The Tragic Truth


On the Monday after Dannii left, it started out perfectly normal. I went to school later than normal, because Mondays and Wednesdays were block days. The day passed as if I hadn’t even woken up in the first place. I just wandered aimlessly through the hallways all day.

After school, Zoe, Derek, Kae, and Clover invited me to come with them to Pizza Hut. I turned them down. Ever since Dannii left, Zoe and I had become relatively closer, which was good. But today I was feeling awful; I just wanted to be alone. When I got home, I just collapsed onto my bed and closed my eyes.

I’m sitting up in my bed, with my knees pressed up to my chest. I rest my head on them and curl my arms around my knees. I’m crying. Suddenly, someone is opening my door. I look up and try to wipe some of the running make up off of my face. The person opens the door. His figure stands in the doorway, slowly walking up to me. “Don’t worry, baby girl. I’m here. Don’t hurt anymore.” I know that voice. And I know that face. It’s-

I sat straight up in bed. Who was that guy? I thought. I just couldn’t remember the face, or the voice, even though it had only been a second ago.

“Dammit!” I said out loud. The dream had seemed-important. What scared me was that I didn’t think it was Kae. My phone started vibrating, which spooked me; it was still in my pocket. I took it out and looked at the caller ID. Speak of the devil; it was Kae.

“Hey hun,” I answered. There was a bit of an awkward silence on the phone before he responded at all.

“Hi,” he said.

“What’s up?” I asked, trying to start a conversation.

“Not much...listen, we need to talk.”

“Umm...okay. What about?”

“Well, see, it’s do I say this? For see, there’s-no...goddammit.” He was stumbling on everything he said, completely at a loss for words. I had never heard him like that.

“What are you trying to say?”

“I think…we should take a break.” My jaw dropped the equivalent distance of a football field. Now I was at a loss for something to say.

“What?” I replied feebly.

“I think it would be best if we broke this off for a while.” I tried to say something, but every time my mouth attempted to form words I just lost it. Finally I got it together to the point where I would sound completely calm.

“And why would we do that?”

“We just...we need to.”

“Kae, I’m not comprehending.”

“It’s just-Skye, listen, we’re only seventeen, and we’re already living together. It would be best to just re-think things before we get more serious than we already are-”

“This is bullshit, Kae. I thought it was working! Why don’t you just give me some straight answers?”

“Skye, I’m not sure if I love you. I thought I did, but after some serious thinking...” The perfection of his voice paired with those words broke my heart. Sure, we had never really straight-out said to each other that we loved one another. But I thought it was implied.

“What-made you-change-your mind?” I said, over-pronouncing every syllable. I’m pretty sure I growled mid-sentence.

“I’m not sure. I’ve been doing some serious thinking. I can’t truly explain all of this. But I think it would be best to take a break. Just for a while.”

“A break? Is that just layman terms for ‘we’re breaking up’? Why don’t you just come right now and say it?”

“It’s nothing like that. I’ll just be staying with Clover for a while. I just don’t want to hurt you when my mind hasn’t really been made up.”

“Kae, listen to yourself. You’ve already hurt me. This hurts.” I slammed the cover of the phone shut.

I wanted to be angry, but I knew I couldn’t. I didn’t think I could ever be angry with him. I was hurt, I was distraught, and I needed a tissue. I could feel the first of the tears rolling down my cheek. I looked at my phone, and with one swift motion, I chucked it across the room. It fell to the floor near my closet. I sat on the edge of my bed for a minute, sobbing and wondering why or how I deserved this. My best friend left me, and then my boyfriend follows suite. Frantically, without much thinking, I ran over to my drawer and started sifting through it. In the back of the drawer was the white halter top that I was looking for. I held it tight, crying into it and sensing the smell of the left over sun screen that never got washed out. I just stood there, crying into the only remnants I had of the last person on earth that I should have been thinking of.