Sequel: Lyrissa's Sparkles II

Lyrissa's Sparkles

Chapter Twenty

Lyrissa woke up sweating, and in terror late that night. She was still dreaming, and swore she saw Jack, Sabertooth, and Cyclops standing by her bed. She screamed and jumped out of bed, tripping over part of Logan’s weight set, and hit the ground with a cry of pain. It was almost pitch dark in the room, and she really couldn’t see anything. She was crying from fear, and pain, and desperation.

Suddenly the room was flooded with light as Andrew and Storm came rushing in. “What happened?” he demanded, searching her room for intruders, most likely searching for Jack. Lyrissa couldn’t answer, she was in a lot of pain, and terrified of something. Storm went to try and console her, but she screamed for her to get away and scrambled painfully to the other side of the room.

“What happened?” Scott demanded as he and everyone else in the mansion came to her doorway. “Lyrissa, what’s wrong?” he asked, moving closer to her. She flinched violently when he tried to touch her, pleading him and the others to go away, and not to hurt her.

“She’s still dreaming, give her a second.” Jean said calmly, keeping her distance from Lyrissa, and trying to get Logan to do the same. “What happened?” he asked once she had calmed down, wrapping his arms around her. She didn’t answer, her only reply was to wrap her arms as tightly around him as she could, and snuggle into his bare chest; he wasn’t sleeping with a shirt on. “I think Logan can handle this… not to mention Lyrissa probably doesn’t need this crowd… come on guys.” Jean sighed, ushering everyone out of Logan’s room, and closing the door.

“Tell me what happened.” He said, although it was more of a soft demand.

“I was running from Sabertooth… and I couldn’t move fast enough. He caught m-me and started clawing at me; I felt every s-slash like it w-was real! It hurt… so bad, and no matter how… hard I s-screamed it didn’t… stop! Then Jack showed up a-and started hitting me over and over… and over… and I couldn’t do anything! I just was s-stuck with S-Sabertooth holding me back!

“Then you all showed up, but you wouldn’t help me. I w-was crying and b-begging for help… but you j-just stood there laughing! Then you all joined in… S-Scotty blasssted m-my arm, and it h-hurt s-s-so much! And you kept stabbing me over and over…” she sobbed, holding on even tighter; so much it was hurting her due to her injuries, but she didn’t care.

He sat dumbfounded for a moment before answering. “Well, it was just a dream. Sabertooth and Jack ain’t here, you ain’t runnin’ nowhere, and none of us would ever do a thing like that to hurt you. Ever.” He whispered, rubbing her back calmingly.

Eventually she had calmed down, and he helped her back into bed. She scooted to the edge and he lay down next to her, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around her. “Please don’t go back down there tonight…” she whispered, shaking slightly trying not to cry again. “I won’t, yer fine.” He whispered, keeping his lips pressed to her forehead.

Lyrissa woke up several times that night. Between her bruises making it hard to sleep, and various nightmares, sleeping wasn’t an easy task. Finally though, she managed to stay asleep.

“Logan, is she awake?” Storm whispered from the doorway that morning. “Nah, she ain’t.” he whispered back, not wanting to wake her. “They would like me to tell you that breakfast is ready.” She replied, keeping her hushed tone. “I’ll be down when she wakes up.” He answered, accidentally whispering too close to her; the feel of his breath woke her slightly. “Daddy, watch this. I bet Uncle Charlie’s never seen something like this before…” she mumbled as she readjusted herself and fell back asleep. “Another reason to let her rest.” Storm smiled before leaving them.

Lyrissa was woken up a few minutes later when Logan accidentally sneezed. She jumped and sat up slightly. “Sorry.” He shrugged. “Logan! Did you have to wake me up?” she groaned angrily, “I was so close!” she added, tears welling up in her eyes. “Close to what?” he asked, completely confused. “Home!” she answered sharply, her voice breaking at the word.

She sighed and got out of his bed, and slowly went to the library. He sighed and went down to breakfast. “Hey, finally up? There’s some biscuits and gravy saved for you in the microwave.” Jubilee smiled as they passed in the hall. “Thanks kid.” He nodded. “No problem Wolverine. Is Lyrissa okay?” she asked. “Dunno, she went off to the library. She ain’t feelin’ up to company.” He answered, and kept walking.

In the library Lyrissa was writing furiously, tears streaming down her face onto her paper. She had drawn picture after picture trying to remember her father’s face, but she just couldn’t get it right. In her dreams of the crash, she could only see the back of his head now, watching in third person from the back seat. She had recently taken to writing poetry as a second release, when she couldn’t get a drawing just right. She cried as she spoke the words while writing.

“Not a tear shed, over all these years time. Not a memory recalled of that painful night. Pushed from my mind, to numb my pain. Left behind, never, to be thought of again.

I said I’d never forget, and that I would always always remember. I promised myself to know his face. Though throughout time I’ve learned that isn’t the case.

Yet memories remain, and images stay. I can still see vividly what happened that day. I heard the crash, I heard her scream. Those things will never leave me.

I saw his body, through the car’s frame. I heard her crying; calling his name. I felt confusion. I felt fear. I feel it still after all these years.

I close my eyes, and search for his face; but it is an image that cannot be traced. Though I’ll never forget, seeing his body cover mine that day.

And I hate myself for not remembering the sound of his voice. The smell of his clothes. Or the look of his smile. I hate myself more, for never just sitting with him a while.

So tonight I cry, like a lost child in the night. For all the years held back, these burning tears never felt so right. For him I cry, so I can finally say goodbye.”

She dropped the paper and continued sobbing for her father. There was only one other time she had cried for him this hard, and that was right after his funeral. She heard people coming and darkened the room around her so no one would see her. Unfortunatley the people who entered happened to be two telepaths, and an empath.

“Spawkles?” Allie asked softly. “I’m fine Al.” Lyrissa sniffled. “Lyrissa, would you like to talk about it?” Xavier asked telepathically. “Not now Uncle Charlie… I just need to be alone right now.” She answered.

“Come along Allie, we still have to find Andrew and Jubilee.” He said and gently pulled her from the room. “If you need to talk Lyrissa, we’re always here.” Jean smiled before leaving with the others.

Lyrissa put the shadows back the way they sould be, and grabbed her poem and drawings. Ten minutes later she was in her room cleaning things up, and hanging her work. She replaced some of her smaller posters with shadow figures and sketches of seemingly random things. Before long, her room was back to being neat and tidy, which meant Logan could have his bed back.

She remembered what her wisps had done the night they ran into Jack, and decided to try it out since she had nothing better to do. She closed her eyes and started experimenting with her powers. She took her wisps and made a swirling disk and slowly stepped onto it. Then she slowly made it rise. She only got a foot off the ground before it disappeared, but it was a start.

After a while of making wisps and platforms, using her wisps to grab and move things, and turning the shadows in her room as solid as stone, she created a puffy mix of shadows and wisps and sat down just in time for someone to knock on the door. “Hey!” Jubilee grinned, “Whoa, what are you sitting on?” she asked in awe of the strange new piece of furnature.

“I call it a Shadowbag Chair. Like it?”

“Yeah, it’s awesome!”

“So try it out!” Lyrissa laughed, creating a second shadowbag chair just across from her.

“Wow, these things are way comfey!” Jubilee laughed, surprised at just how comfortable the chairs were, since they were made out of shadows and all. Suddenly the sirens went off, and broke Lyrissa’s concentration, causing her to drop both herself and Jubilee. “Ouch… Sorry Jubie.” She groaned as they both got up. “It’s okay. Come on.” She answered as they both ran down to the War Room.

The sirens quit as suddenly as they started, and when they made it to the War Room, everyone was walking out. Everyone was either very amused, or very annoyed. “What happened?” Jubilee asked. “False alarm. Some kids were playing around and triggered the alarms.” Scott answered sharply. “Ah calm down sugar, it ain’t their fault ya wouldn’t let ‘em play in here.” Rogue grinned. “How’d they trigger the alarms?” Lyrissa asked. “Playing hide and seek I believe. They left the grounds, and triggered the defenses on their way back in.” Beast answered. “Oh my god, are they okay?!” she gasped. “Andrew got hit, but he’s fine. Other than that yes.” He answered. “Wow, why did they get so far away from the mansion?” Jubilee asked. “Because Scott wouldn’t let them play in the house.” Jean answered. Lyrissa punched him hard in the arm, which also hurt her but she didn’t show it. “Don’t be all mat at them then, since it’s your fault! This is why they don’t listen to you, they hate you.” She sighed before walking away.

She passed the front room, and found Andrew, Max, Jamie, Kiera, Dante, Jazz and Allie getting lectured by Xavier. “Why do they not behave that way around us?” Storm marveled, watching each of them, even Allie, standing silently and listening to his every word. Nodding and apologizing in his pauses. “Because he’s in charge, and they respect him. He didn’t have to put them in their place, he was automatically respected.” Lyrissa answered.

“I do not understand…”

“I respect him, and don’t argue with him. I do what he says, and it’s clear to them he’s above me. And I’m above Andrew, which means he listens to him too.”

“I see. It is like a tribe then?”

“Basically, yeah.”

“Ah Lyrissa, may I have a word with you?” Xavier asked as the kids walked away together. “Sure thing Uncle Charlie. See ya later Storm.” She smiled, and went to join him.

“What’s up?” she asked as they made their way out back.

“I was wondering how you are feeling.”

“Not too shabby, you know since someone I thought was my friend betrayed me and almost killed me, and then came back lying through his teeth to betray me even more. Thinking I’d be so weak, I’d actually believe him!” she ranted, darkening shadows as they walked the grounds.

“Calm yourself Lyrissa.”

“Sorry Uncle Charlie… I just can’t believe he’s with the Brotherhood.”

“Yes, well Jean also believed him, as well as Gambit. You weren’t the only one who led him here to us.

“Yeah I know… I just…”

“Feel guilty, I know. Don’t.”

“I hate when you do that.”

“I know you do.” They were both laughing as they walked around the edge of the grounds towards the cliffs.

“Don’t even think about it Lyrissa.” He warned, having read her thoughts.

“I wasn’t gonna jump.”

“Yes, you were.”

“I want to jump, but I’m not going to. Besides, you know I can swim, and I’ve taken a dive off here before remember?”

“You fell, and nearly died. I do remember.”

“I didn’t die though, and that was only the first time. The second time I jumped.”

“Yes, and you broke your arm that time. Lyrissa, I remember.”

“Only the bad stuff! It was fun, it was like I was flying! It was like-” she was cut off by a loud crash, which startled her and made her teleport off the edge of the cliff.

“Lyrissa!” Xavier nearly screamed, moving close to the edge to try and spot her.

“Oh my god Uncle Charlie, I can fly and have my own crash mat!” she screeched as she rose up with black wisps surrounding her feet and loosely wrapping up her legs and around the rest of her body. “Congratulations. Please land and get away from the cliffs.” He sighed with great relief as he spoke. “These wisps of mine, I always thought they were useless… these things rock!” she laughed as she landed. “Yes, I suppose they do.” He laughed with her.

“SPAARRKLESSS!!!!!! PRROFFESSSORRR-X!!!!” Jamie screamed as he flew over to them in his signature orange blur. “What is it Jamie?” Xavier asked. “What’s up Jamie?” Lyrissa asked at the exact same time. “Allie just fell off the stairs!!!” he yelled. “You’re kidding me… where is she?” Lyrissa demanded. “Infarm… inf… hospital place!” he replied. Lyrissa didn’t wait for anything else to be said before she teleported away.

“Shh, calm down Allie. You’re all right, you will be fine I assure you.” Beast said calmingly over her screams. “DON’T TOUCH IT!!” she wailed.

“I have to set it Allie, please.”

“NO! IT HUWTS!” she was crying very hard, sitting in Storm’s lap while Beast was trying to tend to her.

“Allie, what happened?” Lyrissa asked quickly. “She tripped over her shoelace while running down the stairs, and broke her arm.” Beast answered.

“Oh sweetie are you okay?” she cooed, rushing over to her. She was still crying, but nowhere near as hard, and with Lyrissa helping Storm distract her, Beast was able to set the bone. He went to find the casting supplies, but when he came back Allie wasn’t crying at all, and her arm was only heavily bruised, and not as swollen. Upon further examination, he found that it wasn’t broken anymore either.

“I don’t like that face Hank.” Lyrissa commented, noticing his dumbfounded expression. “It appears she has a healing factor.” He smiled in amazement. “W-what’s that mean?” Allie sniffled. “It means you heal like Logan does.” Lyrissa answered. “I have powews like Wovie?!” she gasped excitedly, blinking the last few tears from her huge blue eyes. “It seems so.” Storm smiled. Allie giggled happily, now fully recovered.

Later that evening Lyrissa was lying in the grass, in the rain as the sun set. She had been out there for about two hours, just sitting here or there, or lying in the grass. “Hey.” A gruff voice said as someone sat next to her, “Ya know it’s rainin’ right?” he asked. “Yes Logan, I know.” She smiled, she had always loved the feel of water against her skin, which is why she had taken her jacket off and was wearing her sports half-tank. “Ya’ve been cryin’.” He stated blankly. “This morning, when you sneezed, I was dreaming I was back home. I was about eight, and doing tricks with the yo-yo I had just gotten. Uncle Charlie had come over, and I had been out practicing most of the day to show him. Dad only watched for about an hour before going back to the labs. When you woke me up, I was almost through the front door. I was almost… in, in h-his arms… again.” She cried softly, letting her tears be camouflaged by the rain. “I’m sorry Lyrissa.” He muttered.

She said nothing as she slowly pulled herself into his lap, and rested her head on his shoulder. She always felt so safe and warm when he had his arms around her, even as cold as she was from being out in the rain for half an hour, without a jacket. Logan noticed how cold her skin felt, and started rubbing her arms trying to warm her up. “You know, that tickles.” She giggled against his neck. “Oh yeah?” he smirked, and kept going. “Seriously, either touch them or not, this little half touching, worried you’re going to hurt me thing tickles like crazy.” She laughed. He carefully applied more pressure until it didn’t tickle anymore. “Thank you.” She sang.

Neither of them knew how they went from sitting in the rain, to kissing, but then again, neither of them really cared. Lyrissa adjusted so that she was straddling his lap, pressing her entire body against him. He caressed her back and arms, being careful of her bruises, and started playing with her hair; which was even softer when it was wet.

“THEY’RE KIIISSSING IN THE RAIN, JUST KIIISSSIN’ IN THE RAAAIIN! OH WHAT A WONDERFUL FEEEELLLING, JUST KIIISSSIN’ IN THE RAAAAIIIIINNN!!!!!” someone suddenly sang in a thick English accent from the back door, as loudly as they could. “Do they have to interrupt every time?” he growled against her lips as another giggling voice joined in. “Yes Logan, they do.” She sighed, also keeping contact between their lips. “OH MY GOD! WE MUST HAVE DR. BEAST TREAT HER FOR THE COOTIES!” a girl laughed loudly, directing her comment at the kissing couple. “They’re not gonna stop until we do.” She sighed, finally breaking their kiss. “Bet I could make ‘em stop.” He smirked. “Without killing them. They are my family you know.” She laughed.

“JEAN SAYS QUIT SUCKIN’ FACE AND COME EAT DINNER!” Andrew’s voice echoed through the yard. “SHUT UP ANDREW!” Lyrissa retorted, reluctantly getting off of Logan. “Dinner’s gonna be fun.” He commented as they made their way back.

“Hey, is Mr. Logan wearing lipstick?” Dante smirked as they sat down together. “I’m not even wearing lipstick Dante. Shut up.” Lyrissa sighed. “But if you were it’d be all over him right now.” Jazz snickered. “Guys, seriously.” She laughed. “Dude, I think he hit second, maybe even third base out there!” Box commented. “Nah, he probably got farther than that when they went camping.” Andrew jeered. “GUYS!” Lyrissa shouted, turning very red. “You’re all embarrassing her, knock it of and eat.” Jean ordered. “I bet Wolverine could make her blush even more than we can.” Max whispered to his sister, who couldn’t contain her laughter. Lyrissa put her head down in front of her plate in exasperation.

“Enough. Not another word until you’ve finished eating.” Xavier ordered, the conversation stopped. “So how was everyone’s day?” Jubilee asked awkwardly. “We all know how Sparkles and Wolverine’s day’s gone.” Andrew muttered under his breath. Lyrissa slapped him hard with one of her wisps. “Hey! Did you guys see that? She just hit me!” he gasped, wanting her to be punished. “You rather I use de card?” Gambit asked, raising his brow and holding up an uncharged card. “Ya deserved that Andrew. I don’t see any reason ta punish her.” Rogue smiled. “Remind me to put extra sprinkles on your ice cream this Friday Rogue.” Lyrissa chuckled.

The group went back to eating in silence, until Kiera sneezed and shot an energy ball across the table at gambit. “I am so sorry!” she gasped, covering her face with her hands. He quickly put out the small flame on the shoulder of his jacket and smiled. “Petit, I’m Gambit, I be fine.” He grinned. “I don’t even know how I did that!” she said quickly, still trying to defend herself. “Dude… Kiera sneezes and stuff goes boom ha, ha!” Jamie laughed. “This isn’t funny, I could’ve killed him!” she yelled, beyond upset by the fact. “Kiera, it is all right. Everyone here either has, or has had problems controlling their mutant abilities. That is what I created this place for; to help others to learn to control their abilities.” Xavier smiled, succeeding at calming her down.

After dinner Lyrissa and Logan went up to her room, because she had something to show him. “You aren’t allowed to show anyone this. Just you. Earlier at dinner you said you liked my poem about the roses, and if I wrote any more you’d like to read them. This is one I wrote today… it’s hard to show this off, so don’t laugh okay?” she said as she dug through a dresser drawer, and pulled out a tightly folded sheet of paper. “I promise.” He nodded, and she handed him the paper, which he read aloud.

“Not a tear shed, over all these years time. Not a memory recalled of that painful night. Pushed from my mind, to numb my pain. Left behind, never, to be thought of again.” He broke off and looked up at her ready to say something. “Keep reading.” She said flatly.

“I said I’d never forget, and that I would always always remember. I promised myself to know his face. Though throughout time I’ve learned that isn’t the case.

“Yet memories remain, and images stay. I can still see vividly what happened that day. I heard the crash, I heard her scream. Those things will never leave me.” He stopped again.


“Logan, keep reading.” She pleaded, tears slowly rolling down her face.

“I saw his body, through the car’s frame. I heard her crying; calling his name. I felt confusion. I felt fear. I feel it still after all these years.

“I close my eyes, and search for his face; but it is an image that cannot be traced. Though I’ll never forget, seeing his body cover mine that day.

“And I hate myself for not remembering the sound of his voice. The smell of his clothes. Or the look of his smile. I hate myself more, for never just sitting with him a while.

“So tonight I cry, like a lost child in the night. For all the years held back, these burning tears never felt so right. For him I cry, so I can finally say goodbye.” The room was silent after he had finished reading. The poem was painful to write, but to hear the words in his voice… it was impossible for her to hold back her tears. She was however holding back the sobs that were fighting for freedom in her throat.

“Lyrissa,” he whispered. “I know, it’s pathetic, but I poured my soul into that, and I wanted you to see it. Before you asked me why I didn’t cry for him… now you know. I don’t like the way I feel when I think about him. I just feel alone, I’ve felt less alone all by myself walking through dark alleys in the city than I do when I think about him.” She whispered in reply, refusing to break down again. “I was gonna say it was amazing actually. I can tell ya put yer heart in it. And not just because of the tear marks on the paper.” He laughed the last bit before embracing her again.