Sequel: Lyrissa's Sparkles II

Lyrissa's Sparkles

Chapter Thirteen

It was the day Lyrissa and Logan were to go on their road trip. Gambit had been teasing her for the past couple days about being as nervous as she was in the car on their way to the store, but not nervous at all about being alone in the woods and in a car with him. Allie was still trying to figure out why she always felt so funny when she and Logan were around her together, and Andrew was still cleaning bathrooms and doing dishes.

The feast Jean and Gambit had made for them had used every dish in the mansion; Lyrissa impressed everyone by helping him clean up because of it.

Lyrissa was trying to pack, but was having trouble finding everything she would need; she had never been camping before. Jean told her than her nightgown wouldn’t be the best to bring as night clothes, so she decided to pack her black pajama pants with a hot-pink waistband, and matching hot pink spaghetti strap top with black wings printed on the back. Since it was supposed to be a little cold, she also brought her black hoodie to wear with it just incase. She packed socks, underwear, jeans, her combat boots that Jubilee told her would be great for hiking, long pants, and her usual t-shirts and tank tops.

Her room was a complete mess, with clothes and other belongings thrown everywhere. She had a duffle bag that Rogue had let her borrow almost packed when someone knocked on her door. “Yeah!” she shouted to whoever it was, signaling that it was all right to open the door. “You ready to go yet?” Logan asked impatiently. “Almost. I can’t find…” she trailed off as she continued searching for something. “Can’t find…” he repeated questioningly. “You told me to bring my swimsuit. I can’t find the top of it.” She answered as she kept digging around. “What’s it look like?” he asked as he started helping her look. “Like a black bra, with ties instead if clasps in the back, and a silver laughing skull on the left cup.” She answered. “This it?” he asked, holding it up by one of it’s straps. “Yep, thanks Logan.” She grinned and went to take it from him.

“Dude, Logan, what’re you doing with Lyrissa’s bra?!” Jazz asked from her doorway before she could grab the bikini top. He just looked at her blankly, as Cyclops, Rogue, and Jean all came rushing over to see what she was talking about. “Oh come on guys, its part of my swimsuit! He was helping me find it?” Lyrissa laughed as she took it from him and put it in her bag. “Well how was I supposed to know? I’ve never seen you swim before, or wear a swimsuit. But I have seen bras, and that looks like something you’d wear so…” Jazz explained in her defense. “It’s cool Jazz. I think the look on his face was worth the mild scene.” She laughed.

“How long ya gonna be gone anyway?” Rogue asked as Lyrissa zipped the bag. “Ask him.” She answered as Logan took the bag. “Few days, just for the weekend.” He answered as he walked out of the room and down to the garage.

“You gonna kiss him?” Jazz asked randomly as the group escorted Lyrissa down, since he had left without her. “What? No!” she gasped and started blushing. “Who’s gonna kiss who?” Kiera asked as she joined the group. “Sparkles and Logan.” Jazz answered. “Woo!” Kiera cheered in her thick English accent. “I never said I was going to kiss him! Knock it off!” Lyrissa groaned as Gambit and Rogue started laughing. “Still, Woo!” she laughed before darting off to find her brother.

“Be good you two.” Xavier said as Lyrissa climbed into Logan’s jeep a while later. “We will Uncle Charlie.” She laughed. “Logan?” Jazz asked. “Yeah, whatever.” He grunted as he started the engine. “We want a full report when you get back!!” she shouted as they drove off.

“Oh my god Logan, go back!” Lyrissa yelled quickly as they drove through the gates. “Why?” he asked, pure confusion written across his face. “I forgot to say goodbye to Allie, go back!” she demanded. “The kid’ll be fine, we ain’t gonna be gone long.” He answered and kept driving. “Dang it Logan, turn around!” she argued. He still refused, and suddenly she was gone, leaving behind a few faint black wisps.

“Whoa!” Jubilee gasped as she appeared in front of her. “Sorry Jubilee, where’s Allie?” Lyrissa asked quickly. “The Professor has her with Jean. Didn’t you just leave with Wolverine?” she answered.

“Yeah, I did. Where are they?”

“Her room, did something happen?”

“Nothing big, thanks Jubilee!” she shouted and disappeared in another swirl of black wisps to outside Allie’s room.

“She weft me!” she heard Allie sobbing. “No sweetie, she’ll be back. I promise.” Jean consoled. “She d-didn’t s-say good… bye. S-she doesn’t wuv m-me anymowe.” She cried hysterically. “Allie, Lyrissa does love you, perhaps more than anyone here. Now you must calm down before you make yourself sick.” Xavier directed.

Lyrissa sighed and knocked on the door. She couldn’t believe how upset she just made Allie, how could she just leave with Logan like that and not even say goodbye to her? “Come in Lyrissa.” Xavier called through the door with a hint of relief in his voice.

“Spawkles?” Allie sniffled from Jean’s arms. “Allie I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking, and I left, and I’m sorry. I came back just to hug you goodbye, because I couldn’t bear to spend a whole weekend without you, and not even getting a goodbye hug.” Lyrissa answered. Allie jumped down from Jean’s grasp and ran over to her, attaching herself to her legs. “Don’t weave me. I don’t want you to weave.” She cried.

Lyrissa was hard not to cry herself; she hadn’t left Allie for more than a few hours since they met. “Spawkles, tell Wogan you can’t go.” She pleaded.

“I can’t Allie. I promised him I’d go. But I’ll be back soon, and you’ll be having so much fun you won’t even know I’m gone.”

“YES I WILL!” she squeaked through her tears.

“Al, please…” Lyrissa was really tearing up now.

“Lywissa, you pwomised not to weave me evew. Wemembew?”

“I’m not leaving you. I promise I’ll be back in a few days. Cross my heart.” She smiled.

“But the bad guy is out thewe! What if he gets you?!”

“I won’t let that happen.” Logan said suddenly from the doorway. “Allie, Logan will keep Lyrissa safe, and Lyrissa will keep Logan out of trouble. They’ll be back in a few days.” Xavier assured. “Al, please? I swear I’ll come back to you, and we can have a whole day just us two. Tea parties, dress up, anything you want.” Lyrissa promised. “Okay.” She sniffled and let go of Lyrissa. “Come on, let’s walk them out.” Jean smiled and picked Allie up again.

Logan had parked the jeep outside the front door, and left it running. He started pulling out as soon as she shut her door, but stopped when he heard Allie calling him. “Yeah?” he asked as she ran over to him. “Take him with you. Wogan wants to keep you safe fwom the bad man who keeps fighting you.” She answered, holding her stuffed tiger out to him. His eyes softened as he gently took it from her. “Thanks kid, we’ll take good care of him.” He smiled. As she ran back to Jean and Xavier, and climbed into his lap; she was crying again and holding onto Xavier’s jacket for dear life.

“Ready?” he asked Lyrissa. She answered with a tearful nod, and he pulled away from the mansion.

They drove for hours in silence. Lyrissa’s hair was switching it’s sparkles on and off as she looked out her window. “What ya thinkin’ about?” he asked after a while of watching it as he drove. “My dad.” She answered simply; closing her eyes and took a deep breath before looking at him. He grunted in acknowledgment, but didn’t want to say anything and risk upsetting her. “One time when I asked him about mom, he said ‘Life has hundreds of thousands of roads. Each rode is only big enough for one person. Some roads go side by side, others cross once or very many times before reaching their destination. Some roads are long, and others are very short. And some go to the same destination, others wind side by side for miles and miles, just to separate and go their own ways’. Being on this empty road, with no other cars around just reminded me of that.” She explained. “Deep.” He commented without taking his eyes off the road. “Dad loved to read, and learn. Sometimes talking to him was like reading a book. I bet he and Beast could’ve gone days discussing literature and science.” She mused. “Ya really miss him, don’t ya?” he asked softly. “More than anything I’ve ever lost before.” She answered. “I shouldn’t have survived that crash.” She added quietly; if it weren’t for his heightened hearing, he wouldn’t have been able to hear her at all. He decided to ignore her comment and keep driving.

Hours and hours went by, and the sun started to go down. “Ya hungry?” he asked randomly. “Yeah actually.” She laughed. “There’s a small town up here, we’ll stop for the night there. Not a lot to do, but they got food and beds. All we need right now.” He explained. “Sounds great.” She smiled.

He was right the town was tiny. It had a bar and grill, small roach-motel, police station, convenient store/gas station, and that was about it except for a few houses. People were giving strange looks as they slowly drove through town to the motel, which was right next to the bar and grill. “I don’t know what these people’s views on mutants are, so keep that hair covered. All right Sparkles?” he instructed as he parked and opened his door. She nodded and pulled the hood of her zip-up hoodie over her head.

The motel only had rooms with one bed available. “I can sleep on the floor.” Lyrissa announced before Logan could pay for two rooms. “Or ya could have yer own room, and sleep in a bed.” He argued, “Now lemme pay the man.” He added as he once again tried to hand the money to the motel owner. “Logan, I’ve never been alone in a new place like this before. When I stayed at the mansion for the first time, Jean slept in the living room with me remember? And when I ran off and ended up living with Andrew, no one had their own space.” She pushed; she didn’t want to admit it, but she was afraid to sleep alone in the motel room. “Alright, we’ll just have the one.” He sighed, handing the owner half the money and getting a key. “Room six.” He said as the two walked off towards the bar and grill.

“What was that about?”

“Me being a scared little girl, as you’d put it.”

“But scared of what?”

“I don’t know.”

He sighed and left her alone about it as they sat down at a small table. “What can I get ya?” a blonde waitress who looked to be in her mid-thirties asked. Lyrissa just looked at the table, trying to figure out how to answer, since they had no idea what the place served. “Oh, new here huh? Well here’s a couple menus, and I’ll be back in a few. Kay?” she smiled warmly before leaving. “She’s nice.” Lyrissa commented. Logan just grunted and continued reading the menu.

A short while later they had their food and drinks, and were eating in silence. They had both ordered cheeseburgers, Lyrissa had ordered a coke, and Logan had a beer. “Hey, you hear they caught another one of those mutants this morning?” someone from a table near theirs asked his friends. “Yeah, can’t wait to see what they do with ‘em. Those freaks are treated better than they deserve if ya ask me.” Another answered. “Better than they deserve? Honey, they don’t deserve any more or less than you do.” The waitress sighed as she refilled their drinks. “Yeah? If one of them came in here askin’ for food, would ya give it to them?” the first one spat. “If they had money, yes I would. I don’t think they’re much different than you or me.” She answered softly and walked away from the table.

“What’re you looking at?!” he yelled at Lyrissa, who had been watching the scene carefully. She tensioned up nervously. She felt Logan’s hand over hers, and relaxed a little, but stayed sharp. “What’s the matter? You feel for those worthless freaks too?” he pushed; he had clearly been in the bar a while, and had more than a few to drink. “I… I…” was all she could say before the waitress stepped in. “Now listen here you, I haven’t kicked you out because you’re one of my best paying customers. But if you keep this up, I’ll throw your sorry behind out those doors myself, ya understand me Rick?” she scolded. “Wouldn’t have ta yell if little girls knew how to mind their own business.” he slurred angrily and turned around.

“I’m sorry for Rick and the boys. They’re a little closed minded, and a lot drunk right now.” She smiled to Lyrissa and Logan. “Tell ya what I’ll do, these burgers are on me, ‘kay? Won’t make up for his sorry attitude, but it should at least make your stay a little easier here. Not too often we get new faces.” She added sweetly. “Thank you, Miss…” Lyrissa answered, trying to think if she had given her name. “Julie. No need to call me ‘miss’, I ain’t that formal.” She smiled. “Thanks Julie.” Logan nodded as she walked back behind the bar.

“You full already?” Logan asked after noticing she was just looking blankly into her plate; something she did often when thinking. “Huh? Oh, yeah.” She answered quickly. “Then let’s go. I’ll pay fer the drinks. Meet ya at the motel.” He replied. “Okay, let me use the bathroom read quick. It’s been a long drive with no stops, girls weren’t build for that Logan.” She smiled and stood up. He laughed and went to pay.

A minute or two later she walked around the corner from the bathroom and nearly smacked into Rick, who was beyond drunk and nearly fell into her anyway. Of course it startled her, and unfortunately she teleported next to Logan. “Lyrissa…” he growled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to. I really didn’t, I wasn’t even thinking Logan I swear.” She defended. “Hey! Mutant! We don’t need your kind around here. Get out!” Rick demanded as he came at her. She backed up towards the door, but another man grabbed her and pushed her at Rick, who grabbed her by the hair since her hood had fallen down. “Now that proves it.” He smirked as he examined her hair.

“Leave her alone pal, don’t make me have to hurt ya.” Logan spat, letting his claws out. Immediately the rest of Rick’s little group got between him and Lyrissa, which didn’t sit well with Logan at all. “Don’t try anything freak.” Rick warned, tightening his grip on Lyrissa until she gasped in pain.

Logan was about to growl another threat when he was cut short by the click of a shotgun. “Everyone, hands off each other. Rick, get out of my bar. You ain’t welcome here tonight, and ya’ve had enough to drink as it is. Boys, let go of the man and his girl, and back off. I ain’t warning you again.” Julie threatened. Rick reluctantly let go of Lyrissa and knocked her to the ground as he stormed out of the place, followed by the others who were involved in the almost-brawl.

“You okay honey?” she asked sweetly as she helped Lyrissa up. “F-fine, thanks.” She stuttered; she was shaking a little. “Here, I’m sure ya’d rather have him helpin’ ya instead of me.” She smiled as Logan took over. “You’re okay.” He consoled, rubbing her back as she held onto him. She thought Rick was going to kill her. “Hey, take ya money back, I don’t want it. I’m sorry, but I can’t have any mutants staying in my motel.” The motel owner said as he handed Logan a small wad of cash. “Fine, here.” He retorted, and shoved the key into his hand. The owner just left quickly, probably scared of getting into a fight. “What’s wrong with people?” Julie sighed as she cleaned up the bar and grill. Everyone had left after the scene Lyrissa had accidentally caused. “Dunno, but we better get goin’. Gotta find another place to stay tonight. C’mon Lyrissa.” Logan answered and pulled her towards the door. “Thank you so much for helping Julie.” Lyrissa smiled weakly; she was still shaken up from Rick.

“Hey, you’re not goin’ anywhere.” She replied sternly. “Excuse me?” Logan retorted aggressively. “Its late, and gonna rain too. Driving won’t be safe, and it’s a ways to another town from here. You’re staying with me tonight, I have an extra room you can use since my brother and his wife left a few years ago. It’s not big, but it’ll have to do.” She explained. “Thanks, but why do you want to help us so much? You’ve already given us free diner, and even pulled a gun to defend us, you really don’t have to offer us a place to stay too.” Lyrissa asked. “I’ll tell ya at my place. Come on, my house is right behind here.” She smiled.

Julie’s place was small, but warm and inviting. It kind of reminded Lyrissa of Xavier’s mansion in a way. The three were sitting in her living room around a plate of cookies. “Right, so I suppose you wanna hear why I think the anti-mutant groups should back off and get real lives huh?” she asked with a smile. They both nodded. “Well, ya see my brother turned out to be a mutant when we were in high school. We hid it well, and he got married to a real nice girl and they had a kid. Well things kind of went down hill and he moved in with me a while. It was great until word got out that he was a mutant. His wife knew, and she didn’t care, but she was worried about their son. He was just learning to talk, it’ll tell ya a little about how old he was at the time.

“Some folks from Washington came and arrested him, and left her and the baby with me. She moved in with her mom a few months later. We haven’t seen, or heard from Will since. I heard rumors he was being used for genetic testing, and that he was in some military weapons program, but I refuse to believe them. I’d rather bury him, than have him be put through that.” She explained. “I’m sorry.” Was all Lyrissa could say. “Not your fault, no need for ya to apologize for other people’s stupidity. Will didn’t do anything worth arresting; they just get scared over things they don’t understand. Human nature I guess.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“Well, you’re probably beat aren’t ya? The room’s this way.” She said and stood up. Logan grabbed the bags they he had gotten from the jeep before going to Julie’s and followed with Lyrissa close behind.

The room was small, and mostly pink. There was only one bed, but there was a mattress under it that could be pulled out as a second one. “Again, it ain’t much but it’ll have to do.” She sighed and left them alone. “Hey Logan, can you leave so I can change?” Lyrissa asked. He nodded and left the room, but stood right outside the door. She opened it and stepped out to switch places less than a minute later. He took longer to change, but it was because he couldn’t find his pants because they were in the bottom of his bag.

He gave Lyrissa the bed, and he slept on the pull out mattress, which was less than comfortable. “Night Logan.” She smiled. “Night Lyrissa.” He answered.

“Hey Logan?”


“You think Allie’s okay?”

“I’m sure she is. With the way ya worry about her kid, people would think yer her mom.”

“I know.”

“Get to sleep, its gonna be another long drive until we get to the lake.”

“You’re right. Night Logan.”

“Night Lyrissa.” He sighed, and listened to her fall asleep before drifting off himself.