Who Knew?

The Stupidest Idea

“But mom, she hates me!” I shouted, making everyone in the room turn to look at me. Grace just scoffed, rolled her eyes and then looked in the other direction.

“Justin, please sit down so we can discuss this like adults” My mom said, quietly but sternly.

“Are you kidding Pattie? If an adult discussion is what you want, I suggest you put Baby-Bieber in his play pen, before he throws another tantrum” Grace said, making me narrow my eyes. Thankfully, my mom said nothing to Grace besides giving her a dirty look. I smirked triumphantly and sank down into the couch next to my mom, my arms crossed over my chest.

Now, let me explain just what’s going on. My mom had this bright idea, of the four of us going on a road trip, in order to extend my vacation, as well as Graces. And by four of us, I mean me, Grace, Cheryl and my mom. Meaning, me and three girls. How the fuck is this supposed to be fun for me? I would rather be working, my mom knew that from the beginning. But apparently, touring in the winter is unsafe, and she would rather me wishing I were dead, over actually risking my life on some icy highways. And didn’t a road trip involve us being on highways anyway? It was like, the same thing, only I would be hating life on the road trip, rather than enjoying myself performing.

“Justin, I’m sure you and Grace can put your differences aside. Just for the trip. Right Gracie?” Cheryl asked, turning her attention from me, to Grace before I could even say a word.

“Actually mom, I have to agree with Justin. I hate him.” She said, making my mom’s eyes widen.

“But Grace, just earlier today you were asking if you could join him for hot chocolate?” She said, her blue eyes still wide. Grace just laughed, and tucked some of her thick, dark hair behind her ear.

“That was code, for ‘may I have permission to pour burning hot liquid down your son’s pants?’ Honestly, I can’t stand him” She said. I just stared at her, my maple brown eyes boring into her head. However, both our mothers were persistent. I could tell by the set of my mom’s mouth, and the look in Cheryl’s eyes. We were going on this road trip, whether we wanted to or not.

“Well, you’re going to have to learn to stand him. You two will be sharing beds when we stop to sleep in hotels” Cheryl said, making both mine and Grace’s eyes bulge out of our heads.

“WHAT?!” We both shouted in unison, making both of our mothers smirk.

“You heard me. It’ll be more cozy if we all share one hotel room. And neither Pattie, or I would feel right sharing a bed with Justin” Cheryl said, aiming the end of the sentence to Grace, who was still staring at her mother in disbelief.

“But mom! What if he gives me AIDS?!” Grace asked, making me snort.

“Would you stop with the STD’s?!” I asked, making Grace narrow her eyes at me.

“Grace, you and Justin would have to either have sex or share a needle to get AIDS. Plus, I doubt that he even has AIDS, since he’s sixteen and hasn’t had a girlfriend in almost three years” My mom said, making me turn my shocked expression on her.

“Whatever, that doesn’t change the fact that this is stupid” Grace said, crossing her arms.


“Shut up Justin”

“I was agreeing with you!” I said, making Grace roll her eyes. “See what I mean?!” I shouted, making both Cheryl and my mom stare at me like I had three heads.

“Whatever your problems are with each other, you’d better get over them quick. We leave at six AM tomorrow, I suggest you pack tonight and dress warm” My mom said, then Cheryl and her walked out, leaving Grace and me sitting in the dim living room alone.

“You’d better sleep with one eye open, Bieber” Grace said, before she stood up and stalked out of the room.

“I already have been” I sighed, following her out slowly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments and subscriptions please?

Sorry this took so long. I was still having trouble figuring out what to have happen.

But now with the road trip, it'll give me more to have happen.

Anyway, you know the deal, so get commenting! (: