Who Knew?

You're so Over-Rated

To be honest, it felt a little bit like high school musical; Justin Bieber addition. New years, at some dorky party with my mom, karaoke; complete with gentle snow falling outside. Now all I needed was my Gabriella, and a duet. I groaned as yet another shitty singer wailed into the microphone, as if just because they stood on that stage; it would make them good. In all truthfulness, it was just a little platform. In all truthfulness, this entire party was just a little lame. I mean, I didn’t even know anyone.

“If you think they’re so terrible, why don’t you sing?” My mom asked, poking me to get my attention. I looked over at her, then shook my head.

“First off; I don’t think they’re terrible. I know they’re terrible. Second… No. Effing. Way”

She just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, and went back to smiling and nodding along to the insanely out of tune version of ‘Like A Virgin’ some plump woman with obviously dyed orange hair was singing. Truth be told? This was terrible.

“I’m going for a walk” I said finally.

“Don’t forget your coat” she said, with a slight nod. I turned on my heel and gave her an ‘are you stupid, Woman?’ look.

“Mom, I said I was going for a walk. Not that I was going to turn myself into a Bieb-sicle” I said, then walked away before she could sass me for giving her sass. I hated double standards.

Once I had my fluffy black jacket, on, with the hood pulled well over my head, I walked out the door of the venue the party was in, and walked along the cobble-stone walkway; my Supra’s crunching in the snow. My hands were shoved deep into my pockets, and I was simply watching my breath as it clouded out in front of me, and then disappeared. Really, if I could be doing anything else but this; I would be. I actually could have been singing at one of the ball dropping ceremonies; but my mom decided that going to visit relatives and attend a shitty party were more important. Needless to say, I was now looking for any sharp item that I could use to kill myself.

“Pop star too cool for karaoke?”A female voice asked from behind me. I whipped around and stared at a girl with long dark hair, big brown eyes and a cute little button nose, which was tinted slightly red.

“Karaoke is lame, no matter who’s being forced to endure it.” I said back, hoping that the shadow my hood made over my face would help hide the amusement on my face. This really wasstarting to feel like high school musical… And to be honest, I didn’t like that move the first time around.

“Or maybe you just think everything is lame, because you’re so fantastic? Because you get to roam the globe and see exciting things?” She said, stepping a bit closer. I smirked and shook my head; but said nothing. So, she spoke again.

“What, sad that I’m not falling all over you?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. I laughed shortly and shook my head.

“It’s the exact opposite, actually” I said back, pulling my hand from my pocket to scratch my nose. To my surprise, she pouted and cursed under her breath.

“I hate the fact that my actions actually pleased you.” She said coldly, making me laugh.

“Why all the hate?” I asked, as I pushed my hood back a little, so that I could see her better. She waved her hand casually in the air and made her way over to me, walking in a little circle around me before she leaned against the railing behind us.

“It’s not hate, so much as annoyance. You’re so over-rated.” She said, shrugging. I stared at her with mock hurt, which just made her smirk at me. “Did I hurt your delicate little feelings Bieber?” She asked. I grinned menacingly at her, and walked over, so close that our faces were just inches apart.

“Not even close. Didn’t you hear? I heart haters” I said, then walked away, going back inside where I was welcomed by warmth.
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First chapter! I know it's short, but that seemed like a good place to end it c:

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