A Raven and a Sparrow

A Raven and a Sparrow: Part 8, A Stranger in the N

Later, she had finished washing the men’s flasks and was stacking them when she heard a door creak open. She slowly unbolted her door and peeked outside. She saw a dark figure creeping across the Pearl, of whom she recognized to be Jack. The ship was moving, a slight breeze whispering through the sails. Jack was now up at the helm, steering the ship this way and that. After a few minutes, and inanimate ship came up on the dark horizon, the Flying Dutchman. Jack pulled the Pearl up right next to the Dutchman, and made a giant leap to drop the anchor. Once the ship had come to a stop, Jack took a rope and swung onto the Dutchman, landing with a soft thud. Annabeth moved behind a barrel to continue watching him. She heard a sword being drawn, tearing paper, and a thud. When she glanced over the top of the barrel, Jack was gone. She looked around once more and scurried over to the sword, now lodged deeply into the wooden rail of the Dutchman with a small note attached. She leaned over to read the note and gasped.