Sequel: Lyrissa's Sparkles II

Lyrissa's Sparkles

Lyrissa Marie Anette Jennings grew up for most of her life living with her genetic scientist father. Her mother was a mutant, but died when she was very young, leaving Dr. Jennings to care for his little girl on his own. Dr. Jennings was a very close friend of Professor Charles Xavier, who was quickly adopted by Lyrissa as an uncle when she was six.

After Dr. Jennings' death, Professor Xavier took Lyrissa into his mansion to teach her to use her powers, as well as be her legal guardian. She wasn't the most stable, and after Wolverine making the wrong comment she ran away without looking back.

After a few years of living in the sewer systems of New York City with a gang of mutant children who are all either runaways, or abandoned by their families, they are all forced to move into the mansion. The children follow Lyrissa as their leader, and she sees them as her family, only making it harder when the government orginazation that took over her father's labs attacks and kidnaps some of them, resulting in a few deaths.

Lyrissa, now a member of the X-Men and grown woman, not only has to battle against the military and anti-mutant organizations, and the Brotherhood. She has to deal with her first real romantic interest after seeing Wolverine a little differently than she did before. Especially as he sees her as a Woman, instead of a little girl.