Sequel: Lyrissa's Sparkles II

Lyrissa's Sparkles

Chapter Sixteen

On the jet, Lyrissa was a nervous wreck. She wore the same black and purple outfit she had chosen for training, which had now become her uniform. She pulled at the ends of her hair that she had put into twin braids, and started biting her lip so hard it started to bleed.

“Hey, relax will ya?” Wolverine whispered from his seat next to her. “I can’t. If anything happens to them it’s on me and you know it.” She hissed. “No, it is not. They chose to leave the mansion, and whatever happens is brought on by their own actions. You had nothing to do with it.” Storm argued. “Besides, Andrew is a smart boy. I highly doubt he would follow the Brotherhood in anything at all.” Beast added confidently. “Yeah, but he can’t fight. And I don’t want him to end up like mom.”

She froze as she felt the words pass her lips; did they even know what happened to her mother? “How’s this got to do with your momma?” Rogue asked curiously, and cautiously. “Sabertooth.” She answered quietly, waiting to be bombarded with questions. “He killed her when she wouldn’t join them.” She mumbled to the silence that replaced her expectations.

Tears slowly started to fill her eyes as she leaned her head back against her seat. “That ain’t gonna happen. Don’t know what plan Cyke here has, but I know I won’t let anythin’ like that happen. Alright kid?” Wolverine promised as he took her hand in his and rubbed it with his thumb comfortingly.

They landed the Jet as soon as Jean said they were close, and started their mission. Andrew and Jack had taken a small sports car and gotten four hours from NY by the time Jean found them. Unfortunately for them, the car wasn’t the best and even with Jack’s mutant powers over machinery, the car wouldn’t run any further; they had to walk.

“When we find them, just talk to them Sparkles, try to convince them to come back. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that they will listen.” Beast smiled encouragingly as they followed Jack and Andrew’s trail, led by Wolverine. She just sighed and kept walking.

Wolverine stopped suddenly, and unsheathed his claws. “What is it Wolverine?” Storm asked quietly. “Sabert-” he didn’t get to finish his answer before he was tackled and thrown. Before Lyrissa could realize what was going on, they were in a full-blown battle against the Brotherhood, but she didn’t care about anyone except Sabertooth. She immediately went over to help Wolverine, against his frustrated protests.

He was about to slash Wolverine when she trapped him in the shadows. “Back off kid, this ain’t your fight.” Wolverine growled. “Not my fight? He killed my mom! How does that not give me a right to fight him?” she retorted angrily. “Your mom was nothing, that boy of yours though, he put up a fight.” Sabertooth taunted. Immediately she tightened the shadows around him, her wisps came out and surrounded him as well, as her eyes started to give off that eerie dark glow again; she was starting to lose control, and he knew it.

The battle stopped as everyone, including Magneto watched Lyrissa closely. “What, did you do, to Andrew?” she demanded coldly. “Taught him a lesson or two.” He answered confidently; he had no idea how powerful she could be if she let all of her powers out at once. Her mind started racing over every terrible thing he could’ve done to Andrew, all the horrible, gory ways he could’ve killed him. Then she thought about the same things, only with her mother in place of her friend, and everything around them went darker.

“I should kill you right here.” She spat, “I should suffocate you slowly in darkness, until you plead and cry for mercy, and then take away your last bit of light. You deserve worse than what I can give, but I’ll make sure you suffer.” She continued, tightening her grip, and making all light around him fade until he could hardly be seen. “Or maybe I should just leave you like this, trapped in your own shadow… cold, alone, helpless, and trembling.” Her voice was getting colder, and even Wolverine was getting nervous around her. Magneto was watching in awe, and mild, well-hidden fear, while most of his Brotherhood fled. “But then I’d be just like you, wouldn’t I? A weak, pathetic, low, useless to society, murdering, hateful, heartless, monstrous animal.” She spat harshly. Even with the dark glow around her eyes, her eyes could still be seen, which wasn’t like any of the times she lost control. “And if you hurt Andrew, in any way… I swear I’ll make your life unlivable.” She added the threat with icy venom as she let the shadows around Sabertooth fade, and watched as he dropped to the ground gasping for air.

Magneto ordered that they leave and continue their search, and he quickly obeyed orders and fled the scene. “I thought you were losing control for a minute.” Jean smiled with great relief. Lyrissa didn’t respond. “Hey, you okay?” Gambit asked as he walked over to her. Again she didn’t answer, she just stared ahead of her. “What’s wrong?” Cyclops demanded worriedly. Wolverine sniffed the air a couple times, “Andrew.” He smirked.

“I thought he was close.” Jean smiled as Andrew slowly and sheepishly stepped around from behind the trees. “Lyrissa…” he whispered. “You left.” She scorned. “I know, I’m sorry. Jack started talking about how much you didn’t need us around, and I… I just, I don’t know why I believed him.” He confessed. “Don’t need you around? Are you stupid?!” she yelled.

“Yes, I guess I am! How could I be so stupid to think everything wouldn’t change as soon as you moved back in with your family? Like you still need or care about us!”

“Did you hear anything I said to that freak just now? All that was because I thought he killed you! Can you even begin to understand how horrible that was? For a few minutes I thought you were dead!”

“Like it would’ve made a difference, like I said you have your family now. You aren’t even the same Lyrissa!”

“Maybe I’m not! Maybe you leaving was a good idea, because at least now I know who my family really is! At least I have someone who won’t abandon me when things get just a little too much!” She brought her hand over her mouth as soon as the words reached her ears.

“She didn’t mean that. Andrew she’s been through a lot, she honestly didn’t mean to say that.” Jean said quickly, trying to defuse the situation. “No, she said exactly what she meant.” He replied coldly. “Andrew, please…” She begged, ragged with restrained tears. Andrew didn’t say anything, and started to walk away.

“D-do s-s-something…” Lyrissa pleaded to the group around here as tears streamed down her face, and she was reduced to a crumpled heap on the ground. “Wait here, I’ll see what I can do.” Jean assured before taking Rogue to pursue Andrew.

The others waited in silence as Wolverine wrapped his arms around a shaking Lyrissa and pulled her to her feet. “I’m gonna take her back to the jet, this ain’t the kinda thing she needs an audience for.” He announced before guiding her away from the others. Gambit was tempted to make a joke about their actions in the Danger Room earlier, but knew it wasn’t the time and kept his mouth closed.

As soon as the door was closed she broke down, holding onto his uniform’s fabric as tightly as she could. “I didn’t mean it Logan… I didn’t. I didn’t mean to say that, he is my real family and I do need him… how could I say that?” she sobbed painfully. “I know ya didn’t mean it. And when Jean gets done with him, he’ll know it too.” He comforted, holding her as tightly as she had him.

“He’s not coming back… I know he’s not. Why would he?”

“Because he knows ya need him, and the kids need him, and we need him.”

“Why do you need him?” she asked curiously, taken aback by his comment.

“The kids don’t listen to us as much as they do to you two. Besides, I can’t stand seein’ ya like this.”

“L-Logan?” she stuttered as she slowly calmed down, and her sobs turned to short hiccups.


“Thank you for getting me away from everyone, and helping me calm down, and taking care of me.” She smiled, snuggling up against him.

“Yer welcome.” He smirked.

They stayed in the jet until the others came back. By that time they had gone from sitting, to lying on the floor. Lyrissa was snuggled up against Logan tracing the stripes lazily on his uniform, while listening to his heartbeat, while he played with one of her braids, admiring the how soft her hair was, and how brightly it was glittering. “Ehem.” Beast coughed, pulling them out of their semi-hypnotic state. “No doubt they are official then.” Storm commented with a smile as she took her seat. “Where’s Andrew?” Lyrissa asked as she and Wolverine took their seats. “Debating.” Cyclops answered heatedly. “He is unsure of coming back with us. Partly because of your argument, partly because of his own fears.” Beast explained. “And Jack?” she asked worriedly. “He said Jack left right before we got into that fight with Magneto.” Rogue answered. Lyrissa quickly got up and left the jet.

“Andrew, where’s Jackie?” she asked somewhat demandingly, interrupting the small argument he was having with Jean. “I don’t know that’s what I was telling her. He bailed out, and I tried to find my own way around out here and that’s when I found you freaking out on that hairy guy.” He answered. “We gotta find him. What if they’re after him too?” she asked Jean. “We will, for now the Professor wants us back at the mansion.” She replied, looking at Andrew as if to ask if he were coming or not. He sighed and started walking to the jet, and Lyrissa and Jean both followed.

“She okay?” Andrew asked Beast quietly as he watched Lyrissa leaning weakly against her seat with Wolverine rubbing her arm gently. “She used quite a bit of energy on Sabertooth, mostly on keeping control of her powers. She would have killed him if not.” He answered, watching her sympathetically.

“She looks tired, I’ve never seen her look like that.”

“I believe she is exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Which is most likely the reason she said those things to you.”

“I fell like such a dirt bag.” Andrew banged his head against the back of his seat.

“Although you did upset her, she doesn’t blame you for anything. And I know her well enough to know that she wouldn’t want you to feel bad over this; she is a very understanding young woman, even if she is at times too stubborn to show it.”

“We’re almost there. Lyrissa, you up?” Cyclops announced from the front of the jet. “Yeah Scotty… I’m up.” She mumbled. “Yeah you sound like it.” Gambit commented as she slowly sat up properly. “Ah leave her alone Gambit.” Rogue ordered. “Hey, Gambit jus’ havin’ a little fun dat’s all.” He defended. “Your fun ain’t doin’ her no good.” She retorted. “Guys…” Lyrissa groaned as they started arguing.

“I jus’ tryin’ to lighten things up a bit.”

“Well you’re doin’ a fine job of that one.”

“Guys… please…”

“Come on Cherie, I didn’t mean no harm.”

“I know that, but I also know she ain’t in the mood for jokes”

“Please stop arguing guys…”

“She ain’t in the mood for yer fighin’ like Dante and Max either. Knock it off!” Wolverine growled since the two couldn’t hear Lyrissa’s near silent pleas. “I’m sorry Sugar.” Rogue said softly. “Yeah, Gambit sorry too.” Gambit nodded quietly. “It’s okay, my head feels like it’s going to explode, that’s all. Normally I wouldn’t mind the arguing, it’s usually fun to watch you two.” Lyrissa smiled weakly, keeping her eyes closed. “Thanks Logan.” She added so quietly only even he could barely hear it.

A few minutes later they were off the jet. Lyrissa stayed behind and was the last one off, after Jean had to force Logan and Andrew to leave her behind. Beast had dimmed the hanger lights so they wouldn’t hurt her head as much, and did the same with the hallways leading up to the main part of the mansion. She made a mental note to thank him for it as soon as she got the chance as she slowly navigated the dimly lit halls.

As she got closer to the main levels, she could already hear everyone laughing, playing, and arguing. As soon as she opened the door she was hit with the sound to the point it was almost like physical barriers. “You okay Sparkles?” Box asked as he walked by and noticed her leaning against the doorframe covering her face with her hands. “Fine Box. Just have a wicked headache that’s all.” She assured before slowly continuing to her room, keeping her hand on the wall to support herself. “Looks like it, lemme help.” He frowned as he put her other arm around his shoulders. “Thanks Box.” She smiled.

A little ways later they were at the stairs up to the rooms. Lyrissa had let go of Box and used both hands on the railing to keep herself upright, but her head was spinning from the headache. Half way up she was hit with a very strong dizzy spell, and lost her footing, falling backwards down the staircase. “LYRISSA!” Box screamed as he tried to catch her, but all he did was end up falling along with her, and fracturing his wrist.

“Ow… oh, Lyrissa…” he grunted and groaned as he sat up. His wrist felt like it was on fire, and Lyrissa wasn’t moving at all. “S-Someone help! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP US!!” He screamed frantically when she didn’t respond to him gently shaking her.

“What happened?” Dante asked as he, Jazz, Allie, and Max came running down the stairs. “She fell!” he yelled, he was scared out of his mind. “Spawkles!!” Allie cried as Jazz picked her up. “Guys, get help. Box go to the kitchen and put some ice on your wrist, it’s welling up. If there’s an adult or Andrew in there make them get over here okay?” she Jazz ordered nervously, wondering what to do about Lyrissa. “Take Allie with you!” she added, pushing a hysterically bawling Allie at him.

Box was beyond relieved to see Gambit in the game-room playing solitaire on his way to the kitchen. “Gambit! Oh man, Gambit help!” he cried as he ran over to him. “What happen?” he asked, seeing how upset Box and Allie were. “Lyrissa fell down the stairs, we were walking and she was dizzy, and she just fell back. She’s not moving or anything!” Box answered frantically. “She’s dead!” Allie screamed and kept crying. Gambit dropped the card that was in his hand, “Where is she?” He demanded. Box pointed down the hall, and he ran out without looking back. “C’mon Allie… I gotta get to the kitchen like Jazzy said.” Box sniffled, looking down at his bruising and swollen wrist.

Back at the stairs Gambit had run around the corner to find Jazz holding C-spine, alone with Lyrissa who was still unresponsive. “Did you see what happened?” he asked as he knelt down next to them. “No. I… I cam d-down after, Box s-st-started screaming for help.” She answered.

“You let Gambit take over, an’ get some help okay?”

Jazz shook her head and stayed put. “I remember my dad saying w-when something… like th-this happens, you h-have to hold C-s-s-spine like this.” She explained.

“Very good Jazz, however we can take it from here.” Beast said as he and several others rushed in with Box in front holding an ice pack on his wrist, and Storm carrying Allie trying to comfort her. Jazz let go of Lyrissa’s neck and stepped back, holding her arms around herself as she watched Beast examine her. “It’s okay Jazz.” Jean whispered as she pulled her into a hug.

As strong as Jazz was, and as much as she refused to cry ever, even when she had broken bones, been disowned by her entire family, and was nearly shot by the police, she broke down in Jean’s arms. “Shh, it’s okay Jazz.” Jean repeated over and over.

Twenty minutes later Beast was taking notes on Lyrissa’s condition while Xavier, and Logan sat on either side of her. Everyone else was either sleeping, or waiting outside in the hall; and most of who were sleeping, were sleeping in the hallway. “She gonna be okay Hank?” Logan asked as he put one of his hands against her face, and looking over the bruises she had from rolling down the stairs. “I believe so. Multiple things brought on her collapse, physical exhaustion, her migraine, and her mutation. I believe that in using so much of her power consciously, she did more than her body could handle. Resulting in the headache, which led to her being dizzy. At first she was knocked unconscious by her falling down the stairs, but she did recover from that shortly. Right now she is simply asleep. I recommend we leave her here for the night for further supervision, but I am confident she will recover in time for Allie’s party.” He answered. “That is good news.” Xavier smiled as he gently released Lyrissa’s hand. “And yes Logan, you may stay in here with her tonight.” He added before leaving the infirmary.

“Professor Xavier! Is she okay? What’d Beast say? Can we see her?” Andrew asked as soon as he emerged through the door. “Yes she is fine, Hank said this is mostly caused by her mutation and she should be recovered by the party tomorrow. I’m afraid it would be best for her to be left alone tonight, but you will be able to visit with her in the morning.” He answered. “Are you daft? You can’t keep Andrew and Allie out of there, its torture for them. It’s torture for us as well, but she’s like a mother to Allie, and a sister and best friend to Andrew.” Kiera protested. “Don’t be so bloody stupid Kiera, he knows what he’s doing.” Max hissed at his sister’s reply. “I understand your worry, but she needs to rest.” Xavier explained gently. “But why’s Wolverine get to stay with her?” Dante demanded. “Because they’re in love? I mean if it was Miss Jean in there, a freaking hurricane couldn’t keep Cyclops out.” Jazz explained. “Exactly.” Xavier smiled before leaving them.

“Skyclops? Is Spawkles weally gonna be okay?” Allie asked while tugging on his pant leg. “Looks like it. Come on, let’s get you to bed.” He smiled and picked her up. “Scott’s right, it’s getting late. Come on guys, bedtime.” Jean agreed, though most of them decided to spend the night outside the infirmary waiting for morning so they could visit Lyrissa.

Inside the room Lyrissa opened her eyes slowly, and tried to stand up. “Hey, no. Lay back down, yer stayin’ here tonight.” Logan protested, gently pushing her back against the bed. She gasped from the pain that shot through her side as he did so. “Sorry. You fell down the stairs and got a few bruises.” He explained, brushing some of the hair that had come out of her braids from her face. “Box came down with me, he tried to catch me and fell too… is he okay?” she asked quietly.

“Just fractured his wrist, Hank says he’ll be fine.”

“Does he know why I fell out like that?”

“Says it was because keepin’ control back there with Sabertooth took so much outta ya.”

“I’m sorry… I should’ve held it together better. Wouldn’t have ended up in here if I could control my powers.”

“Knock it off, ya held it together just fine. I know it took everythin’ ya had not to just off him then and there. I’m proud of ya.”

Lyrissa smiled and closed her eyes against his hand that was gently cupping her face. “You going to stay in here with me?” she asked quietly.

“Unless ya want me to go.”

“No. I want you to stay.”

“Good, get some sleep. Don’t wanna be in here for Allie’s big party do ya?”

Lyrissa smiled and kept quiet until she fell asleep again, knowing that he’d be there when she woke up.