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Draco's Diary


I sat in my room, skipping dinner.
The day went by quickly, I have most of my classes with My friends....And Draco
I found myself laughing and enjoying myself the entire day....It was wrong

You're getting too comfortable! I scolded myself, I knew it was true. But it was so hard to fight the smiles that broke through my barriers. I have friends, Something I've never had. It's so new, so every feeling is so strong, and so hard to resist...
But you MUST!

The warnings were rushing through my head, undoubtedly strengthening my slowly crumbling will power.

You must not forget your mission

If you wish to perish, then go ahead messing about

Forget your silly friends, there are more important things at stake!

LIKE YOUR LIFE! Dying over them is not an option!

I clutched my head and rocked back and forth, hoping to expel the unwanted voices in my head. Only crazy people heard voices in their head...

But you are crazy, yes? Insanity is by far your best quality... Use it to your advantage! With sanity comes reason, and with reason comes mistakes. Do Not Make A Mistake.

I was promoting my own lunacy inside my head. It was insane....

I am insane...
I've always known so, and so have my parents. They thought it was brilliant also.

How their daughter could go through so much pain and not suffer; Implausible.
They thought it fantastic.
How their daughter could go about killing, and not feel any remorse.
They thought it wonderful.
How their daughter could place her family on the Dark Lord's pedestal.

They didn't think it through far enough, when their daughter became so powerful,
Powerful enough to overthrow the Dark Lord, as seen to by an Oracle.
They were ambushed on a mission by their fellow Death Eaters.
They tried to kill me also...

Yet here I am, Alive and well. Bonkers as anything, but alive.
And planning her mission, through and through.

There was a blank spot in my memory, I knew it was there, I just knew it. But nothing could help me retrieve it, nothing at all.

Because no one could help me.

I was in this alone, and that is how it should be.
No one should help me and risk their lives over this. They think that Harry is the one to kill Voldemort.
Ha! What a crock! Sure, there's the prophecy.
But there's also another.
Involving a girl.
Guess who the girl is?
I laughed bitterly, the girl who is sly and cunning to receive immortal victory over her predecessors. Never to be thwarted, but once.
And I shuddered to think of the 'one'

Two hours had passed. Thinking and plotting takes time, huh?

I went down to the Common Room, hoping to the stars that nobody was there.
Everyone was. and Everyone was staring at me.
I stared back, walking towards the portrait backwards, i kept their stare until the portrait swung back, slowly cutting off my view of them until all i could see was the Fat Lady's smiling inquisitive face.

I had nowhere to go.. But it didn't stop me, I edged towards the forest slowly.
Glad as i was that I changed out of uniform and into jeans, a hoodie, and combat boots, I was still confused. Aggravated that I couldn't just keep my new friends and continue on with my mission at the same time.

I found myself in the haunting depths of the Forbidden Forest, without consciously knowing so.
I felt comforted by the branches, nearly naked of leaves from the oncoming fall.
The giant roots that lay resting on it's dirt bed, a blanket of cracking leaves settled on top of nearly everything.
Fantastic is what it was, strangely beautiful in it's menacing nature.

I knew there was someone watching me I could feel it on the back of my neck, but I refused to pause and acknowledge that i knew oft their presence.
I kept walking forward, enjoying the forest. It was basically my home, I missed it so.
The moon let a milky glow thorough the canopy above.
I felt the back of my neck, tracing the raised lines where the Mark lay.
The Dark Mark, yes.
I was given it long ago, when I was just a small child.
Now it was bewitched to react when danger was near. Danya was considered a danger, because of her being a vampire, but she was no threat.
That was the reason It burned in Diagon Alley, she called.

So it comforted me, that even if there was someone following me, watching me, there was no imminent danger in their presence.
No underlying threat was approaching me, so I paid them no mind.
I wasn't doing anything wrong...At the moment, of course.

I smirked despite myself, at my very own thoughts.
Damn, I am crazy.

I turned swiftly on my heel, there was nothing behind me.
I made my way out of the forest, fatigue approaching. Knowing i was out past curfew, I rushed past the sleeping portraits and up the stairs to the Common Room.
I said the password quietly to the Fat Lady as she tutted, and crept into the common room.
Where The Golden Trio sat, staring at the portrait hole of which I'd just emerged from.

I waved meekly and ran up the stairs.

Holding my breath, I tip-toed to my bed, hopeful not to wake my roommates.
I awkwardly hopped out of my jeans and slipped under the covers, I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

As sleep engulfed me, a scene began to play behind my closed eyelids.

A small girl of about seven ran through the trees in a bright meadow, the breeze twirled her red hair out of place, but she didn't seem to mind. She smiled and giggled lightly, as to not make her presence known in the small meadow. "Linny! Come out...I promise I won't tell, I promise.." A tall man in a brown turtle neck and black pants was in the middle of the meadow, where the wildflowers swayed in the breeze. The girl, small in her blue summer dress, scowled. A dark look crept into her eyes. This man had secrets, Secrets he wasn't supposed to tell. Secrets he would tell, and she knew it. She weaved in and out of the tall, seemingly friendly, trees. They were just like that man. they seemed nice, until they were in their element, they turned menacing and ugly. He spun around, having heard a rustle, not believing it was just the wind. His eyes narrowed at a spot in the roots, where a piece of blue was waving in the breeze like a small, out of place wildflower. He walked towards it and bent down to pick it up. As he stood up with the torn piece of fabric in his hands, he froze in terror. The small girl stood, in confident stance, with a wand pointing straight at the man's chest. "Don't do this. You're so young... Don't live this life, I can help you. I won't hurt you. I. Won't. Tell." He whispered silently to her, almost as if his words were a part of the breeze. She shook her head solemnly, none of his words were true, she knew. No one could help her. The small girl, said the words that would kill this man. The flash of green light seemed comforting to her, almost more so than the forest. She walked up to his corpse, she knew he was dead, and dropped his wand from her hand onto his chest. She walked out of the bright, happy forest, with her bright red hair whipping in the wind. Her eyes were cold, distant. This girl was a killer.

I shot up in my bed, fist in mouth to keep myself from screaming. A cold sweat was already formed on my forehead. My eyes were wide as I stared at the clock on my bedside table.
I shook my head back and forth, to clear my head unsuccessfully.

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Oh, I like this one!!
I'm going to post a poem everytime I'm about to post a chapter! so If you see a poem by me that's recent, There's another chapter waiting to come out, or is already there. ;)