The Tragic Truth


Kae ‘moved’ back into the apartment on New Year’s Day. Not that he had to actually move anything. When he went to Clover’s, he didn’t even bring his toothbrush.

Kae and Dannii decided to cook breakfast. I can’t cook to save my life, so I opted out and took a shower, instead.

When I got out of the shower, I walked into my room with my black and white robe on. I could hear Dannii and Kae in the kitchen. Apparently they wanted to ‘bond’. I actually thought it was a good idea, seeing as they didn’t know each other that well. I heard something clatter to the ground.

“Shit!” I heard Dannii exclaim from the kitchen. I smiled to myself. I took off my robe and went over to my dresser to get lotion. I popped the cap open, when suddenly Kae burst through the door.

“Hey, Dannii and I were thinking we should have a movie night an-” he took one look at me and quickly looked away. “Ah…sorry. Should have knocked.” I rushed over and grabbed my robe, quickly slipping it on.

“Umm…yea. Knocking would have been nice,” I said awkwardly. We stood there for a couple moments; Kae glancing away at me, and me staring at his back, waiting for something to happen. Then Kae looked back at me, probably trying to see if I was actually wearing something. I frizzed my hair, trying to get some of the wetness out of it.

“What about a movie night?” I asked, sitting down on our bed. He sat down beside me and stared me in the eyes, trying not to, you know, look elsewhere. I laughed at the seriousness of his gaze. He raised an eyebrow, but answered me anyway.

“Well, we were thinking we could all just watch a bunch of movies later tonight. Have popcorn, you know, the whole shebang. Preferably scary movies.” I laughed again.

“Yea, sounds good. It’ll be nice to have a quiet night in the apartment, after all the parties we’ve been hosting. Well…I guess it won’t be totally quiet. Scary movies plus me equals screaming and you being locked in death grip.” I smiled, and he smiled back.

“Well…hurry up. Dannii and I made breakfast, and I don’t think we burned anything.” He smiled again, then got up from the bed and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

The breakfast was actually good. We had toast and eggs, and along with everything else, crepes. Anytime Dannii came over to my house or I went over to hers when we were younger, we always made crepes. It was sort of a tradition. We liked to eat them with butter and brown sugar wrapped up inside them. No fruit involved, no sir.

Later that night, we had picked out a variety of scary movies. We knew we were probably only going to be able to get through about three of them, but we had extras just in case. Our first choices were Gothika, The Butterfly Effect, and The Jacket. And of course [even though these couldn’t really be labeled as horror movies] we had to pick out Underworld and Underworld: Evolution. Those were always a must.

We all sat squished on the couch. Kae was in the middle of us, putting on the bravado act and holding the bowl of popcorn. I leaned my head on his shoulder. Dannii was doing the same on the other side. We were shoving popcorn constantly into our faces, to keep us from squealing or something. We knew what was coming next; we were at the part where Halle Berry was at the farmhouse and was about to discover that girl under the staircase.

After that, we proceeded to watch The Jacket. That and The Butterfly Effect are my favorite movies. The Jacket always creeped me out a little. And I loved the ending, but it’s so sad! When I first saw it, I had to watch it a second time before I understood how and when all the time skips where taking place.

The Butterfly Effect was the last movie on our list. It was almost 1:00 already; we were all ready to go to bed after this movie was done. This movie always made me cry towards the end. As soon as Ashton Kutcher came on the screen, both Dannii and I gave a look towards each other as in to say, “He is completely do-able.” Kae understood the look we were giving each other, and playfully smacked me on my thigh. I smiled.

“He is hawtt and you know it, Kae.” Dannii and I both laughed. Kae just shook his head and laid it on top of mine.

Technically, we never went to bed. We all fell asleep during the very end of the movie. Too bad, too, because I loved the ending especially. Dannii woke up first, and quietly turned the TV and DVD player off. Kae sort of fell over a little where she had been. I just leaned where Kae went; he was my pillow. We ended up sleeping in until about noon.