The Tragic Truth


I walked down the hallway to my locker. First day of junior year; fun fun. Don't get me wrong, they're a lot of plus sides to coming back to school. I mean, for one, you get to see all your friends again. And there's always the chance that there'll be a hawtt new kid. I’m boy crazy, I know. But seriously, I've heard that junior year is the worst. And I already have enough trouble in school.

I opened my locker and my best friend, Dannii, showed up beside me.
"Hey, long time no see!" she said. I laughed at her sarcasm. We hugged and I went back to shoving new crap into my locker.

"So who else have you seen so far? I mean, I basically haven't seen anyone besides you and Neill all summer." Neill was one of Dannii's best friends. They went out for a while, but it was a bit awkward, so they broke up and just agreed to be friends. We were pretty tight too, I guess. I waved my hand and doubled it with a look as if to say how-should-I-know-I-just-got-here.

"Umm..." I started, "I think I just saw Collin, but he was talking to his little sister, so I didn't bother him. This is gonna be an interesting year, huh? I mean, we have to start applying for colleges, and-well-it's just gonna be interesting."

"Yea, you do that," Dannii said, sort of distracted, "I'm gonna go...this way." And she walked off toward a new kid that she'd already spotted.

I guess I should explain a little before I go any farther. I'm Skye. I lived in New York. I attended Manson High School, and I was a junior. Dannii was my best friend. We actually just moved there the year before. Both of us. See, I basically hated my family (well, I still do) when I lived in Wyoming. And not just the "oh my damn they won't let me pierce my nose I hate you" kind of hate. I despised them. With my mom being my alcoholic, and my dad being an abusive sex addict, I did whatever I could to be out of the house almost all the time. It was just amazing that they were still actually married. But when I turned 16, I had finally had it. I had been saving up for a car, so I bought a cheap Jeep Wrangler and rounded my things up to leave.

Dannii had also been having multiple problems with her family, so she packed her things as well and we…well I guess you could say we ran away. We didn't have much of a life in Wyoming, anyway. We came to New York, got jobs, and started sharing the rent in a small apartment near Time Square. And hey, we're responsible enough, so we enrolled ourselves into Manson High School and pretended to get on with our lives. Yea, pretty rough, I know. But if you had actually experienced what I've been through, you would understand why I had to leave.

I went through the rest of the day pretty normal. You know, first-day-of-school-procedure. The teachers tell you who they are, what their class is about, what you'll be learning, and no-they-won't-write-you-a-fake-note-to-get-out-of-class; the whole shebang.

In homeroom, the last class of the day, my friend Nicole invited me to a beginning of the year party at her house. Her house was absolutely HUGE, complete with intercoms and everything. And everyone loved her. She was basically the most popular kid in school. Anyway, I told her of course I'd go, and asked her who else would be there.

"Umm, well I basically invited the whole junior year, and some sophmores and seniors that we know. Oh, and Ka-ae is gonna be the-ere!!" she teased me in a sing-song voice. Kae was this kid I had a crush on. Nothing big. I actually WAS hoping he'd be there; he was really cool. But we were friends, so he didn’t really know a thing. I know, really immature of me. To each her own.

"Is Dannii invited?" I asked. Stupid question, of course. I already knew the answer.

"Of course!" Nicole said, "see you at eight!"