Sequel: Lyrissa's Sparkles II

Lyrissa's Sparkles

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“Oh my god, take a picture.” Jubilee laughed to Hank when they found Lyrissa curled up in an armchair, wrapped in her “Binkie”, with the corner of it firmly clenched in her teeth. “I am afraid Jean and Jazz have the camera.” He frowned. “Then find them and get it back… we can’t miss this picture, it’s better than Logan sleeping with Allie’s tiger and Lyrissa’s blanket that one time.” She hissed. He smiled and nodded in agreement and went off to find Jean and Jazz, who were taking photos of Scott playing dress up with Allie, without him knowing they were there.

“Okay Scotty, now pour the tea for Sally.” Allie instructed in her room. They were sat at her small play table, fully dressed up, having a tea party with her dolls, and “Wogan”. “Okay.” He smiled, trying his hardest not to overfill the small tea set; he failed.

“Scott, you’re a terrible guest for tea.” Jean sighed after the flash lit the entire room, making him jump and spill even more apple juice, which is what they were using for tea. “I… er, you… Jean, how long have you been there?” he asked, blushing faintly. “A while.” She smirked, nodding to the camera in Jazz’s hands. “You didn’t… did you?” he asked worriedly. “Oh yes Mr. Summers, we have lots of pictures of you and Allie’s party. But don’t worry; they’re all good ones… except the one of you spilling everywhere. That’s a keeper though.” Jazz giggled.

“Jazz, may I borrow the camera? Jubilee and I need it for just a moment.” Beast requested when he finally got to them. “Sure, what d’you need to take a pic of? She asked. “Lyrissa, but she’s asleep, so we have to be quick and quiet.” He answered. “Oh, with the blanket? Yeah, we saw her earlier. Talk about cute right?” Jean smiled. “Yes. Very.” He laughed, taking the camera and heading back down to Jubilee.

“Oh awesome, take the picture.” She smiled eagerly as he pointed the lens at Lyrissa’s awkward sleeping position, and pushed the button. The flash went off, and they both held their breath hoping she wouldn’t wake up. They slowly exhaled when she didn’t even stir.
“What’s goin’ on?” Logan asked as he joined them. “Just got a picture of this.” Jubilee grinned. Logan’s entire self, wanted to sit in the floor in a fit of laughter when he saw

Lyrissa, who had moved from a ball under the blanket, to looking a bit like a big, faded pink jellybean, with a head hanging off the chair. “How long’s she been like this?” he asked with a smile. “All night, Jean found her earlier this morning, she fell asleep like this I believe.” Beast explained.

They watched her sleep in silence, noticing how her hair would change from completely normal black hair, to sparkling slightly, to sparkling more than they had ever seen, and back to dull. They took to counting the times it would change, until Logan noticed something that made him want to wake her up.

Just barely, she mouthed his name right as her hair lost it’s sparkle. He also heard her faintly whisper the words “please”, “Let me go” and “Help” a few times. The others didn’t seem to notice, but he certainly had.

He decided to let her sleep; hoping that whatever she was dreaming would be better soon. He sat on the couch, leaning over the armrest so that he could almost rest his head on the arm of her chair, and Hank and Jubilee went to return the camera and go about their usual day. Five minutes passed by, and now her hair had lost all of it’s sparkle, and she was just lying there. She would whimper every so often, whisper or mouth his name, or ask for help in the same way. He was just about to wake her when her eyes shot open and locked on him. She didn’t blink.

“Lyrissa?” he asked cautiously after clearing his throat. She still didn’t respond. “Lyrissa, are you okay?” he asked louder. “She’s still asleep.” Andrew sighed from the doorway to the kitchen.

“How would you-”

“She does this, wakes up and stares at you, and you think she’s awake but she’s not. If you touch her, she’ll either scream, and think you’re trying to kill her, or she’ll hit you. I don’t know why, it’s just something she does sometimes.”

“How do ya wake her up?”

“Hah, without getting hit, or losing hearing, throw cold water on her. That’s what we did
when we needed her awake.”

“I ain’t throwin’ cold water on her.”

“Well you can heal, so it wouldn’t matter if she broke your face, would it?” Andrew watched a few minutes, as Logan did nothing, before returning back to the kitchen and finishing his toast.

Logan was just about to wake her when she teleported away suddenly, without a warning. The only way he knew where she had gone was when he heard a splash out back, followed by her shriek. She wasn’t around to see him, so he didn’t have to hide his laughter until she came into the sitting room soaking wet.

“Mornin’.” He smiled lightly. “Shut up.” She spat, and went up to her room, slamming the door. “She hates waking up to cold water. Even if she’s the one who did it.” Andrew

explained loudly from the kitchen to Logan.
In her room, Lyrissa had stripped down and changed into some dry underwear, and crawled into bed. She hadn’t had dreams like that since she lived in the sewers, and was responsible for keeping everyone alive; and she had never had a dream where she was so helpless.

In her dream she was in the sewers, trying to keep everyone in the same room. Max and Kiera were trying to run off and play ball with Jamie and Dee. She wanted to cry as soon as she saw Dee running around with Jamie at top speed, just like they used to. Suddenly things changed, and people were charging in with guns, and trying to take the kids; it was her job to keep them safe, and keep them together.

She fought with everything she had to succeed in her task, but it wasn’t enough; she got captured, just like every other time she had those dreams. The only difference was that Logan was standing in the corner in his uniform watching her. She pleaded with him to help her, pleaded with them to let her go, begged him to make them let her go, but he just stood there and watched, and their grip only got tighter. She watched in horror as the one person she was counting on stood and watched her family be torn apart, and as the one person she loved watch her be bound and gagged, and carried off. Walking the other way, with a smirk on his face, and without even looking back once.

Tears burned her eyes, and she curled up tight under her covers for warmth as she went over the dream in her head. She had been half awake when she teleported, but she was still dreaming. It was the same thing as when Andrew would wake her up. But in her dreams with Andrew, sometimes he was the one attacking, or the one holding her. When she would be woken up, she’d just stare blankly at him, hoping he wouldn’t hurt her until she would wake up the rest of the way. If he were even touching her, she’d fight back. That’s why they would use cold water instead.

She was pulled out of thoughts by a light knock on the door, too low and soft for anyone other than Allie. “Hang on.” She answered, and crawled out of bed to put some clothes on. As soon as she opened the door, Allie attached herself to her legs, and refused to let go unless she was picked up. Lyrissa sighed, picked up the five year old, and went back to her bed to lie down.

“Why are you sad, and scared?” Allie asked.

“I’m not.”

“Yes you are, I can feel it.” She was getting so much better with her R’s lately it was amazing. Lyrissa guessed that the argument between her and Scott, over “Hanger” versus “Hangow” had something to do with it.

“I’m not sad, or scared.”

“Yes you are, don’t lie. Uncle Chawie says lying is wrong.”

“Allie, I just had some bad dreams. That’s all.”

“Why are you all wet?” she asked, playing with Lyrissa’s hair.

“Because I teleported into the pond again.” She answered through gritted teeth.

Allie giggled and snuggled closer.

“You’re funny Spawkles.”

“No you’re funny.” Her hair was starting to sparkle more.

“Wovie is scared about you.” Allie commented after a while of silence.


“Because, I don’t know.”

“Well, I guess I should go see him then.” She sighed.

“Uh-huh.” Allie smiled, wrapping her arms around Lyrissa’s neck, and staying in her arms
until they were back in the sitting room with the others.

“Oh Allie, do you have to be carried by Lyrissa everywhere ya go?” Rogue sighed as soon as she saw them. “It’s fine Rogue. I… Don’t, mind.” Lyrissa smiled, grunting as she readjusted Allie before sitting next to Logan.

“She said you were worried something?” she inquired, raising her brow at him. “Yeah, you. Ya were havin’ a nightmare, and when I tried to wake ya, ya just stared at me before teleporting outta here, and into the pond.” He explained. “It happens. Well not the teleporting thing, but the nightmares, and blank staring things. Just ignore them.” She smiled, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

“EWW! And with Allie in your lap Sparkles!” Box teased. He had walked into the room just as her lips met his face. “Oh come off it Box, they’re lovers. They can kiss if they want to.” Kiera scoffed, pushing him through the room and out the door. “Where are they going?” Lyrissa asked curiously. “Dey say dey gonna fix a problem. Gambit donno what dat means, but Andrew say it gonna make de fightin’ stop.” Gambit answered. Lyrissa’s face fell. “Have they been arguing?” she asked slowly. “Yes.” Gambit and Rogue answered together. “Have they been fighting with each other, or has everyone been fighting?” she asked. “Well, they haven’t been fighting. It is mainly Max, and Jamie who have been arguing, saying that Box could beat Kiera in a fight, and Max saying he couldn’t.” Beast explained. “Oh god, powers or no?” she asked quickly. “No powers.” Max answered as he ran out through the room and out the front door. “Oh man, they are going to murder each other!” she gasped and stood up so quickly, she almost dropped Allie. Almost.

“Box, Kiera, don’t even start!” she ordered as she caught them in fighting stances in the driveway. “You didn’t have a problem with this before we moved here.” Jamie sighed next to her. “Because before, we didn’t have a Danger Room. If they’re going to fight, I want it done right. Got it? Now inside. I’ll go talk to Uncle Charlie, and set up a time for the fight, where it’s safe.” She finalized. Max and Jamie groaned and drug their feet inside, while Kiera and Box jogged up to her. “Thanks.” He whispered as he passed her. “You saved my life.” Kiera giggled.

“All right, the rules are simple. Hand to hand only, no powers. The first to back out, or be taken out, loses.” Scott announced to Kiera and Box from the control room ten minutes later. Hank was standing by with a first aid kit, and everyone was packed in the room to watch. “Ready?” he asked. They both nodded. “Go!”

They both nodded to each other, and shook hands before going into the fight. True to what Jazz said, Box knew how to box, and was very good at it. Kiera was smaller, but she was fast and able to block and dodge most of his blows.

He hit her in the mouth with a hard hook, and they saw her spit blood before ducking back and putting some space between them long enough to recover. She came in hard and got him in the stomach, and twice in the face when he doubled over. He recovered quickly and got her a few more times. By the end of the fight, they were both bleeding, and Kiera was the winner. Box hit her so many times, that she already had a black eye, bruised cheek, split lip, and bloody nose. Not to mention the bruises she would have on her arms, sides, and back.

He wasn’t in much better shape. He had a bloody nose, split lip, and bruising ear from where she kicked him. He also would later have bruises all over him, and be just as sore as she was. Cyclops wanted him to be the winner, even though he backed out, because he backed out because Kiera wouldn’t. Box knew that she would fight until he seriously hurt her, and he refused to do that. So he put his hands up and took two hard blows to the face before she put her hands down and smiled.

“That’s it. Jamie, Max, shut up about who can win the fight!” Box shouted up to them. They both nodded, and Lyrissa, Andrew, and everyone else they had brought with them knew that it was the end of the argument. The X-Men, were shocked at the fight, and weren’t sure it would work.

“So you see Mr. Summers, that’s why we had to fight. Max and Jamie wanted to see who would win, and we knew they wouldn’t drop it. We’d never hurt each other. But we had to fight it out. It’s just how we do it.” Box explained later after Hank had treated him fully. “How bad would it have been if you weren’t here? I mean, if you were still in the sewers how bad would it have been?” he asked. “No different, but the first aid would’ve sucked.” They both laughed at Box’s reply. “I know it’s hard to understand at first, but if you lived like we did, you’d get it. Gambit seems to get it, and of course Professor Xavier understands. The only reason he does, is because he can read minds and actually see what we did. I don’t know why Gambit gets it, but I haven’t asked him.” Box shrugged. “Well, the bright side is Max and Jamie’s argument is over.” He smiled. “Sure is Mr. Summers.”

“Hey, check it out. Pink bandages!” Kiera beamed, showing off the bandages Beast had put on. “Cool!” Box laughed, faking his excitement. “You’re so lame. Anyway, I noticed you didn’t look so happy while we were fighting Mr. Summers. I wanted to see if you were mad or something?” she asked nervously. “No, it wasn’t that. I just didn’t see why he had to hit you, when he’s almost twice your size, and age.” He answered. “Oh, well that’s easy. You would’ve killed my brother if we hadn’t.” she laughed. “No I wouldn’t.” he smiled. “Oh yeah? Think three days from now, and him and Jamie are still arguing over the fight.” Box pushed. Scott sighed, he knew they were right, it would’ve been annoying to no end, but he wouldn’t kill the kid for it.

During their discussion Lyrissa was hiding in her fort in the woods. Allie was down for a nap, and she was taking the time alone to escape everything. Those dreams scared her before, with the thought of Andrew betraying her; but to dream that Logan abandoned her, and just walked away when she desperately needed her terrified her.
The fort was still pretty wet from the rain, since the blankets and sheets were all under the tarp, and in the tree, away from the sun to dry them. She knew being up there, she would get sick, but at the moment she didn’t quite care. She just wanted to be away from all the noise in the mansion. And that fort was away. Deep in the woods behind the grounds, she couldn’t even see the mansion from there. She had no idea that it was just outside defenses until someone wrapped her in one of the thicker blankets, and carried her out of the tree.

“Dude, let go.” She gasped, thinking it had to be Andrew playing another prank, since it was the day before Halloween. Andrew didn’t reply, he just kept carrying her. She started to squirm, and try to get out of the hold that had her over someone’s shoulder, but stopped when they slammed her head into a tree. As she blacked out, she knew it wasn’t Andrew.
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I'm very sorry if the format is bad, things are messing up for this computer, again.