The Tragic Truth


I woke up holding Kae in a death grip. I felt sore, like someone had beaten me repeatedly inside and out all night. I hadn't had nightmares like that in-well, in a long time. I just wanted to forget about what I dreamed. But, unfortunately, Kae wouldn't let me. And I figured he deserved to know. I mean, he hardly knew about my life at all.

Kae stroked my hair and looked down at me. I figured he had been up for, an hour? Who knows how long?

"So, you wanna tell me what's wrong?" he asked softly. He kissed me on the cheek and hugged me. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I just thought it'd be good to be able to tell someone..." he let his voice carry off into silence.

"No, I want to tell you. You deserve to know," I replied calmly. It was time that he knew just how much my life really was screwed up. But I could already feel the tears welling up inside my eyes.

"I have a really screwed up life," I said in a sort of monotone way, "and the whole reason that me and Danii live here alone is because, well, we're runaways. We drove off to New York as soon as we got our drivers licenses. As far as I know, my Mom is still an alcoholic psycho-bitch, and my Dad is a sex-addicted repressed depressive who takes his anger out on everyone around him." I was really close to tears.

"It was really easy to leave, because I was an only child. But it wasn't always like that. I had a little brother named Patrick," I could feel the tears running down my cheek, "one day, we were playing in the street with some friends, and some crazy guy ran him over. He had tried to a couple minutes before it happened, which made the police think that it was probably pre-meditated of some sort...But they never caught his killer. Why I woke up-crying; I had a bunch of nightmares of memories that happened in the past."

I tried to hold back the whole sobbing-reflex, but it didn't work. I was crying all over again, like I did earlier on. I bit my lip and buried my head into Kae's chest.

"I never knew..." he said, off in thought, "I'm sorry. I don't really know what to do..." He tilted my head up and leaned into kiss me. I wiped off my tear-stained face and said,
"You don't wanna kiss me...I'm a mess." I tried to put up an argument. But he just shook his head and kissed me gently on the lips. I slid closer to him in the bed and kissed him back. We fit together like two puzzle pieces in a jigsaw puzzle.

He broke off the kiss and stared into my red, sore eyes. What he saw in me I would never know.

"Hey, your birthday is in..." he started. And then he glanced off, like he was in deep thought, "two days? Yea...that's right. Because today's November 6th." Yea, he was right. My birthday was in two days. I'd be 17. Yippee.

The phone rang. I snuggled in with Kae, hoping that Dannii would answer it. But after the second ring, I reached over and got it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi, Skye? This is Mom. Listen, I know you haven't heard from us in a while. But it's your birthday in two days, and Dad and I thought we'd call you. We finally found your number, it took long enough..." I lost my train of thought. I zoned out. I stared blankly in front of me, not processing what was going on around me.
