, Your name's Draco, right?"
He looked taken aback then nodded slowly.
"Drayy-Co?" I was enunciating the 'Co', trying to form a nickname in my head.
He looked honestly confused, but didn't say anything.
"Yes, My name is Draco." He pronounced every word carefully as if I was mentally incapable.
I nodded and turned away, finding the perfect name for him.
"I know what I'm going to call you now."
Smiling widely, I listened to his question be interrupted.
"And what would that b-"
"Silence! The lesson will now begin."
the professor strode in, his robes fanning out behind him making him resemble a bat.
"Today's potion will be The Draught of Peace. Partner up with whoever you're next to. And get along, considering that this will be your partner for the rest of 5th year... BEGIN!"
He tapped the board with his wand and Draco got up to gather the ingredeints.
I am, to say the least, a master in potions.
Draco was so lucky.
We finished the potions before everyone else, even Hemione. I was satisfied with the praise Snape gave us, grudgingly with my being a Gryffindor and all.
I got up when the bell rang and called out behind me.
"Bye Co Co!!"
no one knew who i was referring to, ut i knew i had another class with him, He' find out later.
♠ ♠ ♠
That last one was just a filler, because i didn't want to leave you guys hanging, You know?
Anyway, i just wanted to put out that Ray and Harry WILL be friends.. But I might change that.
But, I'm basically just starting from chapter 5 right now...