Status: Active! [IHopes..]

Love Letters

Andrew; Wind and Eyes, Both Cold as Ice

Andrew J. Adams sat with his eyes closed, fingers running along the keys in front of him, willing the piano to play the melody that had been running through his head all day. He was thinking of writing lyrics to the song; that is, if he could even remember how to play it the next day.
He hit a wrong note and flinched, a sigh escaping his lips as he opened his eyes and looked over at the two kids sitting in a pile next to him. A little girl that just turned six was sitting hunched over and leaned against his shoulder, asleep. Her name was Michelle. Her big brother, Daniel, was only two years older than her, but seemed to have the mind of someone far beyond his years. The little boy was draped over the piano, staring intently at his hands.

A sad smile crept across Andrew's face as he ruffled the boy's hair, then proceeded to pick up the girl and sling her over his shoulder. "Come on," he said quietly, glancing out the window to the darkness beyond. It seemed that days passed a lot faster in Alaska; or maybe he was imagining things. "Time for bed."
As he led the kids back to their respective rooms, Andrew couldn't help but notice the look on Daniel's face. There was a sadness too deep for a child his age in those eyes, and an understanding even deeper. Without a word, though, he tucked the boy into bed and kissed his head. He knew nothing he said would make the situation any more bearable; they both did.

When he got back to his room, he grabbed the opened envelope on his nightstand and sat by the piano again, using the top of it as a sort of desk. Grabbing a piece of paper from the stack that seemed to have found a home there on top of his favorite instrument, he bit his lip and began writing; or, rather, creating, as the almost calligraphic lettering took form across the page.

Dear Clarisse,

I was surprised to have gotten your letter so soon, as we're so far away from each other. Tell me more about France! I would love to hear about the adventures you're having over there, on the other side of the planet.

I do think winter is almost here. Looks like we'll be having a White Christmas soon.
The nights come fast, and last for what seems like eternity. I'm just glad the kids have been sleeping alright. Well, Michelle has, anyway.... I'm not so sure about Daniel. You couldn't imagine the look in his eyes, Clari. It's not right for a child so young to have this kind of a weight on their shoulders. It's almost as if he think he's now responsible for everything, especially taking care of his sister. If I could just get him to open up, to realize that he doesn't have to take care of anyone else right now.... He's hardly spoken a word to me since I got here, though.

Michelle, on the other hand, isn't any more beat up about it than she should be. She cries a lot when she talks about him, and I've heard her talking to him before she goes to bed a few times, but she still smiles and everything. Her friends come over almost every day, and when her father comes up, they all seem to be supportive, but for the most part, they play around like normal kids. It brings a smile to my face watching them. Makes me remember the good ol' days, you know?

Anyways... I'll be sure to give them both plenty of hugs for you. I'm almost positive they will both appreciate it, even if Daniel doesn't really show it. It's uncanny how much he looks like Michael, but his personality is so much different.... Or, maybe it's just the grief. I really hope I can help him heal enough to enjoy life before the holidays. It would do them both lots of good to have some fun, make some happy memories before they have to leave this all behind.

I almost wish I didn't have to take them from their home. If not for the fact that the house is being sold for more than I can afford, I might just move in here... We all know I can't stay up here forever, though. Too much sled dogs and craziness for me! People riding reindeer and polar bears through the streets where cars should be, kids playing tag with penguins... let me tell you, it's pretty hectic.
Haha, no; but, seriously.... It's cold. I swear, if there really were penguins up here, even they would turn into popsicles.

I miss you, too, and can't wait to hear about all the romantic scandals you're bringing to France. I bet you're already bringing a new meaning to the phrase "City of Love"! Maybe they'll start calling it 'Clari' instead, eh?


P.S. - Have you ever noticed how cool your name sounds with a French accent? Just sayin'.

The young man folded the papers he had written on in half and slid them into the envelope, sealing it before he could change his mind, and put a stamp on it. He had written a lot more than he had planned to, but he hoped she wouldn't mind. The night before she left was still running through his mind at random moments. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't even sure how it started. Rubbing his hands over his face, he let out a deep breath before grabbing another piece of paper.

Dear Tommy,

How are things going at home? How are Mom and Dad? I can't wait to get back down there and away from this cold weather. Still, part of me can't imagine leaving now that I'm here. I don't know if I'll be able to tear these kids from their home when the time comes. Little Michelle has her friends, and you should see the look on Daniel's face when I say anything about moving.... Hell, you should see the look on his face all day, every day. He's hardly spoken since I got here, and his silence makes it seem all that much worse, as if it were even possible.

How are things going with your Music Therapy thing? Are you enjoying your classes?
I'm thinking of writing a song, and I can't wait for you andCla everyone else to hear it.Like I said before, though, part of me doesn't really want to go home.... Besides, I don't know what I'm gonna do when I see Clarisse again. You'll never guess what happened, bro.


It was a bit amusing to him how much of a difference in length there was to his letters. Still, with a sad, tired smile on his face, Andrew put the paper in it's envelope, put a stamp on it, and took it, along with the letter to Clarisse, downstairs. Glancing at the clock, he grabbed a jacket and slipped it over the sweater he was already wearing, then walked outside to the end of the driveway. He made sure to push the flag up after he slid the envelopes into the mailbox, and headed back inside.

Right as he was opening the door, a drop of wetness hit his cheek, and then another hit his nose, and yet another hit his wrist. Looking up with squinted eyes, Andrew bit his lip. Thunder crashed in the distance, but he just stood there for a few minutes, hand on the doorknob. Finally, he came to his senses and hurried inside, not bothering to take off his jacket before he went back upstairs. When he walked into his bedroom, he jumped, caught off guard by the sight in front of him. Both kids were sitting on his bed, Michelle curled up into a ball with tears welling up in her eyes, Daniel next to her with his arms around her shoulders. "She's scared..." Daniel's quiet voice slid through the air, and he looked out the window at the rain meaningfully.

Within seconds, Andrew was across the room and on his bed, his wet coat discarded, sitting on his bed with his arms around the kids, wrapping blankets around all of them. Thunder crashed through the house, and Michelle jumped, letting out a small squeak. "Andrew..." she whimpered, looking up at him with big, innocent eyes and a tear streaked face, "why are the angels crying?"

He didn't have time to answer before another round of thunder boomed around them, and the little girl curled into his side, covering her ears with her blanket-wrapped hands and squeezing her eyes shut. Andrew rubbed the girl's back, looking sympathetically at Daniel, but the boy seemed a lot more worried about his sister. His eyes never left her face, and he was running his fingers through her hair soothingly.

They stayed like that all night, until the storm died down and the children fell asleep in their little blanket igloo.